14 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe you know more about web or android development, then you could look into contributing to the lemmy-ui or jerboa.

Yesterday I was annoyed at wide code blocks being wrapped, instead of having a horizontal scrollbar, so I took 20 minutes of googling and hacking around with my minimal css skills and wrote a PR, it's already merged and will probably show up on instances soon.

4 more...

Sounds like a cool project!

Make sure to check the issues/PRs, it looks like people already worked on CTRL+Enter.

2 more...

There is already a related issue:

I just though of one, you know how you can insert images with the "upload image" button, drag and drop doesn't seem to be supported yet.

Idk how hard that is to implement cross platform, but many sites support it.

Let me prefix this by mentioning that I only have minimal experience with the genre.

I think Livre Troisi​è​me from Les chants du hasard could qualify as unsettling/disturbing. Also check out their newest album, which goes into a more black metal direction, if you are into that.

The other one that comes to mind is The Umbersun from Elend

I must admit that I personaly see this as slightly bloated for using SVG, although I don't see a good alternative. Supporting SVG fully basically requires a webbrowser, because it has JavaScript support. The best alternative I can think of is using fonts formats, but that is less accessible for custom cursors, and idk how they deal with colors.

Currently Krabat from ASP

I recently started doing xeyes debugging.

We have so many debug logs that trying to find your log of a background takes a non zero amount of time.

So just inserting system("xeyes"); is actually way easier, to get instant feedback, and you can just use system("xmessage msg"), if you need a message.

They'll have a tour together at the end of next year, if you happen to live in Germany. Oh, and there are supposed to be four new Samsas Traum album releases next year, from what Kaschte said on facebook. Edit, here is the quote:

Falls du mittlerweile ein Diagramm oder eine Tabelle brauchst, um zu verstehen, welches Feuerwerk wir in den nächsten zwei Jahren abfeuern – wir haben volles Verständnis für deine Verwirrung. Grob zusammengefasst räumen wir zunächst ein paar Nebenveröffentlichungen aus dem Weg, während wir zwischendurch immer wieder Artikel einstreuen, die ohne unsere Plattenfirma TRISOL MUSIC GROUP veröffentlicht und verkauft wurden. Danach erscheinen KALK, HMHRUFM und VOTA TENEBRIS 1 & 2. In Folge läuten wir das Zeitalter der Konzeptalben ein, zu dem nicht nur „Tineoidea 2“, sondern auch ein WEENA-MORLOCH-Musical über den Amoklauf von Emsdetten und die Platte über oben erwähnte Killer-Katze gehören. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass die Zukunft ganz geil wird.

The critical section makes sure that only ever a single thread can execute the section at a time. So when a thread what's to execute the section, it first needs to make sure no other thread is executing it and potentially wait for the other threads to finish executing the section.

Reductions however don't induce this synchronization overhead, instead each thread executes with an independent parent value, and after the loop is done, the reduction is applied to merge all parent values. The following, is essentially what the #pragma omp parallel for reduction(min : parent) is equivalent to:

unsigned int parents[8] = {v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v};

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(8)
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < G.Out[v]._map.bucket_count(); j++) {
	for(auto ite = G.Out[v]._map.begin(j); ite != G.Out[v]._map.end(j); ite++) {
		unsigned int w = ite->first;
		if(v > w)
			parents[omp_get_thread_num()] = min(parents[omp_get_thread_num()],w);

unsigned int parent = v;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
	parent = min(parent, parents[i]);

This doesn't work for me. I've been searching and waiting for since it was created, but I still can't find it from beehaw. Any ideas how to get around this?

I mainly use metal-archives and bandcamp. On metal-archives, I mainly use the similar artists feature, and sometimes search for specific genres from specific countries.

Edit: Oh, and I totally forgot, is also a great resource to get surface level into new genres.

I especially love the last part.

(I wanted to put this in the post body, but miss clicked)

I think the is the most accurate solution, clock() as suggested by another answer may overflow, but this only suffers from potential precision problems with double, but you'd have to wait for an incredibly long time for this to become significant.