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If this feels new rather than something you've always dealt with, please get evaluated by a doctor right away. Nobody on Lemmy can diagnose you over the Internet.

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Yes. It happened to my friends. They both lost their jobs and couldn't pay the property tax on their fully paid-off house, so it was foreclosed and auctioned off.

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Rising early and going to bed early is more virtuous than rising late and going to bed late.

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There seems to be a shortage of critical thinking and problem solving skills, that's for sure.

What I see that makes it worse now than in the past is the Internet. It's easy now to find a group that agrees with your delusions and live in an echo chamber where mistaken beliefs are not challenged.

Being underemployed. As long as they meet their obligations, I applaud people who don't live for work.

Anecdotally, I recently had an issue with my printer and used Google to search for the exact error message (something like ' "error 4308e ink absorber pad is full" Brother JW539DW ') and the first three pages of results were random garbage about other things. If other search engines are worse, we are doomed.

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This is true Leopards Ate My Face territory.

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Surprisingly (to me), having a child. I never wanted kids. Never even babysat, didn't like them-- hated how silly, loud, and disgusting they are. Then I got pregnant by accident. I was terrified. I was abused as a child and have a bad temper, so I was afraid I would lose it and hurt my kid. Pregnancy was difficult, labor and delivery moreso, but the instant he popped out ... I cannot describe to you the transformation. I am sure it is purely hormonal; pitocin is a helluva drug. My husband even said, "Who are you and what have you done with my wife?" It was akin to a lobotomy. Suddenly I adored babies and wanted to hold them and coo at them. I became more mellow and patient, went from the sort of conservative mindset that thinks "get a job," to the theretofore incomprehensible liberal views like "most in jail aren't really to blame for the circumstances they find themselves in, let's help them instead of punish them."

My son is by far the biggest blessing in my life. He is a companion that I never grow tired of, a wise sounding board, and a balm to my old age. I am literally a kinder, better person because I had him.

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My son graduated with a degree in economics in 2020 and still hasn't found a job. He's not counted in the unemployment numbers because he hasn't filed for benefits. We need to look at labor participation as well as underemployment instead of the useless stats being used in this article. Real wages have tanked. People are running up debt just to buy groceries. It's desperate out there.

I don't think a lot people would be averse to 100% working in the office if the commute was a fifteen minute walk. For most, it's the time, hassle, and expense of commuting that is a drain on their soul. Of course there are other factors, but in my experience, gathering at the water cooler and lunch with coworkers, etc., are sorely missed. Just not enough to justify hundreds of hours of my life in gridlocked traffic.

So, if they convert a few of these buildings to homes and parks that make living in the city affordable and pleasant, I think most people would be glad to use the rest as workplaces. Imagine a park and daycare for the kids only an elevator away. Eateries and shops in walking distance. No need to own a car.

We could have that if we get our act together. Now's the time.

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Lint makes a great firestarter

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To each his own. My AuDHD means if there are subs I can't pay attention to the images. Dubs all the way for me.

So as a grown woman, I'm not getting why teenage girls should give any of this oxygen. Some idiot takes my head and pastes it on porn. So what? That's more embarrassing for HIM than for me. How pathetic that these incels are so unable to have a relationship with an actual girl. Whatever, dudes. Any boy who does this should be laughed off campus. Girls need to take their power and use it collectively to shame and humiliate these guys.

I do think anyone who spreads these images should be prosecuted as a child pornographer and listed as a sex offender. Make an example out of a few and the rest won't dare to share it outside their sick incels club.

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At today's car prices, it's actually cheaper for some people to use a rideshare every day. Especially when you factor in the cost of gas, maintenance, insurance,and parking. My friend drove for Uber and had a regular daily commuter, a nurse who worked in Houston's medical center where parking is around $30/day. We have no good mass transit options so Uber was the best choice.

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Where I live, you can't sell them without proof of ownership, so the insurance has gone way down.

TBF we are talking about unrealized gains. Their investments are worth more on paper, but until they sell them, the actual profit or loss will fluctuate. It would be an accounting nightmare to figure tax on unsold investments every year. I do, however, think capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as wage income.

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Office politics. I was a 4.0 student who was given an award by the faculty as best computer science student two years in a row. Despite being talented, extra hard working and driven, I had no idea how to play the game and my career stalled almost immediately. I watched others with weaker skills get promotions and raises because they knew the right people and served on the right committees. Being slightly autistic, I never realized the rules of the game. I quit after 8 years and started my own business, went back as a contractor getting 4x the pay, and it was awesome. There should be a class for people called "sucking up to management and gaming performance reviews."

It's racism, pure and simple. In my hometown, rural south, the schools were forced to integrate in 1973. The next year, a private school opened and magically only white kids were allowed in. All the talk about quality of education and school choice boils down to this: conservatives don't want their kids to be in the same building with black and brown kids.

It should be tied to federal minimum wage. You want a raise? The rest of us get one, too.

So are you autistic? Because the literal-mindedness of your answers and the lack of awareness of how to engage in small talk is telling. I say this as one on the spectrum myself; it took me a long time to understand this is just an attempt to establish social connections by finding points of commonality. "Oh, you're from Calgary? I used to live there, too! Did you know a store called Myth Games?" Neurotypical people are also waiting for you to ask the same things in return and often feel miffed if you don't show any curiosity about them.

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Mail it to them for autopsy just in case

Ask yourself, if the roles were reversed would you judge a friend harshly for asking for help? Of course not. Do what you need to do to survive.

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Living that long would break the economy. I'm retired on a fixed income, and my planning was based on living no longer than age 90. After that, my savings will be depleted, I will live on social security alone. When I imagine young people having another 30 years to pay for social security per person, it's just broken. We would need to work until age 95 instead of 65. What would be the point?

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Sewing on a button

Not trivial, but health care providers should be forced to publish an easily accessible price list of all their services and procedures so we can comparison-shop. I'm so sick of being told I can't know the price until they find out what insurance will pay.

I have tachycardia and I'm supposed to avoid caffeine. But I could easily not read the fine print and drink this. Who expects caffeine in their lemonade?

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Classic ADHD. Your brain doesn't handle dopamine correctly. It's not a lack of personal discipline. You don't ask a person with a broken leg to suck it up and walk it off. You shouldn't ask a person with a broken brain to think their way past these issues.

Get diagnosed and get help - meds and coping strategies. There is a lot of good advice on YouTube and the like to help with "hacks" to pair dopamine-releasing activities with chores you can't seem to make yourself do. The right meds can have a near miraculous effect.

Good luck!

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The Last Jedi

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You echo my experience to a T. Sometimes people assume I'm a man to hilarious effect, but most of the time it's a non-issue.

To these people, raising an unwanted child in poverty with no support is a just punishment for the high crime of a woman daring to enjoy sex. They are totally willing to sacrifice the child in order to hopefully make that whore's life difficult.

My first thought was just to wear a T-shirt that says "Transition now, ask me how!" But subtlety is not my forte.

I want everything in writing so I can refer back to exactly what was said and when.

And yet, all he had to do was tell the school he identified as female and the rule would no longer apply. /s

Different rules for males and females should be thrown in the trash heap.

I've had many surgeries and most were exactly like this. One time, though, I remember counting down too 4 and then saying, "My ears are ringing." The anesthesiologist said, "Is this better?" I said, "Yes," and then woke up.

Epson Ecotank FTW

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COBOL because I am a fossil

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Ran out of gas in the wee hours, was walking to a house with lights on to call for help, got noticed and chased by a pack of stray dogs, ran back to my car, fumbled and dropped keys, barely got in and shut the door before the car rocked with the force of several snarling bodies hitting it.

Jed Bartlet from West Wing