5 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer

peak reading comprehension

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not so much that they like to be used by companies, but that they don't care enough to change or learn how to stop it. for most people, the idea of giving up their favorite online service because of ads or whatever other predatory anti consumer shit it implements is a little extreme.

as long as it works, the vast majority of people who are not tech-literate will just use it regardless.

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corporation yet again proving that if you want to be free to use your own things that you paid for on your own computer you can never trust anything that requires an internet connection to not trample all over your rights

love it very cool really vibing with the current state of software and the internet

why doesn't Radiohead put out an entire album of songs like pulk/pull revolving doors? they had a really unique and cohesive idm sound going and kinda dropped it to the side

this is the correct response.

get it in writing that they accept the risk that comes with not upgrading so it can't come back on you. all you can do is CYA and make recommendations - if management does not agree with your recommendations make sure you have it documented that you informed whoever is making the decision of the risk.

if you think your employer will somehow still try to hold you accountable for this, save the aforementioned correspondence using something your employer does not manage i.e. a personal device. you could also let other people than this specific individual know about this so it isn't just your word vs his.

it's important to mention wherever that incorrect point is brought up:

the only reason people say there are no viruses on linux (which is wrong from the get go) is because there just isn't enough market share for lots of malware to be written and distributed with a linux target in mind. it is out there and it is a risk, just much rarer than windows malware. if more people start using linux, user-targeted linux malware in the wild will likely become just as common (and effective) as the stuff targeting windows.

never assume your system is safe by default and requires no hardening or awareness from the user/org.

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true garlic heads know that the secret is to use both cooked and raw garlic to maximize your garlic per garlic

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but this is a game that basically lives and dies by its mods, and this is an update that (arguably) changed nothing anyone who is still playing the game cares about after years of stability. why fix what isn't broken?

how could what they wrote mean genocide?

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you're making me wonder what a whole technomage theme could/would look like

i think the problem a lot of people (myself included) have specifically with nudity on twitch is with the streamers whose streams are basically just porn. now there's nothing inherently wrong with porn, nudity, or sex work on the internet or in real life, but the issue comes in when you put people who are essentially sex workers on the same video game streaming site many young people visit for non-sexual content. now porn is available and popular on their favorite game streaming site, and it is being forcibly recommended to users who have never browsed that category of content on twitch before.

pretty much all i watch on twitch is super mario 64 speedruns, but 9/10 times when i log in my first recommended channel is a streamer with their tits out doing jumping jacks in a hot tub or something. i can only imagine this is happening to a large percentage of other users as well, including younger users who could be easily manipulated by an attractive and interactive woman online heavily incentivizing them to donate money.

it basically boils down to: i don't care that porn is on the site, but it should not be recommended to people who are not already browsing that content as that is not what i'm there to see.

edit - re-reading the changes, i'm hoping that the stream visibility and content label changes would fix this issue.

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There’s not enough of us, but I still don’t care. I refuse to pay to watch ads.

i had this conversation with my dad recently about how shitty everything is now with ads etc, and his response boiled down to "i don't care enough". sucks to see people being complacent in being subject to greedy corporate whims. as much as i want people with that mindset to care, i have no idea how to effectively argue against "i don't care".

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that's great, but most vegans you speak to will tell you that we aren't telling the people who lack the privilege we have to go vegan. we're asking our neighbors, our bosses, our friends - people in similar if not the very same life circumstances as us - to walk a couple aisles over from where they buy the meat in the grocery store and buy some beans instead.

people love to bring up the privilege thing, but i would argue that it is entirely irrelevant. the entire point of veganism is to do what is reasonably possible and practicable. not to tell people who don't have the privilege to be so discerning about their diet that they are going to hell or something.

exactly! whenever anyone says imperial units are "more intuitive" and better reflect "how it feels to humans", i can only think: obviously, you grew up with it. that's what you know.

no matter what measurement system you were raised on, it will feel intuitive to you and reflect how you as a human experience the world because you are used to measuring things in those units. having said that, i'd much rather we used metric if for nothing else than the ease of unit conversion.

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came here to post almost exactly this. it's pretty interesting and rare seeing someone questioning this sort of thing outside of a dedicated asexual community. i'm glad lemmy has people like you who are welcoming and well-informed!

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although you're right, i'm not sure this battle is worth fighting anymore tbh. i used to care about which word to use, but it kinda seems like splitting hairs now.

i don't think the distinction between the two matters to most people anymore, especially since most modern titles fall into the -lite category rather than -like.

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hey its me the guy you predicted would tell you the thing you said i would tell you

the reason people say neofetch is useless is because the information it gives you is not very detailed when compared to something like inxi for example

i don't think many people would consider posts that are literally paid advertisements part of "our space"

it really is crazy how different it feels to use a linux pc after being conditioned to think that windows is just how using a computer is. the way i relate it to my friends is that using windows feels like i'm constantly compromising with the computer, but using linux i own my computer and it works for me - not the other way around.

idk sometimes it's just fun to eat something really hot, especially with friends

my dad and i did the 1 chip thing a few years back and we got a fun time and a funnier video out of it. not much more to it really

I recommend tachiyomi for manga / graphic novels for mobile, which is where i read most manga. you can get series from a lot of different sites, add custom sources, and locally download. it rules

thank you for putting in the effort to even think about the ace homies lol. it was actually really refreshing to see it even brought up in this thread since it isn't talked about a lot!

from what i've read it can vary a lot from person to person, and it is a spectrum. in my experience i can compare it to aphantasia, where i haven't experienced this thing that many people consider central to their lives and those around them but it really hasn't affected me in a negative way that i can perceive. as i understand it, asexuality is purely the lack of sexual attraction, and theres plenty more words to further specify where people fall on the spectrum if you want to look it up.

i think a lot of the "iffy" ace identification/definition you can read about online simply comes from it being so hard to prove the absence of a thing, when the opposite can be so easy.

i upgraded last night! and when i booted up this morning, i was unable to log into any accounts in the login screen lol. if anyone else has a similar issue where the only option login screen gives you is wayland and that doesnt work for you or you want to use x11, what fixed it for me was installing plasma-meta as for whatever reason that wasn't on my system at the time. this allowed me to select x11 again from the login screen and my system is working as normal.

i know we're still in early days of plasma 6, but does anyone know any good calendar/weather/time widgets that i can replace this one with? haven't found another good calendar widget yet.

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HEY bots don't wink

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yeah if i was preparing to take billy mitchell to court thats all i would talk about or make videos about lol

plus it seems like a lot of his time and energy is going into that and the topic is similar enough to his other videos that he might as well document it.

yeah all the data is out there for why its better for you, the planet, and the animals that live on it, and i find it strange to not find veganism "modest" enough. going vegan was the easiest major lifestyle change i've ever made, and beans are cheaper than meat.

the only time i have problems being vegan is when someone else makes it a problem, and for some reason people really like to respond to any mention of veganism with hostility. but also those same people love animals and hate animal abuse.

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i agree with op's take but only in the sense that games made with the intent to be esports end up being antithetical to what makes games enjoyable, at least for me. it kinda feels new pvp games are exclusively targeting competitive gamers and the casual online pvp space is shrinking or being driven to older games.

but that might just be my own aversion to being told to take my own life by an angry teenager when I make a mistake while playing with a digital toy to enjoy my time off work.

it sounds so stupid and the first time I did it I felt a little silly, but doing this really works. anyone who is angry with you (without a good reason at least) has no idea how to respond given genuine kindness in response to an attack. plus it's nice to be a positive voice in the world, and I'm sure many people who are angry on the internet could benefit from being told that they matter and are loved :)

i want and try to be but i don't succeed every day. i hate thinking about those times when i don't succeed, but being mindful of those times is a big part of what i can do to succeed more often.

and most are pathetic for it

yeah it's hard to meme about my nether chest full of rats when reddit still has all the polytetrafluoroethylene smh

really wish i wasn't using discord, but i keep in contact with a good number of people on there and less than half of them would even consider switching services/software.

I used Manjaro for about 3 years as my first daily driver Linux install, and I agree with you about the functionality. But I think where most people take issue is the unusual errors and behaviors that the maintainers have demonstrated in the past. Most people (including me) don't want to even have to think about what would happen if the people maintaining my os updates screwed up and luckily us Linux users are spoiled for choice, so people choose/recommend other options.

yeah i've basically never had an issue that wasn't my fault for tinkering with something that is either unstable or that i didn't understand well enough.

i will say that rolling releases like arch can introduce system-breaking issues (it happened to me like twice in the 3 years i've been running arch, but man it sucks when it happens) so users who aren't so into tweaking and messing with their systems should probably opt for something more stable.

anything with turn-based combat as a core mechanic is an instant skip, nothing else about the game matters

fun is an overstatement but it can be enjoyable with a friend. definitely not as bad as some people make it out to be though

this could be a double edged sword - do not go for shampoo skip the timesave is not worth

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i've been feeling the same way the last couple weeks. i like lemmy but there's nothing to see here if you don't want to talk about politics or linux, and it exhibits many of the same things i dislike about other social media platforms as well.

its also making me realize that maybe i don't want "reddit when it didn't suck so bad" but rather what would really bring me the happiness i'm seeking in reddit replacements is likely something entirely unrelated to social media.

factorio is one of the best automation games ever, and also has just about any quality of life feature you could think to add to a game.

i'm in my first ever modded playthrough with space exploration and i'm blown away by the increase in complexity. the vanilla game is great but the mods are definitely worth trying if you want an exponential jump in complexity.

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shower tas incoming