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Founding member of company that stands to make fortunes through a product endorses said product.

They’re also prioritising a few great and much needed QoL improvements like vertical tabs, tab grouping and a new Profile Management system!


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Note that this is not “just banning someone’s account because they don’t like it”. These are people involved in criminal investigations. Shutting them down is meant to plug their criminal activities so society doesn’t get further damaged by them while the police and judiciary work on actually convicting them.

As an aside: I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I disagree with your view but your question was asked respectfully and in good faith.

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This is not defeat. It’s a strategic retreat on their part.

It’s embrace, extend, extinguish. Get workers used to going to the office one or two times a week whilst making it seem like they conceded, then slowly return to the legacy status quo.

Edit: lol why the downvotes? Do people really believe “the CEOs” have been “defeated”?

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3rd party cookies make tracking users easier when the same cookie can be used on many websites.

Firefox does 2 things to protect you from that: it blocks known trackers cookies by default; and for the others it isolates them per domain so that kind of tracking doesn’t happen. That ensures you’re not tracked and at the same time it doesn’t break any functionality.

If you want to completely block them you can. There’s more info here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/third-party-cookies-firefox-tracking-protection

You don’t punish them per se, but you do sanction them.

For example, Bolsonaro can’t leave the country even though he hasn’t been found guilty of anything yet.

Also, someone who’s been accused of murder will probably be arrested preventatively if the judge in charge has reason to believe they will reincide before the proceedings are through.

These things happen all the time and they’re designed to protect society from further damage from criminals who haven’t yet been fully judged and processed.

That’s what I said. They’re under a criminal investigation.

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Wine is not a Windows emulator. The name literally means “Wine Is Not an Emulator”.

It’s also not based on Windows 2000. In fact, it started out translating syscalls from Windows 3.1.

The syscalls themselves are pretty stable between Windows versions, which is why you can run a Windows XP application on Windows 11 without recompiling it, as long as it’s for the same architecture.

Genuinely curious but how are they screwing over the publishers?

I’m especially curious how that can be true along with the seemingly contradictory conclusion you came to in your last sentence.

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It’s embedded, just press play to watch.

If it’s not showing for you, the direct link is https://www.instagram.com/middleeastmonitor/reel/C4TA6FZM90i/

Blowback - https://blowback.show/

History of US interventions on different places over the last century.

Darknet Diaries - https://darknetdiaries.com/

True stories from the dark side of the Internet

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And don’t even get me started on how hard it is to have 24x7 cameras installed in every room of every household. It’s so frustrating to not be able to just know what everybody is doing all the time!

It’s not. Just drop the storage device in a manhole, or get mugged, or break it in some way. Also when you do so, pretty much all packets are lost and to retransmit you need to go back to the point of origin and make a new copy, assuming you still have the original.

Not defending anyone here, but a paedophile is someone who’s sexually attracted to prepubescent children. I believe these days it’s extended to the early stages of puberty as well.

Most girls are well over that phase at age 14.

A 23 year-old having sex with a 14 year old may be morally and legally wrong depending on culture and jurisdiction, but the cases where it’s actual paedophilia are likely a small minority.

Again, I’m not defending anyone, but calling every person who’s attracted to minors a paedophile only serves to diminish the effect of the actual ones.


Instead of being a dick about it, why don’t you show what they’re doing and why you don’t like it, so we can all be educated and/or have a conversation about it, so everyone can decide for themselves if it’s a problem for them?

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I started writing a Terraform provider for Proxmox a while ago.

Unfortunately, the API is a massive mess and the documentation is not very helpful either. It was a nightmare and I eventually gave up.


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Latest is 118.0.1.

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It’s pretty easy with Ollama. Install it, then ollama run mistral-7b (or another model, there’s a few available ootb). https://ollama.ai/

Another option is Llamafile. https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile

It’s not equivalent. Russia is at war with Ukraine. The USA and the UK are, in theory, not a part of this war - at least not directly.

It’s the equivalent of Ukraine threatening the countries arming Russia, if those countries decided to get more directly involved in the war.

I’ve been using a btrfs partition for my games shared volume. Just install winbtrfs on Windows.

I wouldn’t recommend ExFAT for anything other than a thumb drive used to exchange files between computers. It lacks many features of modern file systems which makes files on it a lot more susceptible to corruption.


Yes, generally introverts like aloneness. That doesn’t mean they’re immune to loneliness.

Careful you might get hacked


I’m sorry, no. I say this as someone who has been full on in the Apple ecosystem for decades. Other than my Linux gaming computer and my Garmin watch, pretty much all my personal devices are made by Apple.

I paid money for that NFC device in my iPhone. I should own it, not Apple. In the same vein, I paid money to have iOS running on the hardware I’m supposed to own. I should be able to decide what I want to run on it.

Unfortunately, at the moment I personally find all the alternatives much worse, so I begrudgingly accept those limitations. That doesn’t mean I like them, it doesn’t make them right, and it certainly doesn’t excuse Apple’s anti-consumer behaviour on those particular matters.

Sounds like bullshit. This is based off job adverts on LinkedIn. Given Guerilla have been releasing for PS all along, it’s likely they already have the people to write that. They’re lacking for the other platforms so they’re hitting for those.

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Not much use to go Ubuntu or Mint, unless you have specific issues with Debian that don’t happen with those. Even then, it may be one apt install away from a fix.

If you want to try out BSD, power to you. I wouldn’t experiment on a backup computer though, unless by backup you just mean you want to have the spare hardware and will format it with Debian if you ever need to make it your main computer anyway.

Otherwise, just run Debian!

Proton is a fork of Wine with some patches specifically for games. I think Valve contribute the patches back as well but I could be wrong.

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Yeah now that the parent edited their comment, mine looks silly.

You don’t have to use the registrar’s DNS system.

I use LuaDNS. They even offer a fully functional free tier that might be enough for your needs.

They have an API that can be used with certbot, and you can manage your zones with git.

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Oh ok, so you’re skeptical of anything coming from people born in China. There’s a name for that, if only I could remember…

makes the “hackers” scummy

Don’t get me wrong, you’re right that this is bad but I’d think the blackmailing alone would make them scummy.

The main “instability” I’ve found with testing or sid is just that because new packages are added quickly, sometimes you’ll have dependency clashes.

Pretty much every time the package manager will take care of keeping things sane and not upgrading a package that will cause any incompatibility.

The main issue is if at some point you decide to install something that has conflicting dependencies with something you already have installed. Those are usually solvable with a little aptitude-fu as long as there are versions available to sort things out neatly.

A better first step to newer packages is probably stable with backports though.


This is obviously due to personal choices, so take everything I say here as things I care about - not necessarily that I expect everybody else to care about.

It's not "a different exe". It's got Epic's DRM - meaning it's tied to the Epic Store, its continuous service, etc. If they fold, I lose access to the games I have on it. In all fairness, I don't think they will fold any time soon but it still worries me.

With Steam not as much, for a couple reasons: they're bigger so slightly less likely to fold; they're not publicly listed so they answer to Gabe Newell and don't have any legal requirement to increase share value; they promote and put a lot of time, sweat and money towards Linux gaming; and their store is just generally better than Epic's.

Epic, on the other hand, is actively hostile to Linux gamers: you can't even play Fortnite on it, they have no native store/launcher; and they don't have any of the pros of Steam.

Furthermore, I already own more games than I will probably be able to play in my lifetime, so it's not like I'm "missing an opportunity" by skipping a game that's on the Epic store. :)

Actually pretty much all browsers support tables, it’s been part of the HTML spec forever.


Been using Tailscale behind CG-NAT for years. It works wonderfully and very rarely needs to route through the DERP infrastructure - it’s almost always a P2P connection.

You’re not wrong that the storage itself is undoubtedly more robust on any cloud provider than a cheap consumer NAS box.

However, there are other factors to consider.

A NAS or any storage solution is only useful if you can access it if you need and if the network speed and stability match your expectations.

A cloud solution will be inaccessible if your internet is down. It may also suffer tremendously if your connection is unstable or slow.

In that sense, even a laptop’s drive connected to your switch could prove more robust than any cloud solution.

It took me a few weeks to get into it. I put it down a few times along the way and went back to CP2077.

A lot of the mechanics, items, spells, etc. still elude me.

That said, I’m now on the third act of my main campaign and every day I look forward to when I get some time to play it a bit more.

The story is fantastic, the voice acting is excellent, the graphics are beautiful and despite some clunkiness and the inherent complexity of a D&D game it’s thoroughly enjoyable by someone like me who’s never been much of a fan of the genre.

Imagine loading a modern game from spinning rust. And then loading textures. And the next area to render. And its textures. And… I’m getting tired of waiting just from imagining it.

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The international standard is km/h.

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