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Joined 1 years ago

Microsoft were monopoly seeking/abusing pricks in the 80s/90s/00s but I had just about started to accept that maybe they had changed. Accepting open source and open standards, and competing on their merits in the gaming world.

I was wrong. They’re not as powerful as they were 20 years ago but, having seen this email, their tactics seem unchanged.

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Good luck getting the ignorant masses to mask up these days.

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Cat shits in garden at night. Dog is in garden during day, eating and rolling in the cat shit.

Source: my dog.

I have found my people.

Then it’s the equivalent of 2 Texan cups (or 2 and 4/13ths Federal cups).

Like a lot of seafood then.

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I agree. The Wii U was great fun. The second screen was great for off-TV play and for local multiplayer.

Not only was it terribly marketed, but Nintendo had trouble getting the 3DS to sell and put all their energy into saving that. This left the Wii U with a lack of games at launch.

Combine that with EA dropping Nintendo because they refused to adopt Origin as their online platform, and it was doomed from the start, whether the hardware was good or not.

Edit: and the gamepad was more comfortable to hold than the Switch, ironically.

Nice to meet you, Gregório Felipe. 👍

Except when OP is sharing air space with others. Second-hand smoke also kills.

Yeah Usenet was crap for binary downloads long before the BitTorrent protocol was invented.

It’s just so under the radar that it continues to plod along.

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I want to play Arkanoid using it.

I’ve come from many years of Java experience to the world of Node/JS.

You can learn JS without TS, but not TS without JS.

TS is just a tightened up JS really.

Wow that’s pretty nuts. I knew about him but not the advertising issues.

I do have a Mastodon account and tried to switch but the vast majority of Twitter accounts I follow aren’t currently on there.

Hopefully the other federated platforms take off - I used FidoNet and BBSs in the 90s, and the decentralised Fediverse very much reminds me of those days.

Yeah don’t be surprised if you find an old family member under all of that after Christmas.

It must be client-specific as the . isn’t part of the URL for me (Thunder/iOS)

They’re great for server side, but personally I wouldn’t use one as a streaming client.

It’s the same with Twitter. Apparently it has gone really right wing since Elon took over. But I’ve not noticed as I mostly follow football, tech, and music stuff.

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@gkd@lemmy.world This looks like a fantastic start! As an Apollo user it's a very familiar experience.

At the very least I'll try to test and submit bug reports. If I can find the time I'll try to do some development too. (I could do with a React side-project...)

Honestly I think every time I’ve had shrimp, the vast majority have still had the vein.

King prawns are a bit different - at least they’re large enough for deveining to be practical.

Oh absolutely. That’s why I said “a lot of seafood” and not all seafood.

As a kid I was grossed out by ‘the black line’ on shrimp/prawns but these days I don’t care.

I guess wiping baby butts and picking up my dog’s crap has made me a bit more tolerant of these things. :D

My kids still ask me stuff that they should be capable of searching for themselves.

I mean, it’s nice to still be needed, but they’re mid-teens now and if search engines are too much effort then good luck surviving in the real world. 😂

(Kids, if you’re reading this many years in the future, I do love you, I promise. 😘😄)


I think they’re confusing it with Fourecks.

Did you mean PS2? There’s about a decade between N64 and PS3.