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Joined 8 months ago

I will maintain ownership of the repository, but I won't pass it down to anyone else. First, because I feel it's not up to me to decide who to pass the project down to, and second, because there is no one else to pass the project to.

"But I want and can maintain it, can I take it over?" Let me put it plain and simple: No! I don't know you, I don't trust you! Fork it and carry on!


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Or, it's because whoever is doing this hates freedom of information and historical evidence. There's a long list of powerful people and governments who have the resources and will to carry out these attacks.

Cyber warfare is real, and the Internet archive is a museum and library of culture and truth. It provides evidence and context to our past.

As in conventional war, it is valuable to the amoral to destroy culture and truth in order to control it. Many would like to kill that to supplant it with their version of events that can't be refuted with evidence.

When the headlines are about random maga types being quoted calling her "little whore" and n-words - it's clear that yeah, the -isms are indeed out and about, the media is just reporting it.

The reality cannot be denied, they aren't deep faking the clips.

The maga crowd dosnt counter her policies, her voting record, her career, her speech, her age, her cognitive function

They go after what she was born with and what that crowd has been indoctrinated to hate.

That's where the ism's come from.

This...this is literally them listening to their voters?

They wanted to do something, and their voters said "we don't like that", so they stopped.

So many things to complain about this president, but this little story is good news if we want the president to listen to voters.

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As of April 11, there were 65 Mercedes autonomous vehicles available for sale in California, Fortune has learned through an open records request submitted to the state’s DMV. One of those has since been sold, which marks the first sale of an autonomous Mercedes in California, according to the DMV. Mercedes would not confirm sales numbers. Select Mercedes dealerships in Nevada are also offering the cars with the new technology, known as “level 3” autonomous driving.


Drivers can activate Mercedes’s technology, called Drive Pilot, when certain conditions are met, including in heavy traffic jams, during the daytime, on spec ific California and Nevada freeways, and when the car is traveling less than 40 mph. Drivers can focus on other activities until the vehicle alerts them to resume control. The technology does not work on roads that haven’t been pre-approved by Mercedes, including on freeways in other states.


U.S. customers can buy a yearly subscription of Drive Pilot in 2024 EQS sedans and S-Class car models for $2,500.


Mercedes is also working on developing level 4 capabilities. The automaker’s chief technology officer Markus Schäfer expects that level 4 autonomous technology will be available to consumers by 2030, Automotive News reported.


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And yet my company is forcing me back into the office, I've been resisting for over a year, and now they're threatening hr->path to firing for insubordination if I don't come in... I've been working remotely effectively since March 2020.

Started sending out applications to actual remote jobs, it just sucks, it was a good gig while it lasted.

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Reddit did that and then instantly multiple serious competitors began to siphon off their power users both out of principle and practicality, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

YouTube i think understands to not cross the line because if they no longer have a monopoly on mid to long form content their golden goose dies. People are already on edge after a long sequence of attacks against non-premium users.

Personally, If they do do that, and at least some amount of the channels I care about move to a different platform, I'll happily move with them and cancel my YouTube premium.

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A while back ago, there was an abandoned mall, a company bought it and allowed anybody to rent a small space in the open mall as a small business shop. People would put up curtains as walls and rent was very cheap.

The place was full of small vendors, more classy than a flea market, especially with the AC, but many artists selling all forms, and many odd widgets being sold. There was even a place that did custom glass blowing, etc etc. it was a real pleasure to be in and a community thrived there.

Importantly it was open consistently each day, so you could just randomly pop in and see what's up.

From what I understand, the place was even making a profit, but apparently not enough. It was eventually sold and now it warehouses antique cars.

I think all those artists and small vendors vanished or moved online.

I miss it.

It was good.

I'd like more of those back, and to experience what community could develop from that.

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Some advice that has taken me over a decade to learn myself:

There are no rules, the titles are made up, the responsibilities and requirements do no matter.

Get what you can from your job, and once you get something do your Best even if that best sucks, and stay until you have gotten what you want out of the job, or realize you can't or don't want to do it anymore, and then start again doing something else.

Don't ever limit yourself thinking you need to "level up" or something needs to get unlocked.

Learn by doing, try your best, you will make things that suck sometimes, but as you do more and more you should be making things better.

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I wish they'd make this game good

I was so excited in October, but I'm glad I waited for the reviews

I watched every dev notes that released weekly in the lead up, I was part of the hype. Hundreds if not thousands of hours into cs1.

I'm still waiting for this game, I can't wait to buy this game.

But I'm not buying some half baked beta game.

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Check out Jen Perelman in South Florida

She's going against Debbie Wasserman Schultz and is explicitly anti AIPAC and progressive

I fucking hate Spring.

The quickest way to get a team of 10 contractors to turn 100 lines of basic code from a decent engineer into 2k, with 50 janky vulnerable dependencies, that needs to be babied with customized ide's and multi-minute+ build times and 60m long recorded meetings.

Fuck Spring.

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Fucking pedophile

Fuck the commodification of culture.

Fuck full time content creators.

I don't want people working full time on social networks. I don't want to read your ad, your secret knowledge, your product placement, or sponsorship, or your oh so subtle pitch for VC funding. I'm certainly not going to give money.

I want people who do their own thing in the real world, and as a hobby and show-and-tell, submit their work freely to the Internet to hone and expand their craft and field, and gain organic enrichment altruisticly.

If you want to sell stuff and make money, make your own website and store. Not on our forum.

Don't pollute our forum. I want to be inspired, be in awe, be entertained, be informed, and to give back in my own way that continues this cycle and fuels the forum.

We've fled so many greedy sites - fleeing this capitalistic parasite in hopes of finding honest discussion untainted by greed. I'm tired of fleeing.

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Bad bot

The relevant paragraph

But this year’s celebrations have been marred as Republican politicians and commentators falsely accused President Joe Biden’s administration of banning religious themes and symbols from the celebration’s art contest — failing to note that the policy has been in place during every administration for almost 50 years.

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God I hope it's Walz, it's a dream ticket for progressives

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a Democrat In Legal Designation Only, if you will

Fuck Kroger

They killed Lucky's. It was the best damn grocery store I've ever had. It had such potential.

I too am thinking this, Biden has picked an amazingly effective team that is making big changes for the positive for the average person, and has made some key strategic victories despite the courts and Congress being so against him.

He's old, he needs his nap time more often than a spry 35 year old, his speech difficulties suck - but the actions his administration makes are not ignorable to the rich, and so I think the rich attempt to make them ignorable to the masses with their control of capital

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Bullshit. She's great, with a long track record to back that up.

Not only is she not old and not in mental decline, but she's also charismatic, engaging, and she is progressive. Congress and the courts will limit her policies of course, but that's by design, the government is not just the president.

Beyond that, with picking Walz and other strategic picks in her campaign, she's shown that she knows how to form a good team and avoid landmines.

I'm looking forward to the Harris presidency and voting For her, not just against Trump.

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It starts with a staff shortage while scaling up, or a small project that current employees don't have capacity for.

The execs have a decision, find and hire a long term employee(s), train them up, make sure it's a good culture fit, and pay their benefits and compensation

or get a contractor firm to fill seats and pay the contract.

It's all downhill from there once they pick a contracting firm.

The contracting firm is a Trojan horse for the short term philosophy, while also eroding away the skill pipeline of raising juniors to senior talent so the company eventually has to keep going back to firms.

Instead of scaling up and building the knowledge pool as the company grows organically, they want to massively scale up and down and cycle through many people and skim the good contractors off the top. But this does not work.

The bad contractors overflow the org with tech debt. Seniors don't have juniors to train, nor do they work on the core stuff to keep their skills. The seniors and good contractors skimmed off the top turn into contractor babysitters. The juniors don't exist. The seniors eventually turn into managers or leave for greener pastures where their original skills are wanted and respected and fostered.

Eventually the company is left a husk of past talent and mountain of tech debt, and no in-house skill to turn things around, so the options are to stay with contracting indefinitely or start at ground 0.

Combined with not increasing wages to match cost of living and inflation, not giving bonuses when there profits, and now you've got most of corporate America with their burnt out workforce skeleton crew.

It's a real douche move to question a person's illness publicly this way.

If you actually care, DM them or respond in the comments. Otherwise just downvote their post, move on, or block them.

Don't broadcast your drama like a toddler.

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I disagree

Willingly and knowingly promoting and distributing and organizing inhumane acts is as equally bad as commiting the core inhumane act directly. The goal and impact are equal.

In my opinion there is no spectrum for comparison in inhumane acts. It simple is or isn't.

Hitler was just as inhumane as the ones he ordered to commit the acts.

There is no better or worse, just is or isn't.

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All good

She was a prosecutor before becoming an attorney general, then a senator, and then of course a VP.

While she has enforced the law as a prosecutor, as was her job, when it came to policy making she has been consistently progressive, and much more aligned with Bernie and the left than the center.

I don't think this is well known, and some people think she's just another centrist neo-liberal, but that is not the case when you look into what's she's done

The establishment is not going to give up, they must be beaten at their own game. Perseverance is key. If you give up, you give up on your cause and accept whatever the establishment wishes.

Do what you want, but I will persevere, and I will vote for my interests.

What a wild and spotted life that guy lives

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Fantastic, the electoral college is closer to retirement!

It's a well written article worth reading in full

In the government's telling, the school routinely missed compliance obligations in large part because the researchers found dealing with security protocols "burdensome." And when the researchers complained, admins gave in.

This is a good motivator, security is important, and there will always be a spectrum between convenience and security, and it's easy to drift too far down to the dangerously convenient side of the spectrum.

This Georgia Tech lab got dangerously convenient security policies, lied about it, got ratted out, and now is the government's displayed example.

Now it's either getting pwned or getting sued, instead of just risking the former. Hopefully this will motivate more people to take security more seriously, especially when hosting sensitive data, and especially when accepting federal government money.

I eventually quit, I finally cold Turkey'd it, I combined it with quiting nicotine.

I've tried to quit many times in the past, but this time has been the longest at 5 months or so

The advice I have: Don't plan to quit, at some point you'll have the impulse to quit after it weighs on your head for a while, that's when you just lean into it - in the spur of the moment, toss your stuff or put it away someplace that's annoying to get it back out of. Be as fast about this as possible as to not give time to the little voice that says "one more": catch your brain off guard.

Then importantly, ensure to not substitute your habit with something else, like binge snacking or another drug - just accept that you're gonna be uncomfortable - and embrace the discomfort - potentially make use of a fidget toy - but I found success in just destroying the habit rather than replacing/redirecting it. It took a couple weeks before it no longer was on my mind.

Finally: don't beat yourself up if it takes a couple attempts to break the habit, each time I quit I got better at quiting.

It took a few weeks before I felt like it was all out of my system, and I started feeling healthier and better and more productive and more myself, and now I actually decline weed when offered because I like my sobriety. Mama Ganja taught me a lot, and she's taught me all she can, and no I have moved on.

I haven't been paying attention, what was the original drama there?

It sounds like good things have come out of it with a more community aligned governance, and nixOS is very interesting tech that could solve some of my headaches with Linux

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It stems from a conflict of need and want from what I understand.

The need for a national id and the refusal of the citizens for a national id. There was a lot of controversy about the SSN because it could be used as an id and the people didn't want that being so privacy conscious, so they made the numbering system simple and that card fragile to show and dissuade that it isn't a good id to get the SS passed.

But of course, there's still a want/need for some kind of unified id across the nation - so it was used anyway

And thus we have a terrible id system: flimsy, deterministic, and mostly-unchangable

If you know the social security number of someone born in your hospital in the same day, it's likely your ssn's are right next to each other and could be guessed

At this point, I don't think there would be much resistance to a national id, and it would be great for an update that is both securely random, and changeable so that leaking your SSN isn't such a crazy risk, having it in a laminated card with a chip and electronic signature even better. is Disney's main domain, and ABC is owned by Disney

Technically... yes


I'd leave that up to judge and jury with real details rather than hypotheticals, but I do think for justice to be accurate the state of mind, intentions, and many other factors should be considered.

I do think a person who was mentally competent, understanding the act is inhumane would get a more harsh justice than a person who wasn't.

I think authority doesn't have a direct role in deciding justice

I don't think following orders is an excuse, each of us has a duty to understand what we are doing and are responsible for the results. but if a person was incapable of understanding the results of their actions that is different from a person who was.

A person who has authority likely is knowing and competent and intentional, and the wider impact of their actions will implicitly have harsher justice without directly considering their authority

Most countries have protections for people disobeying illegal orders, and most countries make inhumane acts illegal so I feel like this well covered.

This site is worse than a repost

The source is a reddit post it seems and Hindustan times is just doing a highlight reel of that post without linking it. Hindustan times has a low credibility score from and didn't add any journalism

Searching it's quote's (being forced to use Google, since they pay Reddit to index them ...) it comes from this article

And doing a quick skim of comments there was no additional clarity.

So... Probably not real

UPDATE: I found the source, from yelp, with the name uncensored:

It's a small restaurant in Michigan, there's already people giving them flak and bad reviews, so please don't add to that

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The USDA told Reuters that Mexican exports from the western state of Michoacán have not been blocked. Additionally, avocados and mangos already in transit wouldn’t be affected by the suspension of inspections, which would be paused "until further notice."

So we're saying "if you beat up our people, we'll stop enforcing our policies and still do business with you"


I'll make a point to not buy Mexican avocados and mangos until this is fully resolved because who knows what's happening with them if the people who are charged with ensuring their safety get beaten up.