3 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't get it. Are Google employees completely ignoring all the negative press their messaging apps get?

Everyone online agrees, that all these messaging apps that Google keeps pumping, just hurt each other.

Here is a list of every messaging app that Google has ever produced:

Android SMS


Cloud to Device Messaging

Chat (not the same as Google Chat)



Firebase Cloud Messaging





Google+ Hangouts (not the same as Google Hangouts)

Google+ Messenger

Google Allo

Google Assistant (it really did once have its own text feature)

Google Assistant Messages (and then this but only in a family group)

Google Buzz

Google Chat

Google Cloud Messaging

Google Docs

Google Docs Editor Chat

Google Duo

Google Fi

Google Friend Connect

Google Groups

Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts Chat

Google Hangouts Meet

Google Helpouts

Google Huddle

Google Latitude

Google Maps Messages

Google Meet

Google Messenger SMS

Google Pay Messages

Google Phone Messaging

Google Photos Messages

Google Schemer

Google Spaces (this was basically Google's version of Instagram and it lasted less than a year)

Google Stadia Messages

Google Talk

Google Voice

Google Voice Legacy

Google Voice Third-party Apps

Google Voice for G Suite

Google Voice FXO VoIP Gateway (Obihai)

Google Wave

GrandCentral Communications


Jibe Mobile







YouTube Messages
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As the fediverse grows, there will inevitably be more centralized instances. Every big tech corp may want to start their own instance, similar to how most tech corps provide their own mail services.

There are millions of email service providers, but Gmail and Outlook are synonymous to email for a large amount of people.

Defederating with Meta and Tumblr is like Protonmail blocking every mail from Gmail. You just cripple yourself and make your instance useless.

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Federation with Meta will probably not have a huge effect on Lemmy. Threads has no communities after all.

It will probably be mostly a Mastodon thing.

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I am pro-fediverse, so I guess making Mastodon atleast as easy to use as Threads is a must.

If you look at statistics, Mastodon always gains a massive amount of users, when Twitter does something stupid. Most of these also return back to Twitter, the moment they realize, that Mastodon has no VIPs.

If Threads integrates well with ActivityPub, then people on Mastodon will be more likely to stay, because Threads gives fediverse users access to the VIPs, that they used Twitter for in the first place. This stops people from leaving Mastodon in the short term.

In the long term Mastodon needs to advertise itself to younger people, because nowadays this is the only way for new social media platforms to establish themselves.

That's how TikTok, SnapChat and Instagram became popular. This would make Mastodon fresh, while Twitter would transform into a graveyard like facebook.

Also having more tech companies, media orgs, cultural orgs, universities and maybe even governments host their instances, would make the federated aspect stronger and the whole fediverse more scalable.

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Threads is a Twitter competitor. Same applies to Mastodon.

Twitter is only useful because companies, celebrities amd politicians embrace it. Nobody cares about ordinary Twitter users. Twitter is a platform for networking with people in the industry and announcing stuff to customers.

Mastodon right now is not an alternative to Twitter, because there is practically nobody important there.

Threads has better chances to overcome this and has already in a few hours pulled more VIPs onto their platform, than Mastodon in multiple years.

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Hardware-wise: Samsung Galaxy S series or Sony Xperia

Software-wise: Google Pixel >>>>> Fairphone > OnePlus

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"Ragefarming" and "algorithmically filtering for rage" just means sorting by thread activity. Mastodon already does this.

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Or perhaps just read a book -> based

OpenStreetMap. Google Maps is probably the best product in the field tho, even among paid solutions.

Mastodon is a bubble. You have primarily highly educated, tech-literate nerds on that platform.

Obviously people are more civil and polite there, than some raging uneducated losers and trolls on facebook.

As the fediverse grows, the userbase will obviously lose this current isolated tech-wizard school vibe, and feel more like going into a random pub in a big city. Regardless if Meta joins the fediverse or not.

Meta gets all the data as well, even if all people defederate.

ActivityPub has it in the name. All your activities in the fediverse are public.

The article talks about private data saved on your phone like health data, contacts etc. Threads takes those, Mastodon app does not.

The Japanese smartphone market is infamously very hostile. Impressive that a newcomer like Google managed to thrive there.

LastPass is just producing bad news after bad news. Incredible how incompetent these guys are.

Hopefully Threads can tank all the lawsuits from Twitter, so that Mastodon can operate in peace lol.

I wonder tho, how much Threads has copied from Mastodon

I mean Tumblr also wants to join the fediverse. They are smaller than Twitter, but still large to have some amount of influence.

  • Audio Only for YouTube™
  • Better Twitch Adblock
  • BetterTTV
  • Channel Blocker
  • Dark Reader Gumbo: Twitch Companion
  • HTTPS Everywhere
  • LeechBlock NG
  • MAL-Sync
  • NoScript
  • Return YouTube Dislike
  • ScrewMyCode: Pitch control for YouTube
  • Truffle
  • uBlock Origin
  • Unhook - Remove YouTube Recommended Videos
  • Violentmonkey

XMPP was extremely niche before Google and it is slightly less niche right now. It did not die.

You can not destroy the fediverse with EEE in my opinion.

Yeah I believe that Lemmy has the best chances to compete with its proprietary inspiration, than every other fediverse product.

Mastodon needs endorsement of businesses/celebrities/politicians to become a viable alternative Twitter. This will probably never happen. The API changes in Twitter were far more brutal then the ones on Reddit, and many ended up joining Mastodon. Most will leave it again tho, because Mastodon does not have their favorite businesses/celebrities/politicians.

Peertube has no monetization program, which makes it even more irrelevant than Odysee.

Only Lemmy does not need huge amounts of cash or clout, to keep people on the platform. Reddit was a (relatively) democratic platform, most were anonymous and content for Reddit is easy to produce. Translating this into the fediverse with Lemmy works really well, as we can see here.

Threads will primarily influence Mastodon. Threads already eclipsed Mastodon in its first few hours. There is no need for EEE, because Threads has already decidedly won. Mastodon can not even scratch Threads. Threads is probably only interested in the fediverse, because of Tumblr. I personally think that Mastodon would gain more from Threads joining the fediverse, than Meta ever could, but we will see I guess.

  • Etar (Calendar App)
  • Kiwi Browser
  • Firefox
  • E-Scooter Apps
  • Sleep as Android
  • Revanced, PurpleTV, Spotify, Soundcloud
  • SD Maid
  • Local Gym App
  • Wallme
  • FairEmail
  • KDE Connect
  • Five Prayers (FOSS Islamic App from Fdroid)
  • AnkiDroid
  • Habitica
  • WhatsApp + Discord

They live in Japan, so the worst that could happen is them getting banned I reckon

When I used Facebook a few years ago, my feed was mostly memes, ads and personal posts from friends and family.

Maybe I never got the ragebait political stuff, because everyone in my friend circle wasn't keen on being the sad guy that publicly yells at clouds on facebook.

Popular hashtags on Twitter and to some extend even on Mastodon, just makes you feel bad for the mental health of these perma-raging users tho.

Political spaces in general on every social platform are just magnets for misery.

Would anything change on Lemmy, even if you federate with Threads?

You follow communities here on Lemmy, while on Threads you follow people. The only way for a Lemmy user to find a Threads user, would be looking for their username directly in the search bar.

In that sense, what does a Lemmy instance gain from defederating with Meta?

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That is the case for every PWA from every browser afaik.

Both Firefox and Kiwi PWA seem go ignore your default browser selection

I use the Kiwi Browser for that. Open source browser with addon support. Is Chromium-based tho.

PWAs don't work correctly in non-Chromium browsers. Firefox does not officially support them.

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Does Apple Wallet have an API? It honestly feels like Google Wallet is just working towards copying all the Apple Wallet features slowly but surely.

Audio Only for YouTube™ Better Twitch Adblock BetterTTV Channel Blocker Dark Reader Gumbo: Twitch Companion HTTPS Everywhere LeechBlock NG MAL-Sync NoScript Return YouTube Dislike Pitch control for YouTube Truffle uBlock Origin Unhook - Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Violentmonkey

Redesigns are always perceived poorly. Every decrease in performance, every lost feature, every relocated setting is heavily felt by all the power-users. For new users tho, K9 probably became more viable/attractive.

Eventually people will get used to the design, performance issues will get fixed, new features will be (re)added and the rating will improve again.

Same thing happened with the Firefox Android Browser.

For me personally, K9's design seemed very unintuitive and complicated, when I first tried it almost 10 years ago. FairEmail for me is a great compromise between usability and feature-richness.

K9 is probably completely different from a decade ago, but I guess I will wait until K9 has merged completely with Thunderbird, before I look into it again.

Tbh pirating closed source software is as easy, as installing forked code. Maybe you could add a non-competition clause to a new open source license, so that the original FOSS software company has the legal high ground over anyone that undersells them.

People for sure where hyperfixated on the term "neurodivergency" back on the old sub. I don't understand why they thought ND means the same as anti-therapy.

On paper Sony phones always sound amazing, but their prices always seem insanely high, especially considering that they don't get many software updates.

Hardware-wise Sony earbuds and phones are probably the best in the game

Would you choose a Moto G phone again, if you had to replace your phone today?

Shift phone seems like an interesting Fairphone alternative, but availability in the US seems tough. Hopefully the new EU law on replaceable batteries will make improve the situation worldwide.

American drivers licenses are basically just EU style ID cards. For new licenses you even need biometric data. State IDs and the "Passport Card" are (somewhat obscure) alternatives.

Europeans only need to apply for ID cards at around the age, were the average American gets their driver's license.

A young American adult is probably almost just as identifiable by their government, as a young European adult would be by theirs.

Seeing regulations like the REAL ID act, I would say that America is headed towards more identification, rather than less.

If you had to buy a new phone today, what would you pick? LG is sadly dead.

Doesn't every American have a social security number? That's basically a national ID, just without any security features tho.

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How did that happen? Have you all used Signal from the beginning or did you switch over from something else

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yeah, that's going to be my phone of choice as well, after my Galaxy S9 dies.

Apparently there was/is a messaging service somewhere hidden in the core Fi service. I just copy pasted this list from someone else tho. No idea how accurate this is.

Believe it or not, I have not actually used all these services on the list lol

Maybe you could try to convince through other features, like sending sharper images, videos, audio messages or video calling etc.

If you get closer with her friend circle (or if she gets closer to your friend circle), you could propose to make a group chat, where you can keep each other up to date or plan future activities together. Your wife will probably not want to miss out on that.

Don't talk about encryption or security to normal people, who are not into tech. They do not care. Only talk about features, that they can actually use, and only in situations were this would be useful. Don't be preachy about your messenger use, don't make them feel stupid.