1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Ngl, I kinda like it a little bit dry

Why are Lemmy users like this

Screw layoffs, this is the actual Gaming Industry Disasterâ„¢

You could emulate Android on Linux before, now you can also emulate Linux on Android

The circle of libe is compleet

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Based jakito

Me watching Vinesauce just play games and talk about music or whatever: 💀

Out of all that I could've suggested, Ace Attorney series probably fits the bill the most

EDIT: Also, Lunacid! Finished it recently; what a beautiful experience it has been

EDIT2: Also, Beacon Pines! For the love of all that is holy on this bitch of a planet, please play it

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w h a t



All this terminal stuff is absolutely not necessary for an average user; graphical applications are often more than enough

If "more" means Ace Attorney, then by any means, please

I've played Lunacid before, and I'm still trying to chase that high

Yeah, when it's



havin a gay old time

you usually pick the second one if you want a better experience lol

Tbf, though, while I do my best to be noob friendly, I've had a moment recently when there were, like, 3 greenbeard scouts in the random group I was playing with that were doing jack. I guess I was in a bad mood that day, so I just host-disbanded that game. Kinda feel bad about that still lol


I've played Wildfrost, but I don't feel confident in recommending it, because it's quite hard and very RNG-based. But, maybe that's your thing. Honestly, I played it just for the art style lol

I really wanted to suggest Nier Replicant, but, seeing as you didn't like Automata, I guess there's no point. I enjoyed both, though, since I kind of was in a specific headspace the time I played them. I also took both at face value initially, which has helped

Other than that, may I suggest Beacon Pines? It's all about the story, so I think you'll love it. The way you discover different branching paths the story takes is also quite novel.

I also loved FAR: Lone Sails. It's more of a "show, don't tell" kinda story

There's also this itchio game I found once -- Under a star called Sun. It's super short, though

The real question is -- can you use the Terminal without Linux?

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Ah, it's basically an in-universe explanation that it doesn't work on mobile devices lol

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I like me some music CDs. Cassettes, too

Probably The Incredible Machine (aka TIM)


when it eated too much

That's Devil May Cry (featuring Abraham Lincoln from Super Mario Bros.)
Produced by SQUARE ZENIS (colloquially known as "Squeenis")

What the fuck

Reaction wheels just don't cut it anymore

Where else do I get cryptic puzzles and unforgiving exploration without a map full of markers?


I think people really enjoy the base building aspect, like all of my friends treated building bases on some level as being like Sim City.

Actually true
When I first tried out StarCraft as a kid, I didn't even care about all that battle thing; I just liked seeing buildings go up

  • Yakuza 0 -- doing the real estate thing as Kiryu; already beat two Kings
  • Lunacid -- the atmosphere is amazing, but this game desperately needs a pause button

Also about to try Factorio once again

Last time I tried it I found it nice, but overwhelming and without much incentive to continue playing it. Maybe this time this changes

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Do you have the XApp Status applet on your panel? If not, adding it will make some icons look more or less ok. Although it sometimes just displays duplicates of these icons, so there's that.

Other than that, I don't think there's a way to make all icons the same size

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  • Beacon Pines -- a charming mystery story with anthropomorphic animals. Has an interesting take on the visual novel formula by having you unlock new dialogue choices as you progress through the story; that way, you naturally explore different paths the story might take. Night in the Woods and (possibly) OneShot fans might like this one.
  • Oolite -- a solid FOSS remake of 1984's Elite. Has a bunch of mods for it; some expand the gameplay quite substantially.
  • Orbiter Space Flight Simulator -- imagine a Microsoft Flight Simulator game, but you're going to space instead. Or Kerbal Space Program, but without the rocket building mechanic. That being said, KSP fans (and fans of space in general) should enjoy it.
  • Transcendence -- Star Control II meets Rogue. A cult classic in the space sim genre that's been in development since 1995. Space dogfighting, trading, mining, smuggling etc, but also traditional roguelike stuff like unlabeled barrels and containers (= undiscovered potions) and permadeath (optional). Highly moddable, uses XML as the modding language. Has a free version (see link) and a Steam release, which includes the paid expansions.
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I remember doing a rather long play session of Fez, and by the end of it I had a massive headache from all the camera changes lol. 10/10 game tho

I am braindead, so I play Caber Knight

This is very true; if it's not fun, why bother. Granted, fun is subjective, but the point stands, I think

If the kid wants to make games, I would suggest fantasy consoles, aka things like PICO-8, TIC-80, etc. Dunno how easy it would be to be at this stage, though

For selecting durations, you can use this --download-sections REGEX

Download only chapters that match the regular expression. A "*" prefix denotes time-range instead of chapter. Negative timestamps are calculated from the end. "*from-url" can be used to download between the "start_time" and "end_time" extracted from the URL. Needs ffmpeg. This option can be used multiple times to download multiple sections, e.g. --download-sections "*10:15-inf" --download-sections "intro"

As for the thumbnails, usually, when I download a Youtube Music album thumbnail, it is already squared. Before that, I used to use a specific hack, but I don't remember how I did it anymore. Check this discussion, it may help:

Played it a little bit (up to the goblin fort part), was pretty neat. Fights take a long ass time to resolve, but you can get pretty creative with them.

Now, this might be a personal thing, but the game somehow doesn't really have that fantasy feel? It's like playing Mass Effect with a fantasy paint coating over it, rather than playing an actual fantasy game. I hope I'm making sense here, lol. From my point of view, a work of fiction with a good fantasy atmosphere is all about that personal tranquil, solemn journey rather than bombastic adventures, romance or whatever. It's the kind of mood that you get while listening to dungeon synth -- a genre directly inspired by classic fantasy. Lunacid is a good example of what I am talking about.

Another point of contention for me is the disk size of the game. Now that I have more of disk space available to me, I could give it another chance, though

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Can't wait to get my ass handed to me by an early-stage boss once again, but now on mobile

I've been trying to walk more lately, so this might just be the thing for me