0 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah glad to see those fucks go. There's been an awful lot of bad takes filling up content sections on certain topics, every time I checked who had posted it it was almost always a lemmygrad user.

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Well this thread sure is depressing. It's full of either tankies or people from Russian troll farms. Only one person actually trying to discuss the article, everyone else seems to be "whatabout America"-ing?

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I heard it's something like 90% of people lurk, 10% of people comment, 1% of people post. So you need a pretty substantial population just to have enough posts and comments for the lurkers to still hang around.

It's also why it was particularly dumb of Reddit to piss off their 1% and 10%.

Why is this even patentable? Games already have this, and quick resume on the Xbox does a very similar thing. It's not unique enough innovation in my mind to be able to do it at multiple points in time IMO.

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Good. Who even wants this? It's a stupid and very expensive policy that won't solve any actual problems.

Bring on the GE. Can't wait for this lot to get the boot.

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Yeah it looks like the Union flag is next to Gabon on the android emoji flag picker. I think the country code is GB so it's next to GA even though the name is United Kingdom. That might be what's throwing people.

The two US flag emojis are actually different Unicode emojis.

The first is πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² 'U+1F1FA U+1F1F2' and is for 'U.S. Outlying Islands'.

The second is πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 'U+1F1FA U+1F1F8' and is for 'United States'.

No malice, no bad code, no bugs or typos, this is just expected behaviour.

Oh it's totally normal for someone to shoot themselves15 times with a gun that holds 11 bullets. They probably reloaded halfway through.

Probably an unpopular opinion on Lemmy, but I think hbomberguy is one of the creators it's worth supporting with ad views if you don't want to do patreon or premium or whatever.

Edit: hbomberguy has a discussion about monetisation of this video around 3h:23m-3h:25m

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Salaries on the whole are far too low in the UK. It's not far off poverty wages for at least half the country. Anywhere outside of London and that ratio gets even worse. The conservative party are primarily responsible for this. They aren't the solution.

75% of the current Tory MPs are about to lose their seats in the next election so they don't give a fuck. The strategy they seem to be adopting to save their jobs is to swing further to the authoritarian right to try and convince boomers to vote for them.

They won't win by taking the sensible approach to policies like this, so that only leaves incentives to do as much harm as they can in the next year or so in hopes of getting the fascist votes out.

Off by 1 error. They'll fit right in!

Gaza was controlled by Egypt for quite a while. Israel occupied it and the Sinai after the 1967 six day day war. When they returned the Sinai to Egypt they also offered Gaza back as well so it could go back under their control, but Egypt refused as they didn't want to take on all the Palestinian people who could potentially destabilize Egypt.

Jordan also wouldn't want the west bank back (not that they really have a claim to it either) because Palestinians in Jordan tried to overthrow the monarchy there.

Now that there's a Palestinian identity (instead of just a general Arab identity like it used to be) the Palestinians need to have their own self governance and independence. Absorbing the territories and population into other countries isn't going to be a solution.

Both sides need to cut out the bullshit and negotiate in good faith to find a long term solution. Unfortunately with how entrenched the hate is it's sadly unlikely to happen. The cycle will continue until both sides want it to stop.

Woo hoo! It's a very watered down version of their original proposal, but it's great that it's finally happened! The reactionary arguments against it are always depressing, but progress is progress.

I need to see about ordering some seeds to start a balcony grow. What happens if your 3 plants produce more than 50 grams though? Surely a single plant will produce more than 50g?

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I think the default activity sort is part of the problem. Sorting by activity means everyone is just looking at and engaging with the same topics for 24 hours or so. There needs to be some "hot" category or something so that new stuff gets churned through a bit more regularly. New is too new, top is even more stale, activity causes things with high activity to stay high. It makes for very samey content.

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Employees usually have to be a tax resident in the country they are working for in Europe. Depending on the country you can go as a contractor. That can also be tricky as some countries have rules against freelance contractors only working for one client - to get around companies having employees but not registering them as employees and giving them full employment rights and benefits.

Chickens are vaccinated against salmonella (and a bunch of other things) when they are chicks in Europe. It means you don't need to worry about shitting yourself to death, the chickens are slightly happier by not being sick, and your eggs stay fresher for longer.

It would probably add $0.005 per egg, so US producers will claim it's communism if a regulation is brought in to vaccinate chicken, but it would be worth doing.

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On the newclay websites they advertise that they are selling their IP until Dec 31st. Maybe Aardman can buy the IP and license it to a subcontractor supplier or something? Or preferably open source it.

Seeing promising things about a 2 state solution being discussed at the Cairo peace summit. Let's hope after the violence cooler heads prevail and we can see a lasting peace in the region.

To counter this I used to visit some factories for a big contract manufacturer in the UK. They would often make say lasagne for the supermarkets and for the "premium" brands. Whilst they were all made in the same place, the "premium" brands products had much better quality ingredients in them and different ratios of the good stuff (say meat) to filler (say pasta sheets).

For some things it's the exact same materials, but for many it's different. You have to do blind taste tests to see which ones you prefer.

Replacing the thermal paste is essential. It dries out over time and stops conducting heat effectively. Cleaning the fans and radiator fins is important too. Takes an hour or so if you don't know what you're doing so shouldn't take long. I've kept my laptop going for years by doing that every 2 years or so.

Yeah this article is a nice juxtaposition to that deranged rant. Hopefully if more game devs see it they'll appreciate the Linux gaming community a bit more.

I find the opposite with some hobbies. If you buy a cheap acoustic guitar it's going to be horrible to play and will probably sound crap. That might discourage you from continuing. More expensive guitars have a much better resale value too, so you'd probably be out of pocket for less if you buy a nice one and sell it again than if you bought a crap one and no one else wanted to buy it.

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Firefox performs as well as chrome 99.8% of the time. The problem is chromium keep implementing things that haven't gone through the spec process fully yet. This causes the following situation:

The other browsers don't implement half baked privacy violating features which Google decides will be a new web API despite objections. Developers build features on their sites using that half baked crap. Users try to use the new features on Firefox and kick off about "Firefox specific bugs" because they haven't implemented non standard APIs.

Safari is its own kettle of fish though and causes a lot of drama. Recently they've caught up a lot in terms of support for most standard features developers want. However there's a big issue with supporting iOS Safari - it's version is tied to the iOS version of the phone. So users with older phones will be stuck forever on older versions of Safari with breaking bugs for things like flexbox. If you're in a market with lots of older phones then you have to spend a lot of time ensuring you support that older browser version. iOS Safari is the new internet explorer.

You basically haven't played any of the game then lol. It's a long slow burn but it's absolutely beautiful. Make your way through that tutorial section and get your ship, from there it really opens up.

Energy needs are only going to keep rising. Just build both FFS. Wind and solar is often built by private companies on their own initiative so with the right incentives the market can just go and build them. Government's can put money towards nuclear so that we don't need to have this same stupid tired argument in 20 years that we've been having for the last 20. It's completely different industries and technical skills so it's not as if doing one detracts from the other. Just start fucking building them.

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All three, plus 13 years of underinvestment in the country and mismanagement of the economy leaving us all poorer and more exposed to financial shocks.

I'm definitely there with you. I actually forgot that hot existed because it's basically a 'new' sort.

On the one hand it's handy because it makes me browse Lemmy less and do more productive things instead, but it isn't good for encouraging growth of niche communities and topics if everyone is just looking at the same few posts.

They do not

Has it been confirmed that Israel were behind the explosion at the convoy? It hasn't had as much news analysing it as the hospital strike.

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We test the shit out of our Apis. We do more API level/integration testing though.

I.e. a test will be something like "if the db is in this state, and we hit this endpoint with these params, does it return what we expect and update the db correctly".

Our app is primarily about users maintaining stuff on big datasets with complicated aggregation and approval logic. So setting up a scenario and checking the app does what the business logic says it will do is what we want to know.

It makes refactoring wayyyyy less painful to just know that the app will always behave itself. Rather than testing whether a function can add 1 + 2 correctly, we can test each endpoint does what it's supposed to do.

It gives us loads of confidence that the backend is doing what it's supposed to. If you do a huge refactor you don't need to worry about whether you broke the test or if the test is failing correctly. If the tests all pass everything is working as it should.

Downside is longer test execution times (because a temporary db needs set up) when running the full suite. Worth the trade off for us though.

I like the idea of proportional representation, but I feel like there's a lot of value in having a "local" representative who's job is to be your representative. In pure PR systems it's hard to know who you actually voted for, and it's much harder to figure out who's representing you specifically. You're voting purely for the party and no one representative is your point of contact.

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Unlucky :( I've had it on my wishlist but it was too much for me. Glad I'm going to get to play it. I never finished 3 so a full series playthrough might be in order. If you haven't logged many hours on it you might be able to swing a refund? Though a week is a long time.

Yeah it's super easy that rocket science. Just plug some numbers into a simulation and off you go. It's not exactly brain surgery.

Something with enough context to write sensible test cases for a large codebase. It would be great if you could write test cases for a couple of domains, then ask it to write cases for a third domain following the same general style as the first. It would ideally have a conversation about what things to mock/stub and what things to keep.

I personally think 5 years isn't enough time to get to that point with something that works really well. It's tricky enough to get a junior up to speed with doing it sensibly, but cutting down on the time it takes to build a good test suite would mean we Devs can spend a lot more time on features and improvements.

Yeah ignore the hate. I really don't get what that other poster could possibly be missing. LTS versions are where it's at anyway. I've been loving pop and am looking forward to cosmic (when it's ready). Like you say with all the kernel and libraries updated it's totally fine to stay on the LTS.

Was the image photoshopped to show the "survey" text?

I sure hope that's not the case. Would mean even more long lasting harm as they are on the way out of the door.

I don't know if they'll have time or enough political capital to get it through before November, and the reshuffle seems to be mostly trying to swing back slightly to the center, so hopefully they just write it off as a failed policy from Suella.

Absolutely obscene and short sighted what the German government have done. Everything is taxed per ml, even if it has no nicotine in it. As you say it's cheaper to actually smoke.

It's hard to trust any of these numbers. 1 innocent death is 1 too many, but the numbers seem to come from Hamas and they have every incentive to inflate them.

Are Hamas fighters or legitimate targets being included in these figures for instance? The 500 dead at the "hospital" seen very dubious too given the scale of the actual destruction, it's unclear whether that number is included also.


I'd absolutely love to see the whole heresy play out on the screen, but it would be hundreds or thousands of hours to show it all lol. I've been reading through it at a pretty good pace and after a year in only about halfway through lol.

Looking forward to seeing what Cavill does with 40k. I heard they only got the rights to 40k though, not 30k or fantasy, so it's possible someone else gets those rights.