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Joined 9 months ago

So, open season for Biden to get some Supreme Court justices an "early retirement" then?

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Yes and no. There is a wider public opinion fight that can be won. Many of the state laws are getting slammed through GOP supermajorities though.

Sometimes, I feel like it would be easier to find the One Ring than it would be to find NSFW content on Lemmy.

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I will always game with the grungler.

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Maybe they should skip their avocado toast or drink less Starbucks?

"Here's a four hour video where I explain that the trans-coded character that trans people identify with and the writers explicitly say is trans really isn't, because glorious Nippon does not have the same understanding of trans people."

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Just because you're into destroying unjust hierarchies doesn't mean you can't be a bottom.

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A ton also passed. A growing number are working their way through the courts. The "tide" has already made millions refugees in their own country. There is a long way to go on this, I'm afraid.

The part that scares me in this is that it's only a story because the girl wasn't actually trans.

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Wow, cis? I couldn't even tell!

"If men can't rule society, they'll just beat the shit out of each other in underground fights" really isn't a great selling point.

The Ohio General Assembly, which is controlled by a Republican supermajority, can override the governor’s veto with a three-fifths majority vote.

So, while the vetos are great news, folks in Ohio should contact their reps to let them know to let the vetos stand.

I like the enthusiasm, but minors are not generally in a position to up and relocate. Supportive families are increasingly finding themselves needing to move out of hostile states. Most of us are holding our breath for national elections to determine if we need to flee the country.

An actual medical procedure that, at the time, husbands could authorize done to their wives without consent.

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It really should have to pass some form of nonpartisan review before being able to be introduced. I hate that as a private citizen, I have to track possible legislation and make time during the day to tell them that it's clearly unconstitutional, have them pass it anyways, and then wait between 2-10 years for the courts to tell them (maybe).

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I have a real problem with hybrid for roles that don't require an in-office presence because it arbitrarily region locks a role.

Can we not?

The majority of folks that are shitty to queer folks aren't doing it because they are secretly gay.

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A Henry Pissenger, if you will.

Excited to see where they go in the future.

Probably into the same truck.

lol, that's silly. I do it at the start so that I can punctuate with an ascii emoticon, even in forms of communication where it's not supported. ;)

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In general, what it seems like they want is to prevent social progress, and by having an absurd protest against nothing, they're trivializing protest. It's similar to the Republican impeachment attempts of executive branch members, the objective isn't to get the person removed, it's to make it seem mundane.

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This guy is just a psychopath who was inconvenienced, not overwhelmed because of caring for his wife.

Where is the line exactly? What constitutes an inconvenience and what is worthy of being overwhelming.

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The Nordics I think figured out a solution to this,

The French did too, it's called the guillotine.

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Nah, the ones where they list something like 20,000-250,000 for the range are worse.

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I'm absolutely horrified by so many folks in the comment section blinded by partisan hate.

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Just wait until he learns about qualified immunity.

And this has no mechanism for enforcement. (And looking closer, only covers procurement, it doesn't ban flying of flags previously obtained, donated or privately furnished).

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No child should go hungry or miss out on an education. We have the resources to treat people better.

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Roem was already a member of the House, this just marks career progression for her. As for Zooey Zephyr, she has had a fair impact in spite of her being barred from the floor for the last week of the session.

That is the wording they often use on injunctions. As there has not been a full trial they like to keep it as "likely".

The last time I had my car broken into, they sent an officer out to take the report. They, of course, did nothing with that report, and I found the person who had broken into my car later through reliable sources.

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Seems kinda odd of the title to neglect mentioning that he's the current Lt governor.

Personally, I'd rather he reflect and better himself. I'm not entirely comfortable wishing suffering and misery on someone.

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Like I have in my own home? Nah, that'd never work. I need businesses to designate a separate bathroom for every gender! /s

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What mics does the sound guy use to really capture the sternum punch?

Homeless people need access to goods and services, and relocating them to "out of the way" locations further disadvantages them.

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The Supreme Court is not meant to be on the legal career progression path. It's a public service position. One can bake in anti-bribery controls independent of pay scale.

We really let them down on fashion.

It applies generally to anyone involved in a program receiving federal funding.

None of that is in the article.

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