
2 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Gee I wonder how they'll rule. A real judge would recuse from a case involving the one who appointed them. A real government would imprison a Justice who engages in open corruption. I guess we'll just have to see if I'm right once again.

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If this weren't a fucking banana republic he'd have swung two years ago. We're irreversibly fucked and it took a orange con-man to finally prove it.

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"Desperate"- some would say it's their legal obligation as a citizen to protest an insurrectionist cunt being on the ballot.

If he had been arrested, tried and ****** in 2021 this wouldn't be an issue. Doesn't really matter anyway; with the electoral college, red states dominate though they have less population and fewer teeth. My measly little anti-trump vote goes right in the shitter.

We already saw the flight logs. Some of us looked up the airport codes and saw who flew where. This is not news.

Put your goddamn helmet back on.

Frankly Latvia has a duty to its own citizens to be prepared for the inevitable.

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nothing will happen

And he's so fucking stupid he'll fall for it again ... and again ...

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Oh you mean Nimarata Randhawa?

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It is troubling that so many major powers are inundated with individuals whose true loyalty is to Israel, not their own country or its people.

$360,000 coulda bought a shit-ton of denim dresses and white tennis shoes.


saying modern life is so comfortable that intelligence is no longer an evolutionary advantage isn't pro-eugenics, it's the fucking truth. As far as anti-democracy, I am actually an Arkansas inbred, and my vote against magatardism goes straight in the trash thanks to the electoral college.

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Anyone still paying for Netflix after their last round of price hikes is a fucking moron.

"He's a fucking retard." -Rex Tillerson

Saying it once was fucking stupid.

It's a feature, not a bug, you silly goose. Now get back to work making excess profits.

If someone could please name one well-known, successful, openly right-wing comedian ....

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Trash goes in the can. Better than what I'd give them.

Stupid fatass has main character syndrome.

Those forkfaces wouldn't know a good-faith argument if it drugged and molested them at a GOP fundraiser.

But you can get a used thinkcentre tiny mini micro on ebay for $80. Wtf would I spend 100+ on a pi?

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You aren't missing anything. It's just an hour of an angry paranoid rich guy whining about problems that aren't problems.

Maybe you do if you can fuck a kid on the way, and you're way into fucking kids.

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fucking bullshit. My bff is a roadie and he told me the Trump roadshow runs on blow.

retards of a feather flock together

My comment was removed by a Zionist mod, so here's a short list of the times Israel was caught red-handed killing allies and blaming someone else:




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That immigration from the third world is good for every country except Israel.

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Stop all support of Israel. Stop all funds to Israel. Refuse entry to all Israeli passport holders. Deport Israeli visa holders. Arrest and imprison all MOSSAD agents in the US. Seize and forfeit all US assets held in full or in part by Israeli citizens. Israel is an illegitimate terrorist state.

The Democratic National Committee is controlled opposition. Obama was a fantastic president by Republican standards, Hillary, while more qualified than any candidate has ever been, has the charisma of a dumpster cheeseburger (iT wUz HEr TurN), Joe is a Nixon-era neocon goofus. They don't want to win, but if they happen to accidently win, they make sure it's someone safe and slightly right-of-center.

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Chapter 1: How to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory - the 2016 Elections

I haven't flown in years. It's simply too expensive.

If you factor in the amount of time wasted waiting around to get through security, waiting to get on the plane, waiting on the plane to take off, waiting at the gate after landing, waiting on your luggage, waiting on transportation from the airport, flying isn't much faster than driving.

Gas may be expensive, but the buttfucking you get at the airport just isn't worth it anymore.

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There is recourse, but that sort of thing only happens to democrats. We just don't have the 'unhinged violent nutjob' supply the bad guys do.

81 years vs 77 years.


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The proposition made by the song is proven true by the necessity of the "/s." I hate this fucking clown world.

This entire discussion is horseshit. Only a frittata or a person who's never heard of Green Day would be dismayed by their political ideology. Just wait until that mouth-breather finds out who started punk in the first place.

Dude- it's like you're reading my mind. I've installed Nextcloud 4 different times, the most recent being on docker desktop in Win11. I've resorted to using chatgpt to help me with the commands. LITERALLY EVERY STEP RESULTS IN AN ERROR. The Collabora office suite (necessary to view or edit cloud docs without downloading them) WILL NOT DOWNLOAD. The "php -d memory_limit=512M occ app:install richdocumentscode" chatgpt and Nextcloud suggest is not recognized by the terminal. You can't just download Collabora, cuz fuck you, i guess, and you can't access Docker's actual file system from windows explorer.

I've typed nonsense into various black screens for upward of 20 hours now, and nextcloud is "working" locally. I can access my giant hard drive from my android nextcloud app, but it's SLOW AS FUCK.

I can't imagine how many man-hours it would take to open the server to the internet. Makes me want to fucking barf just thinking about it.

I've been fucking with Linux since 2005 and have yet to get a single thing to work correctly. I guess I'm the only one who thinks an (mostly) invisible file system in incomprehensible repetitive folders, made of complete nonsense commands might not be the best way to operate a computer system.

I'm really frustrated if you can't tell.

On another topic, trying to get Ollama to run on my Lubuntu VM was also impossible. I guess if everyone knew it was going to force you to somehow retroactively configure every motherfucking aspect of the install nobody would bother. You can sudo all day and it still denies me permission to do things LISTED IN THE MOTHERFUCKING DOCUMENTATION.

Is this all just low-effort poorf** bullshit that doesn't actually work?

things do seem to be getting dumber...

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That's not really how precedent works. Not choosing to charge him with a hate crime would be a matter of prosecutorial discretion, and wouldn't affect other prosecutors' charging decisions. You better believe if you took a shit on whatever jeebus monument they have at the Mississippi Capitol they'd put you under the jail with every imaginable charge.

We can fix this- go get the rope.

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Imagine believing a guy with orange shit smeared on his face when he tells you he doesn't snort a fucking pound of coke a day.