2 Post – 287 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

It is a basic math problem.. they keep raising housing prices ain't nobody going to have kids when 1500 in rent is due monthly

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I haven't rented in years, luckily I found something that wasn't dumb expensive and I've slowly been fixing it up

I love it because the apps are much better.. The regular reddit app has too many notifications, and red reader is too boring, and laggy. I'm using liftoff and it is so much better

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Gee it is almost like completely alienating your user base is a bad for profits?

How about we cut subsidies on oil, and corn, heavily tax carbon output, and put heavy tariffs on virgin plastics.. Doing that would increase life expectancy, AND improve quality of life.

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Yes, let's raise rent 40% just as people are financially disadvantaged.. That is sustainable.

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OMG this is the dumbest thing.. In NY the town of Florida banned a windmill on waste property, then in racquet lake where they get all sorts of outages they stopped a battery from being installed because they might catch fire. These were BYD LFP batteries, and they were referencing LG chem batteries catching fire in Arizona as the reason.

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It's funny how all the FUD idiots say that solar panels will wind up in the landfill and shit like that

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Yup China is funding them, but the Chinese don't care about their war they are just slowly taking over Russia

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Does he even know who the hell we are? I'm a new Yorker and I've seen through Trump's facade for decades. Why are people so devoted to this conman?

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If only there were these things that grew out of the ground that cooled you home with their shade.. What were they called again?

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Just go to Spatula City

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Great now he just has to tackle overpriced cars, and ban corporate home ownership.

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Horray for end stage capitalism

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Yes we've adopted, now build cars that are fucking better for an affordable price.

I really want the packaging industry to fuck all the way off with the use of nonbiodegradable materials. We need a 100% tariff on virgin plastics for the health and safety of everyone

I vote we have a law where politicians have to have logos of their sponsors emblazoned on all their suits

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My disconnect is when they consider Trump a saint, but then say Obama is a bad guy

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Yeah some dude has a failed acting career, and now I have to hope my for profit insurance will cover a doctor or I'll be eating ramen for the rest of my life

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Nice maybe we'll get some cheep Chinese knockoffs.. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing

I've literally never gotten any message like that I've been using a blocker forever.

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How about we eliminate income taxes and replace it with corporate carbon emissions tax, AND cut fuel subsidies.

Awesome put a solar farm next to a nuclear fusion plant

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Yeah graphics are nice to have, but sometimes I want to game on a small and light laptop like I don't need revolutionary HD high quality all the time

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I would just like octogenarians to be off the presidential ticket, and a normal sane person that wants what most of the nation wants to be president. I swear the presidency has gone into corporate monkey paw mode.

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While cutting off reddit apps that are better than the bloated shitshow that is the reddit app

It'll only get worse if he is elected again

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That would be awesome.. A Mecca for rednecks/Republicans replaced by walkable cities, a nice countryside, vibrant communities, lovely cafes, and awesome pizza. When does the work begin lol

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It is insane that a meal at Red Robin with bottomless fries is actually less expensive than McDonald's.. I literally don't go to these types of restaurants unless there is some app deal because fastfood retail prices have gone insane.

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I wish we'd end corn subsidies.. They put it in everything. Just move those subsidies to hemp so people can have real sugar. Hemp would be there much better crop to subsidize since it does everything.

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I just hope we can swap them out for hemp ASAP.. I really want to get to the point where hemp is only a few bucks more and an elimination of corn subsidies along with a virgin plastics tariff could go a long way

🤣🤣😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣 Not biased at all. I have a $20 price lock on spectrum ATM, but as soon as that ends I'm going to say goodbye and get 5G because I'm not paying $50 for fixed internet they have a monopoly in the area I've moved to.

Very easy to own a home. Just buy a house in the middle of nowhere, and then have a campervan

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Well I keep on mentioning a UBI of $1k a month, but people keep flaming me.

That isn't George clooney.. That is Jurge Clooners

Cigarette lighter plugs don't provide the necessary voltages

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You should hear about the fucked up shit his dad did with coney island.

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You voted for it.. You get what you get, and you don't get upset.

Hopefully he soon launches a fashion brand I hear orange jumpsuits are in these days

What is even left?

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