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Joined 1 years ago

Nonograms are great for puzzles that are hard enough to be satisfying when you solve them, but easy enough to be relaxing. I use Picture Cross Color on iphone.

Completely disagree, but upvoted for having a well-argued, unpopular opinion which is kind of the point of this thread!

Magneto. If someone is trying to genocide you, you don't just ask nicely and hope that they change their mind. You fight them.

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You misunderstand. Larian is the company that made the BG3 video game, and they haven't laid people off.

However it's a licensed game. Baldur's Gate and D&D are IPs that are owned by a company called Wizards of Coast. And Wizards is owned by Hasbro. Hasbro is forcing layoffs at Wizards, specifically on the D&D team because it doesn't print money as efficiently as say, Magic the Gathering does.

The people at Wizards, i.e the people who actually make D&D are no doubt passionate wonderful people. But Hasbro (and probably some of the Wizards management) are awful corporate parasites determined to suck every last penny from their properties.

They don't give a shit how loved a product is, if it's not making $100M per year then it's basically worthless to them and they won't fund it. So layoffs happen.

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It's a different word. To have a whinge. Whinging. The G is pronounced like a J.

Google says it's more common in British English. I'm Aussie and we use it too. Mostly to hang shit on the English lol. I.e. whinging poms.

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It's ragebait. Ignore it. Even if it's not, attention is what they want. Engagement feeds the algorithm. Ignore it.

Genuine question which I promise I am asking in good faith: what do you think "wokeness" is?

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It's a broad stroke for sure. But there is definitely a demographic of milquetoast liberals who believe in progressive causes as long as it doesn't bring them too much discomfort. The sort of person who wants the far right to go away "so we can all get back to brunch", but is terrified of the sort of mass structural change that would be required to create a truly egalitarian society.

I believe that's the sort of person being addressed here. It doesn't help that the word liberal is heavily overloaded.

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Honestly I think the vast majority of people on the left would agree with most of what you said. A lot of the corporate rainbow flag waving is pretty performative and cringe.

The whole pronoun thing is pretty simple really, just don't say "he" to someone who says "I'm a she". That's really all there is to it. 99% of the the time you can tell whether someone is a he or a she. Sometimes it's not obvious, or you might get it wrong. As long as the other person can say "hey I'm a he actually" and you respond with "Oh my bad bro", then you are all good.

I know there are some people out there who try to make the pronoun thing into some huge deal but that's really all it is. I know plenty of trans people and non-binary people and they're all chill, they just don't want to be called by the wrong thing. And honestly, neither do I!

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Against the Storm! It's a city builder / roguelike mashup.

I.e., you start a new city, build it up, try to meet objectives and citizen demands before the inevitable, overwhelming storm eventually comes and wipes everything out. Then you do it all again, but better, using whatever new cool stuff you unlocked from the last cycle.

The faster you work, the more dangerous the environment becomes. But build too slowly and you won't get enough done before the storm arrives. So you have to balance growth vs caution when building.

Each run you have different resources and buildings available so your city always evolves differently and it doesn't get stale. The vibes are impeccable as well, it's moody and ominous yet somehow cozy at the same time.

Highly recommend it. This is a pretty decent run down:

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I think they're just trying to say how iconic they are as a brand because they've featured in so many bits of pop culture. It's just a "we're so cool, buy our stuff" campaign.

Great comment. We have the same thing here in Australia with tobacco laws. The most recent change was to ban almost all branding on cigarette packaging. They're not allowed to use fonts, slogans, logos, or colours, just the brand name in plain text on a standard brown-green box.

The logic being that branding makes a product more attractive to a consumer. Make it duller and less people will buy it.

Tobacco companies fought it tooth and nail. Kept arguing it wouldn't stop people from smoking. Well then why are you lobbying so hard against it? Obviously the only reason they will ever fight anything is because they think it will hurt their revenue. So whatever they oppose, I support.

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"You’ll feel better in the morning."

I get a lot of intrusive, negative, catastrophising thoughts late at night. Worrying about things I would never worry about during daylight.

I always try to tell myself: don't think about this stuff right now, it's not helpful. Put it aside and if it still feels important in the morning then you can do something about it. Fixating on it right now serves no useful purpose.

I've never worked in a kitchen, and I'm sure it's different than the office jobs I've done. But still, it's important to remember that leadership is not about "telling people what to do" as you described it.

One of the easiest mistakes to make as a leader is assuming that your job is to always be in charge, to order people round, to maintain an air of authority. Sometimes yes, that's needed, but in my experience it's pretty rare.

Your job as a leader is to set direction, make sure people know what's expected of them, make sure they have everything they need to do their job, and then stay out of their way. Especially if you're leading people who are already experienced and know what they're doing.

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A bacon meme? Is it 2008?

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What about?

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Bit of a left field suggestion but one thing that really helps is finding your people.

In my younger years I sometimes really struggled with casual conversation, I often felt like I was the weird guy who had nothing to say.

It turned out that was only really true when I was spending a lot of time with people with whom I had very little in common. As I got older I eventually found "my people". Friends who I click with, who I share values and interests with, who communicate similarly to me.

It's not about finding people who are just copies of you, that would be pretty boring and make for a real social echo chamber. You want a range of friends with different interests, from different walks of life. But you want them to be, for lack of a better term "compatible" with you.

If you happen to be neurodivergent then that adds a whooooole extra layer of complexity to conversational compatibility. There's a stereotype that autistic people are awkward or socially inept, which is complete rubbish. They just communicate differently to neurotypicals. Put a bunch of similar autistic people in a room together and watch them have no trouble at all making conversation with each other, in their own style.

Anyway, maybe this isn't relevant to you, and you're already happy with the people in your life. But it's worth taking the time to examine whether the reason you struggle to make conversation is because you're trying to make it with the wrong people.

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I'm not sure about that. Even wealthy countries can have water problems in times of drought. I grew up during the Millennium Drought in Australia, we had major water restrictions and major campaigns to try to get people to do things like take shorter showers.

And that's in a wealthy nation with well-developed infrastructure. Countless places around the world have neither of those, and I'm sure lots of people in those places would love the luxury of a long shower without wasting water.

Cinephile is another common term.

Nah no way. I'm as big a BG fanboy as anyone but it's a decidedly niche genre. The vast majority of people are not interested in CRPGs.

Bit melodramatic.

My wife and I have been playing a ton of Valheim lately, it's been super fun!

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RA2 music better than RA1 music for me.

RA2 is the best RTS of all time, no question.

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I think people do that sometimes in order to make the one trans or androgenous person not feel like "the odd one out" bc they're the only one who has the give their pronouns.

So I get why people do it but I agree it can be a bit awkward. I don't do it myself but I don't have any problem with people who do.

  • me, complaining about the Acceptable Use Policy I had to sign at work.

Man this has been on my game list for so long! I really need to play it! But I have to finish BG3 first!

I had an aunt and uncle named Hillary and William.

Usually known as Hil and Bill.

Occasionally known as Hillary and Billary 😄

Haha it can definitely be challenging at the higher difficulty levels but I probably made it sound a bit more hectic than it is.

It's pausable at all times so you can always work at whatever pace you want.

The pacing balance that I mentioned is more around having to make the right decisions. I.e. choosing when is the right moment to explore deeper into the forest for more resources. Choosing when to take on more citizens. That sort of thing.

Hung over shower (cleansing)

Same, if I have a family bag of chips in front of me, I'll eat the whole bag. If I serve an enormous bowl of pasta, I'll eat the whole bowl.

The only way I can not overeat is to not have it in arms reach. So yeah, pour a sensible serve of chips into a bowl and then eat that. Leave some pasta in the pot, or put it straight in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

By the time I sit down to eat, the battle is already over, whether I've won or lost.

How about they're just fun and people enjoy them? That's a use.

Here's my variant: make some toast, butter it, then cut it into 1 inch squares. Now mix together in a bowl the toast squares, a tin of baked beans, shredded tasty cheese, and any other flavour enhancers of your choice. Any type of hot sauce is great, wholegrain mustard can also work.

Throw the whole bowl in the microwave for 1-2mins and you've got a delicious bowl of cheesey, spicy, beany, bready, buttery goodness. The saucy toast won't be to everyone's taste but I love it. It's my go-to lunch meal when working from home.

If you want to take it to another level you can grill some cheap sausages, slice them up and throw them in the mix as well!

It's more subtle than that. Obviously no one who already smokes is going to say "Oh, the packet isn't as pretty as it used to be, guess I'll quit smoking now."

It's about the big, long-term picture. Companies spend money on branding and advertising because it works. You create the perception that your product is for a certain type of person, which makes them more inclined to buy it. By making cigarettes boring, you make them less appealing, and on average less people will smoke.

The proof is in the pudding. Social attitudes to smoking in Australia have totally flipped within a generation or two. It used to be something that everyone did. It's now mostly seen as a gross habit.

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It can be hard. Honestly I got pretty lucky in that I was able to find lots of good people through work. There are good and bad parts to the industry I work in, I got hired by a company with a really strong culture that matched what I was looking for. So I was surrounded by a ton of people with similar values and overlapping interests.

Without that, I think mostly it's about trial and error. If you're struggling to find the right people, you need to be brave enough to keep putting yourself out there, and to walk away from groups that just aren't a good match. Like I said, not easy!

Right, it's the sort of person who thinks that female billionaires or black billionaires are icons of progress. As opposed to the continued existence of billionaires being a blight on society regardless of their gender or colour.

Or the sort of person who donates to a charity sleepout for homelessness, but opposes social housing development or improved renters' rights at the expense of landlords. Probably because they are a landlord themselves and are incapable of confronting the hypocrisy of being sad about the housing crisis while simultaneously profiting from it.

"Rainbow capitalist" is a great term btw.

Definitely, I don't really like Ubuntu that much even though it's my go-to. What I like is Xfce. Whether I get it via xubuntu or something else I don't really care.

Should be Wunf, Toof, and Three imo

Ahhh but which Still Alive?

You probably meant the one from Portal, but I much prefer the one from Mirror's Edge! Beautiful song!

What you said is often true but not always. Some communities prefer person-first language, some prefer identity first language.

For example, generally speaking, "autistic people" is preferred over "people with autism". The reasoning being "this is just part of who I am, it's not an affliction that I have."

I'm not autistic but I have lots of friends who are, and they all prefer to say "I'm autistic" rather than "I have autism".

Like you said, it's best to ask, or just copy the language that the person uses for themself.