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Joined 1 years ago

Who's demanding anything? Surely we can discuss it amongst ourselves as a community?

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Let's all just use IPs

All on beehaw? Because if so those aren't from the instances we're talking about.

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In nearly 17 years at Valve, Wood helped build and ship the company’s most notable titles, including Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, CS:GO and both episodes of Half-Life 2. He was a founding member of the CS:GO project and worked on that series for six years; he was pivotal in crafting Portal 2’s co-op mode, and he created choreography and combat scenes in Half-Life and Left 4 Dead. Level design was one of his specialties.

You have my attention.

“It really is more about cozy exploration,” Wood told Engadget. “The game has aspects of platforming, but it's very light platforming. It's more about exploring vertically, and exploring nooks and crannies. I've done a lot of things throughout my career, but one of the things I spent a lot of time doing was level design in video games, so I have a lot of personal interest in creating spaces that feel fun to explore, to sort of poke around in.”


I would like to note that hasn't had unverified sign ups enabled for a while now. I have an account there too so it really doesn't make much of a difference to me but I would like an updated stance from the admins here. The initial concerns they voiced don't seem as relevant as they once were.

As for, it's the biggest, and issues can arise from that, so that makes more sense to me.

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I agree. I haven't noticed anything from in my casual browsing.

I think so. is no where near as big. And the admin there has always been very responsive and transparent whenever I had concerns. The patient gamers community is also very friendly.

If anyone wants to support him he has a patreon.

And, it's only communities someone on beehaw has specifically subscribed to. Communities from federated instances won't show up in all if no one from beehaw has ever subscribed to them.

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Every day I'm closer to trying Linux again.

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You badly underestimate the proportion of people who have never heard of Mastadon.

That doesn't justify it...

There was a thread dunking on Nazis and an admin came in, locked the thread and told people to be nice to everyone regardless of their ideology. They refused to defederate from exploding heads for a very long time, preemptively defederated from hexbear (whatever your thoughts about the instance it’s deeply weird they didn’t want to defed the Nazis but immediately defederated from the weirdo lefties)

The guy who blew the whistle on the piracy forums was an out and obvious nazi. They didn’t ban him after his obvious naziness went on display.

It’s not really an outlandish thing to suggest. They clearly are much more biased towards fascists than leftists, at the very least - which is highly questionable and problematic on a leftist-literally-by-design site.

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The comment would be more useful if you linked to the threads you reference in it.

These people don't know what real censorship looks like.

They can, and do, have their own instances.

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Well, the dude has a vision that the community should discuss it first, they have, and it's now deleted.

Holy shit someone tell danny brown to save his raps

Definitely agreed. "antiwork" carries too much baggage.

We can't forget that the third-party apps are still functional for a couple weeks still too.

do they know they're monsters?

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It also includes microblogging so it's like a mix of lemmy and mastadon (and federates with both)

even gave it a yellow colored theme so it's clear that I'm browsing Beehaw

I did the same but I only browse "local" on it since I can access the rest of the fediverse from my other account and I don't want to accidentally double dip.

there's just nothing else which most of the people i talk to will "get"

The group here may be different from most of the people you talk to.


"the average person"

Or (mostly joking) "allistic"?

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Memory problems checks out for all that, yes

#UPDATE it's been removed :)

Well, some of us are actually trying to convert it into a Donald Duck sub. Which I find kind of fun and couldn't have happened if it was immediately banned.

Unfortunately my account over there was already banned from that community(I asked if they were being ironic when they first popped up) so I can't help.

Edit: and someone else pointed out that the mod there keeps changing his display name so the community looks more active than it actually.

Liftoff is look good too

It was the best. I have tried most reddit apps but that one could be customized exactly how I wanted and it was great. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

Yes, but do they self-identify as the bad guy?

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As a Canadian I'm surprised to hear it took this long. Is that why everyone uses venmo?

I have wonderful people in my life, but the first thing that comes to mind is music.

Sync was completely customizable. You wouldn't believe how compact I made mine.

Essentially, yeah.

Dreams do come true

'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

But, like all American culture, I fear this is spreading its influence far and wide too.

Some phones have more RAM than a Series S? Wow.

My acct is my main so from my point of view* beehaw already isn't federated. I have an acct here so I can always pop in for this kind of space so I don't really mind if we defederated. But I agree it might be time to consider how long the half measures are going to stay in place.

This is a great suggestion.