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Joined 1 years ago

Random nerd who has an interest in computers, privacy, AI, videogames, and CDs. I also like dogs and horses.


I think ActivityPup isn't even integrated into Threads yet? On release they said soon, a week later they said it was long-time planning. Haven't heard about it since.

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No and no. It's not too late, and just watching sitcons won't teach you enough to start speaking. But if you just start actual studying and practicing you can learn it just fine. Watching TV can be used to practice listening, but on it's own it's not enough unless you're a wonderkid.

Tfw you're an Dutchy and simple home-prepaired sandwitches (read two slices of bread with some butter and cheese between them, nothing fancy), are the countries national breackfast and lunch. Warm food is for dinner traditionally 🤣.

Either way, sandwitches (no need to limit to peanut butter, a lot can be put on bread!), salads (pasta or normal), fruit, veggie, cheese, and certain type of meat (like smoked or dried sausage, or beef). They all make great parts for cold meals you can keep in your bag till lunch (speaking from experience). Some cheese & meat are even packed per small packages for easy take along as snack usage.

I would suggest you do go to restaurants a few times, just to try the local cuisine (or their variation of other cuisines). But it probably will be expensive for you indeed. Whenever I'm in Asia, I feel rich (and I'm really not). Even Japan, who is often said to be expensive, is cheaper than my country. Especially when it comes to food.

Last time I was on vacation alone I googled the few things I knew I wanted to see/do, and the rest of the time I just went out and see where I end up. Looking where locals go and do that is also a great trick.

My experience is that most easily online findable things are very tourist-y. I preffer to see more of the non-tourist stuff. Knowing a local is then the best, but by lack there off, just go with the flow.

Currently own a Sony Xperia 1 IV. Been buying Sony phones for about 10 years now. I can hardly break them even without a case, despite being super clumsy, and Sony actually does interesting innovating things that are useful instead of following trends blindly or relying on marketing.

I run a quite degoogled Android 13 atm. Next phone will be a Pixel however, because I wanna switch to GrapheneOS. Wanting to switch OS is also the only reason I even consider a different brand phone.

I can only say Coca Cola taste the same in The Netherlands, Germany, and Vietnam. While I can generally tell quite well when I get a different cola then a Coca Cola one. Based on that there should be some kind of international standard?

I can imagine US being different due to less strict rules around food than EU (much American junkfood is altered in the EU market due to this). But then I'm suprised Vietnam taste the same for that same reason 🤔.

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Historical Chinese drama, especially the palace intreague ones. The better ones are high budget productions with the most beautiful aestethics and well thought out stories. Instead of seasons with set episodes they just have shows of 4 to 100 episodes. Due to that each issue can take the time it needs to be told, without the need of season finals and such, making the pacing very natural. The better ones are also not always predictable and keep you hooked. Most western dramas can't compare, exceptions like Julian Fellowes' shows asside.

I would suggest watching 延禧攻略/Story of Yanxi Palace (not the spin-off on Netflix!) if you want to give it a try. It's not too old, has a good story, and is quite fast-paced despite it's length, making it a great one for starters. It's also easily available with good subtitles, you can find it on Viki for example.

Ah yes, poor Elon is too poor to pay his bills. And Google must have suddenly increased the prices, it's not like they have contracts to adhere to regarding those kinda things.

Manjaro KDE. Easier and more stable than Arch, but still able to use Pacman, the AUR, and Arch documentation (obviously, I don't use their support channels, but Manjaro forums are helpful with issues). Been running it for years as main OS on all my PCs here.

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Back when I was in university, I worked IT support there on the side. One day, a teacher wanted to send a mail to one project group, but accidentally send it to the whole university. Every student, every employee. We didn't reach 13k people but it was a few thousand.

The thing is, in Outlook (which was used for school mail) the default reply button which is looking simply like arrow, was the reply-to-all one. Reply to sender was hidden a few clicks away. Needless to say, this caused similar issues. With the first people just politely trying to tell said teacher he might have maken a mistake, then people went in replying asking people to stop using reply-to-all, and it didn't take long for hell to break loose after that.

To make matters worse, a few smartasses ran some scripts putting the whole receiver list on all kinds of spam advertisement lists, causing a flood of spam send to everyone simultanously with all the reply-to-all-replies. And then people replied to those too. Guess they figured they wouldn't get caught with everyone receiving mails from everywhere. They did tho, and got seriously reprimanded.

The server automatically changed from instant delivery to synchronising every 5 min, but that still meant hundreds of mails every 5 min. Eventually we had to turn off the mail server to make it stop as trying to tell that many people to stop replying is impossible and it clearly wasn't going to die out on it's own.

It was a long day at work, and one I will likely never forget. But I feel like any bigger sized company that has excisted for some longer time has had their own version of this issue by now. I never understood why'd they make reply-to-all the default, instead of reply-to-sender with the to-all version as a smaller button next to it... At least they now added the warning in Outlook "your distribution group has X amount of people, are you sure" or something along those lines when sending to distribution groups of a few dozen or more...

Agree. There's just something special about doing it the original way. Booting up that old console just like in the past, no matter if I had it back then or not.

That being said, I don't get the hate on emulation either. To each their own.

Good leaves on the right temperature. Nothing added. Tasty, healthy, and calorie free.

Unless making very specific a milk tea, then add milk. Don't do it too often, it ruins the last 2 points mentioned before.

Signal for personal chats, Matrix for community chats.

Temple run. I used to play it a lot back in high school, unlocked everything with gameplay only including seasonal things like Santa Claus. It was fun enough, but updates would regularily reset my game completely loosing everything I archieved and unlocked, and the developers never gave a shit about that issue. I eventually gave up on it because of that.

Most of my intrests are there and have some activity. Mainly the computerstuff and all. But others exist but aren't active. Take for example kpop, japanese music, horses, the elder scrolls. I wouldn't mind a community for western style RPGs as those are nearly the only games I play, with a few exeptions. General gaming ones seem too general for me, too little I care about.

I am trying to post here, but also don't want to spam a community with only my posts and make it looks like some kind of echo chamber. Feels like a delicate balance on the (nearly) inactive ones.

Wijko saté sauce. It goes with almost anything. I'll have no shame in it. My Asian partner does.

I also heared that bit about the secret service owning nodes a few years ago. It was trough a teacher that's also really in the stuff outside of teaching, and has a network of non-teaching proffesionals in the field.

It's something to keep in mind, at the very least. Tor already has some weaknesses anyways. You shouldn't trust it blindly just because it's Tor. If anything, I think it more has a false rep for how strong it is over struggling with a stigma.

Well, I also have both atm. Altrough I need to admit my DS Lite is only used as GBA console and for stuff that requires the GBA slot because of weird accesouries (like Guitar Hero On Tour).

I think it's because of that. I play the old DS games on my new 3DS. And while the games did improve, the games on 3DS still wheren't that advanced even for most of the time it was alive, since it laster quite long. So it easily feels more "backwards" than "last gen”. I also don't see as much difference between them as the jump from PS1 to PS2 to PS3. Or the jump from GameBoy to DS serries, and 3DS to Switch for that matter. For the most part, the different DS' feel more like different models than different consoles.

While the 3DS was released in 2010, the DS is only 6 years younger releasing in 2004. The hardware isn't thát far apart. And while the last game for the 3DS was released in 2021, that still was made for at that moment 11 year old hardware (and by now 13 year old). And while the size of games may have quadruppeld between the first DS and the last, 4GB games where nothing in 2021. They bassically kept making games with restrictions of old hardware longer, rather than having a huge improvement.

If I try to stab you to death, but I fail, is it a crime?

Generally, as long as there is proof you attempted a crime, it's a crime. However, punishment is often lower than when you succeeded, if only because there are is damage done.

Personally, for me PS2 era and older is retro for sure. There is a clear distinction where many PS3 games share similar feeling with modern games, while my PS2 ones feel from a past time. We also still had things like memory cards, altrough obviously not all consoles in that generation do. Still, I would put generations on one line, as most console games where ports of the same game across consoles of the same generation, so then that's the last generation with these kinda old ways of storing. PS2's gen is also the last generation console games where completely different from PC, and in my childhood gaming up to then wasn't mainstream but a nerd hobby, causing it to have a very different community. With the generation of the PS3, all of that changed to modern standards.

PS3 and DS I'm a bit in dubio about. Whenever I feel bored with modern games, PS3 and my (3)DS are on the list of "old" consoles I grab back to (together with PS2, PS1, and recently GBC/GBA which I'd consider retro for sure). On the other hand, at least half the games released on it are games I still play on my PC as "modern games". DS is extra hard, as I barely distinct between 3DS as DS in my mind, unless it's using the GBA port for stuff. After all, I play them on the same console and the transition was quite smooth between the DS models making it not feel like a huge gab, unlike the PS2 to PS3. But at the same time, early DS is much older than late 3DS, which I would consider too new for sure.

Anything after that, modern for sure.

(One of) the biggest tech sites in my country uses "at least two generations old" as definition, making PS3 the last retro generation currently. I like it because it fits my usage, but as said I'm a bit in dubio about actually calling the PS3 retro. It doesn't feel old fashioned enough. I mean, that would technically make Skyrim retro. But that's definitly one of those games that are in my "modern gaming" list on PC and Switch...

I can at least personally attest that PS3 is currently the newest gen where people either think you're awesome for buying it now because they get the fun of old stuff, or stupid because they think the old stuff is crap and only the new is cool. For that reason I would agree to allow it on retro places, as modern gaming places just wouldn't appriciate it at all while people who are already into older stuff do on a somewhat regular basis. But that doesn't make it truly retro per se, and it really should take over or be all you use.

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I know I'm a minority in this, but I unironically prefer vanilla Minecraft, it's simple in a good way 😅.

About 5 years ago I had some issues with a GPU driver not working out of the box, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. That issue was more Nvidia than Manjaro tho, and by now it does work out of the box. Otherwise no, not really.

Maybe that's your machine being oddly programmed. Every machine I've seen unlocks right after it finishes it's cycle. It can also be stopped and unlocked anywhere halfway, but it takes some time to drain the water (usually a few seconds, not a full minute like you mentioned originally).

Used OpenBoard, but switched to Florisboard because OpenBoard seems abandoned and the developer of FlorisBoard came back with an update of what he's working on. So far I'm not mad, the lack of autocorrect did make my typing much better. But as a dyslectic person I can't wait for proper autocorrect to be implemented.

Using FCITX5 for Asian languages.

Yup. To add more: Brave for searching because it has it's own crawler. OrganicMaps and OSM for maps. Joplin for notes. AsteroidOS for WearOS. NextCloud for Drive (including some auto-syncing/back-up stuff like mobile contacts). Proton or Tutanota for mail.

I generally drink Zero. If the sugar is the different, could that be why?

Zero taste the same as regular to me but less sweet, but since I rarely drink regular I don't have the exact taste of that in my mouth.

Houndoom! With Bulbasaur as closed 2nd.

KDE Plasma

Funny. My grandpa has been using Thunderbird and Libre Office for years, and he never realised it until recently (and he uses it a lot). He recently had an issue for the first time and asked me as he was trying to fix it with Microsoft but didn't get anywhere, and I had to break the news to him it wasn't their product.

I'm not the one who set it up for him btw. But whoever did so made it look as much as to make it easier for him to switch. Which worked as he had no clue and thought he got some free version or so.

I do also use it, but my setup isn't Microsoft-like per se. I'm rather happy with it tho.

I'm interested in linguistics in a linguistic way. Languages tell something about a culture. For examply by what subjects have many words and which don't. Or how seperated ranks in society are by the amount of (used) formality forms. The level of directness might corolate to the level of pragmatism. What foreign influence there is can be partly seen by loanwords and writing symbols. Etc. Etc.

But computer languages are hardly linguistic, most of them are just English in a specific syntax. I love computers, but they interest me in a technical way. Even the best AI relies on switches turning off and on, yes and no's, 1's and 0's. It's black and white logical mathmatics. In the end, programming languages are little more than "the creator thought this was a good way to handle which switches should go on and off", and you just use what's most practical for your use-case. That is, quantum computers aside, but even those are similar in that really. Just more complex.

Nowadays I just wear boring old tees and jeans, with most tees being merchandise of games, computer stuff, or music. But nothing too out of the ordenary, just your average nerd. And I'm happy that way.

When I was younger I was deep into heavy metal, especially underground black, and dressed the part. Those days, while I hold them dear, are long gone. Now I listen to nearly anything depending on my mood. Beside hardcore and related stuff, as that'll give me a migraine. Club EDM is cool tho. My taste is now going from that old underground black metal all the way to K/J/C/V-pop with nearly anything in between. Springsteen gotta be my all time favourite artist.

I use Astiga, which is like a private Spotify you need to fill with music yourself. I buy CDs which I rip to get music to fill it with. Leaves me with higher quality audio and no trash to filter trough while never having to worry about licencing issues removing my favourite music, and leaves artists with much more financial support than services like Spotify will ever offer.

Not sure which game was first, but I have early memories of Tomb Raider, COD2 and Larry on a Win95 PC. My first used console was an PS2 while the first I owned was an original Xbox. My first used handheld an original GameBoy, with the Advance SP being the first I owned myself.

The oldest ones I used are different tho. I'm not that old but I went back to try a few older devices over the years.

TPM on my motherboard is forever disabled

If that's just to stop W11 that's stupid. TPM chips are security related. Disabling them has some serious drawbacks.

Now there are discussion on if you'd even want a TPM chip or not, and if you choose not to use it for such reasons it may be a well thought out decision. Then you won't hear me complain. But to trow out security components just to prevent an update, without looking at the possible consequences, is stupid. There are better ways to prevent that anyways.