3 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

From bad to worse?

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How fast time passes. Years pass very quickly now and the view of the end is approaching faster than I would like.

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Welcome to black history in America. Written for you by white republicans.

Seems fair.

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Oooo, look at us shaking in our boots. Putin can go to his bunker and shoot himself in the face.

Arrrr ye mateys.

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What in the hell is happening? It’s like the more we progress socially the more the religious zealots get to go fucking crazy.

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Believe it or not it was a trip to Memphis for training from Canada. I am not well travelled by any means. I made it into Memphis and after a short ride, arrived at my hotel. The people who worked there were some of the most lovely people I have ever met. Southern hospitality was in their soul. I even got to sit down one afternoon with some other guests and hotel staff to discuss differences in politics, healthcare and so on. It blew my mind when people were telling me the expense of just having a baby delivered at their local hospital. I could not wrap my mind around not wanting socialized healthcare. It was the first evening in the hotel, I decided to turn on the local news for Memphis. This was the first real culture shock. The violence. Shootings, stabbings, robberies. I honestly went from feeling like this place is amazing, to this place scares the sh!t out of me. I could not understand why in a place where I had met such beautiful and lovely individuals had to live in a place that was so violent. So after my training week had finished up I decided to head to Beal street and walk around the downtown core a bit. Beal was very much what I had imagined. Kind of felt like a tourist trap. Anyhow I ventured off the beaten path and headed into the town to do some shopping around. I had left a local record shop and heard the ranting of some biker coming out of a building. He was yelling the most racist things if I have ever heard. I was floored. Most of the racists I have encountered where I live are old asshats who keep it secret. But this man out in the street let his hatred fly.

Memphis was this weird crossover world where I was treated like gold and at the same time had to feel afraid for my safety. It still blows my mind the racism and bigotry people still face. It has stuck with me for years.

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What’s happening in the US isn’s even considered conservatism anymore. It’s the MAGA cult. I am definitely left, but conservatives don’t always need to be bad. It just so happens that the Republican Party has filled itself with people serving themselves and not the people who voted for them. Fingers crossed things go well this November.

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It would be amazing if the jury said jail time would be more effective than another monetary settlement. Fingers crossed.

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This is so childish… you’re just going through a… phase.

Handmaids tale vibes.

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If you’re paying 0% it won’t hurt to keep paying it monthly. If you have 12.5k laying around then invest it and make some money. Obviously if you had anything above 0% interest on the loan then paying it off would never be a bad thing.

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These court cases are adding up. If he avoids jail time after all of this it would be a miracle or total conspiracy.

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After the IDF killed three hostages who were waving white flags and speaking Hebrew, we know their intentions are to not play by the rules of war.

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Eating dogs is as disgusting as eating cows, pigs and chickens.

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The step volt was pushing from the other side but amp said it Hertz.

Off to stone the sinners.

I think it’s fair to say they should be hammering that bridge way more frequently. Keep the Russians busy repairing.

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They could have instead made 852,000 new millionaires or 8.52 million people could have a cool $100,000 to save for retirement or pay off debt. But the rich get richer.

Dudes got thin skin.

Every transport industry is heavily regulated with regards to safety for a reason. If you start a commercial enterprise on an untested vehicle you’re asking for trouble.

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I’ve been vegan for a decade. You just changed my mind.

So when Ukraine forces the Russians out, does Ukraine get to turn an equal amount of space in Russia into a burnt wasteland in return? I think it’s only fair.

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I hope they make us pay for it! 🇨🇦

Even in the midst of a war there are people who are willing to be liars and cheats. Keep up the good fight Ukraine.

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Canada..Maple syrup over a plate of SORRY!

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Did we just become best friends?

Nearing 1/4 million Russians gone. That is insane. For what? How have Russian citizens not revolted yet?

Every bit helps. I can’t tell others to make changes if I don’t do it myself.

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I feel sick that media in the west has all but forgotten to cover Russias invasion of Ukraine. It all shifts away as soon as something else that grabs headlines comes along. It’s disgusting.

Wow. The SCOTUS is firing through all sorts of shitty changes this week. They’re like the koolaid man on meth.

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I think him being concerned with the economics of a war rather than the ethics of it are telling. However here is a quote from Navalny in March. Seems like he is somewhat on a middle ground. Not sure what to think of him.

Navalny wrote that Ukraine's borders are “similar to Russia's—[they were] internationally recognized and defined in 1991.” All of the areas of Ukraine that the Kremlin has supposedly “annexed” are, by right and by law, still Ukrainian, including Crimea.Mar 2, 2023

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I’m terrified for my kiddo. We’ve done all we can over the past 10 years. Went plant based, got our winter heating off oil, ride electric bikes, all my lawn tools are electric, bought an EV. I’m running out of ideas.

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Modern life of millennial.

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Black bears are often all show. They huff l, grunt and sometimes charge. If you hold your ground and like this dude look big and make horrible noises, it’s typically enough to get them to back the hell off.

Edit: although this one may be a brown bear. So 50/50 chance of disembowlment.

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My guess is not too well. He’d crumble into a tiny ball and wait for it to be over. Man just when you think someone in the US can’t make things look any worse than they already are…

Look at All those folds. No smooth brain here.

I guess Mr. Vermont man made his point.
