4 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Profile by artisticside(, Instagram:@artisticsideoflife_)

Banner by Elena_Medvedeva(, Website:

I meant the censoring if bitches

Why tho?

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Its our subconscious sending us a warning

Blahaji reresistance

I read that in a soctish voice

For some reason I find scotish voices very attractive

Also, you are not the worest, at best you are an inconvenience, like what you are doing now, you hold so little significane that your only possible saving grace is trying to be less of a nuisance to the average person yet you even failed that much

You are at worest the pebble in someones shoes, on a bad day I would would call you a waste of space and air but in truth, you are the slit discomfort in the day, like the inside of my pants getting stuck in my butt crack or the leftover bitter taste of mild tea in the morning or piece of food stuck in my teeth. You are a fact of the world that the rest of society has to content with

NGL, this goes hard

Its like the lion is hypnotizing me with his dancing to be gayer

Whats your point?

So, are grapes also bad for dogs. On similar note, why and how are chocolate is bad for dogs and is the same for cats.

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Well, this took me by surprise, still a piece of shit.

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How can you even tell they have autism. Did they info dump at you will at gun point

For a minute there I though this was pornhub comment

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Tina on uhhm, what is that thing called.

Also i was bing watching Bob's Burger for the first time and i kind of like it.

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Is your uncle a 10 ft tall giant

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I don't get, someone explain it to my dumbass

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I read the tile as who do you think will, and was confused seeing this



You ok mate, iam open to talking if you want. DM me or if you have a matrix account , iam at

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GET FUCKED BITCH(i mean if want to(´・ω・`))

I will do you one better,

💋 kisses

K, but my wallet is empty

So, are those your pets OP

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Hi Emily, i am personally meh, and kind of bored. I am trying to setup a self-hosted cloud storage, ebook and media server. Kind of stopped for now, as i accepted i knew to relearn the basics instead of copying and pasting commands from the internet.

I have diabetes and my blood sugar is all over the place since have stopped taking morning walk due to it being winter where i life

Started a matrix channel for minetest group with a few people and so far have played once, was suppose to play again but anciently fell asleep. Thinking of watching a movie together or maybe just some random favorite youtube vids. Need to somehow convince my parents to buy me a mic since my phone earphones are shit as mics.

I also maybe going back to high school(its a long story). All in all, not much is going on, though due to my fucked up sleep and weird dreams, i can tell if i am a wake not, which lets to given more surreal dreams, like begging my mom to buy me a microwave, a washing, and a printer in the shape of a phonebooth, and being too embarrassed to say that maybe you didn't need all this staff.

How about you, got any interesting stories

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Is that an offical comic by the show ?

So is he happy they killed 5 people or the sad guy so knew that they killed the 5 people

Hey, i want in too

That happens to me from time to time too

Anyhow, the image is a big buff men with text men IRL and men in games for an Asian girl (Korean, I think) in dress in MMO game

I feel like she would beat up the offender and their car for you

Hoffmeister means "House Master." You know, from the times when they used to own slaves.

I would have legally change my name hell I was gonna do it anyways because I dont like my current name but fuck

Also from the sound of it you don't know him well which makes this worst

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What am I looking at?

I have done that to the same clothes twice when I was living on my own because they kept smelling horrible.

On a similar note, does anyone else think they are just incompetent at something even when they know they have ADHD and the idea that said incompetence is caused by ADHD doesn't cross their mind until they see them like this.

To be exact, an at most 10 year old girl that is beyond overtly sexualized. Anime really desensitized the internet. Also this should be labled NSFW, thank god i didn't open this in public

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Fun fact, in this universe in a youtube channel, earth tries to commit sucide by going into the sun because they think all the "friends" left them because of their toxicity

Can't remember what channel name is, thier merch is called solar drop though

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Username checks out

That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be

I have issues, also do yoiu have this saved on hand even though you never read?🤨

I don't get, either way its wholesome

Are these youtuber merch?

Mr. Blue sky

Now that i am thinking about, what the orgin of the subs profile picture

Also, which planet is your fav(in general, not in the show), to anyone reading this

Mine is pluto, i like coziness

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You know, an easier way to slove this is to ask what the general public will think, if the answer is pedo shit, you got it

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Both the spot light and the face makes this redundant

I feel like those two problems could solve each other