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Joined 11 months ago

On what the article touches, he is not wrong. Buying a new car, even if it's an electric one, will have more impact than a lot of time using a gasoline one, especially if the country doesn't produce electricity in a sustainable way.

Also, if you want to help the environment, you shouldn't be replacing cars, but removing them, public transportation, and walkable cities are so much better in this regard.

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Dude just gave people ideas of how to get revenge on bad landlords, spray some spores on your last day and hope for the worse.

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To be fair, nowadays malware behavior is more likely to come from the companies than the cracks.

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P2p is the way the web naturally flowed, protocols like bittorrent wore able to distribute content better than giant streaming companies without relying on giant infrastructure.

Now sharing is frowed upon, hosting your own server at home is frowed upon, the web used to be more made by users, now to do anything you need to go through a big company.

The difficulties you face on piracy is just a reflection of how capitalism is fucking the web.

Marketing, and the fact that phones are now super boring, everything is web based, there's no more cool apps, everything is just a frontend for some web service, or a damn webview.

The historical feature gap between Androids and iPhones is mostly gone, and since the tech doesn't matter anymore, marketing can go a long way.

The article is also very us centric, in places where cost matters more, the iPhone is seen as a status symbol, just like every other thing that costs a lot for no reason.

I dont really like android. Symbian and even windows phones performed better on inferior hardware. Their weird lifecycle seems to me wasteful and blurs the line between what's running or not. It only became stable once hardware got way better. It's a shame that every other option failed. because the only thing worse than android is an apple controlled environment.

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They put up guard rails to protect the ego of facists from developed countries only.

Replacing good legacy will always be a struggle. X11 works pretty well and has been stable for decades. Most of the things that suck about it already have workarounds.

The advantages of Wayland are not directly visible for the end user. The security part will be great once it's completely integrated on the distributions to give granular permissions to software. The simpler apis and greater performance will help libraries creators, but most developers don't touch X directly and won't touch Wayland either.

Being stable for a couple of months is not good enough. People will use it once distros trust it enough to make it default, and this will probably only happen once Wayland or its compatibility tools work with most software and major applications work significantly better on it.

That and using multiple instances of the browser instead of one instance with many tabs helped me a lot. If i have to switch tasks i go to a new workspace and only open the software related to that task there. Once I'm done i just close everything in the workspace and move back to the previous one that is the same way it was before i switch.

In my country, there's a saying, "The one who hurts forgets, the one hurt remember."

Yes, for things too complex to do in sed but not complex enough to need a "normal" programming language like python.

As a single person, most of it comes down to what you support, avoid consuming things that rely on cruelty and slavery to be produced, study to be more aware of what is actually happening, and don't panic, there's very little a person alone can do.

Joining groups with similar minds can help you make more, but groups can be very hard, people have different views on things, and radicalism can make some good willed people do pretty terrible things.

Windows is frustrating for average people, the thing is that they get used to ms bullshit because they think there are no other way.

Maintaining a browser is crazy hard. If Firefox goes to shit, it would require some serious foundation to maintain a good fork.

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No one should be forced to go to war, trying everything they can to escape it is understandable, the only bad thing is that this is something that only the rich can do, but in their place i would do the same.

I hope that shit spark interest in decoupling things, your whole project depending on a single tool is very dangerous, and foss engines should try to agree on some standards to discourage vendor lock-in.

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I almost got it, but gave up because of the CEO being the way he is. It's very likely that they will raise prices or add a lot of bullshit restrictions after initial adoption, and the dish is kind of expensive to buy and cancel once the bullshit starts.

I use quake style terminals, and often start writing a file and completely forget about it and turn off the computer, and only remember what i left behind when i find the random recovery files around, so :w a lot is quite useful for me.

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Which video editor did you use ? Mint shouldnt fell clunky out of the box, maybe the editor you choose was too much for your hardware, or you had some hardware/instalation specific issue, Da Vinci Resolve is quite heavy on resources, maybe Kdenlive would perform better on this machine.

There are many lightweight basic video editors o linux, give them a try to check if the clunkynes go away.

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Yes, on classic fps you could spaw a console that will drop down from the top os the screen, some terminal emulators allow you to do that.

I like it because then i have the terminal always open that i just draw from the top of the screen with a keypress

On KDE i do that with Yakuake, and on gnome with tilix

Next step is selling recaptcha for phones.

Back when IE was on top and Firefox was the best browser, firefox started to put a lot of bad updates, then chrome came, it was faster and firefox started to lose its marketshare, for while firefox only peformed well on linux, by the time quantum came out and it's performance was good on windows again, Chrome was already the new IE, but Google is way better at managing this leadership it than Microsoft ever was, the only technical problem it has is devouring RAM.

In my opinion, gecko being so tied to the browser is also a problem. There's a ton of browsers using Blink, that gives google a lot of control over how the web will evolve. Having other browsers using gecko that aren't Firefox forks would be great.

It's not only supply and demand, on some countries there's more empty houses than homeless people, rich people and banks rather leave the houses empty than lower rent or price, governments should step in and tax empty houses.

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Being able to remap keys is very important, but the thing is that this is basic functionality since forever.

Dinosaurs will die - NOFX

In US workers pay for commuting to work ?

Not exactly a piracy tool, but syncthing is quite useful to keep pc and other devices in parity if you don't plan to leave one on all the time.

You didn't mention gaming, but if you plan to use your tablet for emulators, you can sync save files with it if the emulators are compatible cross pc and android like ppsspp.

First time i saw that i went mad, why the fuck i need to download 6gb to compile a cpp module, on linux gcc is only a few mb.

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Nobody should trust companies with their privacy, especially when they always get away with lying and their tools are in no way auditable.

Don't this mess with consumer laws ? People who had paid for this should definitely sue.

This, i loved the original Alan Wake for it's story, i wouldn't care at all if the second game had the exact same graphics. The industry wants to push for graphics because it is very simple for them to improve that, just put more time/money on the assets, hire actors to do mocap and not think about anything else, that's as souless as the movie industry.

I turn silent off when the home wifi connects. I don't keep my phone on my pocket at home, but i also don't allow notifications on most apps, and no noise or vibration on any notification.

Doesn't have offline support, but it's easy to setup, ytmusic vanced on mobile with ytmusic with ublock origin on desktop.

Curators are a good way too, some blogs or podcasts do a lot of heavy lifting in discovering new shows, some communities with similar tastes are also good to find content, way better than algos and ads.

A top tube bag is quite useful for that, i got one quite cheap on aliexpress when my phone started to get annoying to carry on a bike.

That one talks so much around the compatibility of gaming and regular parts, how laptops and smartphones are so much more popular now for non gamers, and fetishism about how expensive everything is.

Gaming on PC used to be just buying a graphics card and putting on your regular computer, maybe upgrading the PSU, now although a low end graphics card on a regular desktop can give you pretty good results, most people don't have desktops, and notebooks are getting less and less modular.

I also blame how the community seems proud of spending a lot and getting diminishing results. The market sees how people are spending irresponsibily and know they can raise the price as much as they want.

At the end of the day, gaming on a PC ends up cheaper because you own everything, and a good computer makes your life so much easier outside of ganing. When on console, you are kind of forced to play by the company's rule, at least if you don't buy everything on the diminishing returns region instead of the cxb region.

My advice is segregatting work and personal environment, your company's computer isn't safe for general usage.

About stuff you use for yourself, don't focus on which program you want to use, but on the task you must accomplish, most software that is made to mimic a Windows workflow are not great, sometimes you think you need a msword alternative, but you just need to create a document, there's many ways to manipulate documents on linux that are so much better than text processors like word or libre/wps/only, and you will miss it by straight up looking for alternatives.

On Window's software are usually bound by a lot a comercial bullshit, they have to bloat to be able to be forever at development and pushing new versions, Linux usually follows into Unix philosophy, aiming for small high quality software that are easy to compose into a bigger workflow, even when not using cli tools that operate on text streams, a gui linux application usually work with standard formats, don't try to overlap features and are easy to replace if needed.

And about transition, i like the dual boot approach, have a linux partition, and use it for what you can do better on linux when you want to, as you get better with linux, you will be wanting to use window's less and less.

Choosing the gender of the driver won't give men any more safety, but it will make a lot of difference for women.