0 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No, no, it's "free dumbs". As in, they were giving away stupidity for free, so we each took as much as we could carry.

I find it hard to believe that the US has an insufficient pool of talent available for this project. These companies just don't want to pay what those qualified individuals demand in compensation.

5 more...

Whether or not any of this bullshit is true, I'm just glad that there's growing distain for billionaires.

Let me summarize the stream of these comments for you, as if it was a conversation between two people.

A)There isn't infrastructure for electric cars, particularly for those living in an apartment.

B)Level 1 charging is good enough for most people.

A)How is a person who lives in an apartment going to use a level 1 charger?

B)You just use a regular outlet.

A)But I live in an apartment, there is no regular outlet near my car.

B)(this is your comment BTW)Well then why did you bring up level 1 charging?

You're a moron.

17 more...

Airpods could literally just have a little threaded battery with an o-ring, as that stick part. The added expense and engineering challenges are minor. They just don't do it because they want you to buy new ones every couple of years.

3 more...

Oh no, a few downvotes and you get buried in the tens and tens of other comments!

I'm not saying this to be mean or intentionally offensive. I genuinely am having a hard time understanding the logic: If you know that you have a genetic mutation that will be fatal 100% of the time, and which generally only allows you to survive for a short period of time beyond your early reproductive years, why would you have kids? It seems selfish to me, that these people understand their condition but still choose to doom their progeny to the same fate.

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OK, but if you live in an apartment, where do you plug in that level 1 charger?

31 more...

Look at this fat cat with his elite ~heinz~ beans. Fancy pants over here is apparently too good for "great value" bean derived legume chunks!

Haha. Alright, bud. All those people with the simple solution of parking in their living room will be so pleased.

12 more...

How are you going to leave when you're in jail?

I'm not arguing that any of your complaints are invalid. I just want to say that I use jellyfin to organize my movies and TV shows and access them from other computers on my home network. It works, is easy, was free. I like it.

Can someone parse this for me?

1 more...

All I see is, "please keep talking about me"

This is just not a practical day-to-day solution. Most people don't have a parking spot right outside their window that they can reliably use for charging. There is often a sidewalk that the cord would have to cross, creating the opportunity for someone to trip and sue you. There is often landscaping between buildings and parking, creating the opportunity for the landscapers to accidentally run over your cord with their lawnmower. Some asshole is going to walk by and unplug your car and then you may be late to work.

Sure, you could it, but it's not a practical solution.

4 more...

Agreed. Ideally, the executioner should be acting entitled, or maybe mildly indignant if the "no tip" option is selected.

I'm loving your solutions. Do you know what they call covered garages and parking structures with outlets and even your big brain idea of sidewalks with electrical outlets in them? They call those things INFRASTRUCTURE.

10 more...

I agree that personal muscle cars are a "go fuck yourself" to the climate, but look at that bus. It doesn't look fast because it has no reason to be aerodynamic. That thing is either stopped or going like 30 mph a majority of the time. If driving takes you 15 minutes but taking the bus takes you an hour, those with enough money will trade it to get that time back.

7 more...

Now just combine this with cell phone tracking data and we'll know where everyone is, where they're going, what theyre doing, what they think, how much money they have, their political opinions, what they're buying, who they're fucking. It'll be a crime free utopia!

I appreciate it when crazy people wear big warning signs.

But what's the actual problem with the ability for posts to have negative scores? Are we trying to prevent people from feeling the unpleasant sensation associated with THE DISAPPROVAL OF OTHERS!?

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But its not as shocking if I say that there are a million people in the room and one gets shot per day! (But I mean, that still seems significant to me.)

In their example, almost everybody is getting shot every year. Happy birthday, BLAM!

My dude, the comment at the top of this thread is stating that there isn't enough infrastructure to support most people buying electric cars. Sure, there's some infrastructure for some people to be able to charge their cars but its a significant barrier for many and an impediment to widespread adoption, causing a decrease in demand. You know, relevant information regarding the original post.

"But some people can charge their cars" is irrelevant when so many can't, because of infrastructure.

This word has lost all meaning for me. Infrastructure infrastructure

8 more...

I did read the article. What point are you trying to make? I concede that gas stoves do generate potentially harmful combustion byproducts but in my opinion, adequate ventilation minimizes the health risks.

You're close, but you've still missed. My opinion (and I'm agreeing with the guy at the top of this thread) is that charging an electric car is impractical for such a large proportion of the population that it is slowing down electric vehicle adoption and that mass adoption is unlikely to occur until this infrastructure issue has been addressed.

And also that I can't charge my car on the street.

6 more...

At this point, I'm just curious to know where you live that makes you think that sidewalks have power outlets.

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(He's calling trump poop)

1 more...

I agree with what you said, but why would the US have fewer available qualified individuals than Taiwan? We have a large population and an effective university system. I think its likely that the talent is available, but expensive.

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I share your opinion. I'm optimistic about the migrations away from twitter, reddit, and facebook. This is a great opportunity for the improvement and democratization of social networks. The more that people move to open source platforms and the more that people demand control of their data, the better!

Haha. That's great. That is some great infrastructure, which I hope is built soon, but which currently exists almost nowhere.

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Mint has been such a smooth experience for me, as well! I'm glad that Linux gaming is improving, as its one of the few things keeping me using windows. Manjaro is supposedly very beginner friendly, as well.

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Yeah, his real comb-over is much less convincing.

Just in case you didnt read the article you linked. It says, "Research indicates that one of the main hurdles to EV adoption in the eyes of car buyers is adequate charging infrastructure."


I never even implied anything like that. Don't try to straw man me just because you're saying silly things.

My point was that it doesn't need to be aerodynamic, because it won't be going fast. I'm sure it is still capable of going fast, and that some bus routes go on the highway, but if the designers expected that to be happening with any regularity, they would have designed it with that in mind. Most busses are not aerodynamic because its not necessary. Busses are generally slow.

My commute to work is literally 15 minutes by car or 60 minutes by bus. Traffic is rarely a significant factor for me. It may sometimes add as much as 5 minutes to my travel time.

Would there be significant benefits if everyone used public transportation? Yes. Do I want to spend an extra 90 minutes commuting every day? Not even a little bit.

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Who knew software development involved so much anal sex?

You're saying that there aren't more deserts on the equator because its so wet? Well, that answers that! Everybody, pack it up!

The shit is beananas