1 Post – 823 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

reddit refugee

Bazzite has been amazing for me.

I started with the nvidia base which I was getting some flickering on when using Wayland. Switching to x11 at the login screen resolved that for me.

I recently upgraded my GPU with an AMD card this time and re-basing was super easy. Didn’t have to reinstall any apps or mess with drivers.

This year I stopped using Windows 10. I started on NixOS, then tried Zorin, Mint, and now Bazzite. This one is it.

This also happens to be my first foray into KDE and my god I’m liking it so much better than gnome or cinnamon.

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I just switched it to x11 and it was fine.

I recently picked up an AMD GPU so I re-based to the regular one which was amazingly easy.

Oh sorry. “Just kill anyone else rather than yourself. That’s a good idea.”


Damn I guess elections really do have consequences.

“Hey all I said was that’s a good idea”. Tha fuck?

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“Just kill anyone else”. Man, STFU.

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With a war? Yeah...

It's useful to point out the absurdity of their bullshit in case other readers don't detect it.

Maybe we can try asking Putin politely to stop?

I wouldn’t call this journalism. It’s a jailbreak/hacking project centered around the r1. This is just an article they posted.

I know all of the above because I was capable enough to navigate to their home page and … read it.

Grow up.

Where do you live where the economy doesn’t affect you?

Maybe these people would be happier moving to a country where their religion is forced down from the government? Maybe go there?

You’re incompatible with western society so change or get the fuck out.

And before anyone jumps down my throat I’m speaking specifically of those who don’t accept that things like freedom of speech includes things they don’t like.

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I’m still just using Firefox and ublock origin…

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Is this really something people are mad about? Who cares? This shit is hilarious.

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If I controlled a paper, I’d force a git control system with publicly viewable edits made after publication.

Imagine the goodwill and trust that would instill in the public toward your paper.

Edit: I’ve thought the same thing about proposed legislation for a long time.

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I’d be down for an ask to allow that info. Sort of like how sites request access to cam and mic.

Let users decide because we’re fucking adults.

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I wonder how long it will be before I can point to this as yet another example of why libertarian policy is absolute bullshit.

My guess is not long.

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This just in - companies that want to continue doing business in country must follow country’s laws. More at 10.

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That’s a bit like saying “you think individuals consume a lot of food? Look at restaurants!”

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You have more faith in people’s giveashit than I do.

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The data breach started with hackers accessing only around 14,000 user accounts. The hackers broke into this first set of victims by brute-forcing accounts with passwords that were known to be associated with the targeted customers

Turns out, it is.

What should a website do when you present it with correct credentials?

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Neuralink announced in September that it was recruiting volunteers for its human study. Thousands of people have reportedly signed up to receive the brain implant.


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Fuck TikTok but do we really want to set this precident?

What’s TikTok doing that meta and google aren’t?

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If I can't add your passkey to my Bitwarden vault, I'm not using your passkey.

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I deleted a 13 yr old account due to spez's fuckery and I haven't been back. I used to be very active in several subs but now I want fedi to happen.

Show google who’s boss by still using the product.

Some practical advice for donating to food banks: Give money instead of food.

  1. They know exactly what they need. You don’t.

  2. They have partnerships and buy in bulk which makes that same dollar go further in their hands than in yours.

That article has changed how I give to food banks since I read it.

Mr. free speech absolutist.

This is exactly what comes to mind when some fedi people want to block all the search engines.

Good answers from real people are what drove everyone to start appending “Reddit” to the end of searches. The rest of the results are SEO trash.

I’d like to see a lot of that traffic move to lemmy and other fedi stuff and I think letting indexers do their thing is positive.

Hm. This is what I got.

I think about 90% of the screenshots we see of LLMs failing hilariously are doctored. Lemmy users really want to believe it's that bad through.


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California registered voters,

Consider signing this petition. This group needs help getting funding to use psychedelics to treat mental health. They need 1 million signatures and it must be done via wet signatures.

Read up at this link and if it sounds like something you support, please sign.

Right now it’s all the rage to threaten not voting for Biden because of his handling of the Israel/Hamas conflict.

Idk guys… I wouldn’t recommend it.

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The ban, which will take effect later this year, carves out an exception for existing noncompetes that companies have given their senior executives, on the grounds that these agreements are more likely to have been negotiated. The FTC says employers should not enforce other existing noncompete agreements.

Jesus… I almost sent this to a coworker because he’s the only one I know that uses a vertical mouse.

Then I saw Saddam. Lol

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I wish it were that simple.

With fewer people vaccinated, herd immunity is weakened. As I understand it, this means even vaccinated children will come into contact more frequently with infected people, thereby increasing the chance that even vaccinated people get sick.

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Am I the only one who knew Incognito mode simply didn’t keep history or cookies on the local machine?

I always assumed nothing changed on Google’s end.

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You’d get more utility from lighting 25k on fire. What the fuck.

No. It affects availability. Not integrity or confidentiality.

I grew up straight edge in a religious household. I was so afraid of getting into trouble, I didn't even drink as a teenager even though all my friends did.

Now my work depends on me keeping away from illegal drugs. Seeing as my family's livelihood depends on that, it's a pretty straightforward decision to never cross that line, ever. So I say this as a 30+ yr old who's rarely drank and never done drugs of any kind that weren't prescribed.

If this changes, and it's confirmed that my livelihood wouldn't be threatened for trying it, I would absolutely partake.

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