Chloé 🥕

@Chloé 🥕
5 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hello! I’m Chloé, a nerdy ace transbian :3

This is my Lemmy account that I don't use super often. However, I am active on the microblogging side of the fedi at :3

pronouns are she/her

a message from a Discord server’s moderator saying: @everyone Hello everyone! New rule has been added, cant believe I have to say this, please do not give birth in the vc. it makes people very uncomfortable. I don't want to have this added

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Good thing then that Israeli politicians haven’t been on record saying that Gaza needs to be "wiped from the face of the Earth"!

even if farm animals were slaughtered in the most humane and painless of ways, the way they’re treated while they’re alive is still horrifyingly atrocious

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I wonder what’s next

Working Four Jobs: Learn All About Gen Alpha’s Favorite Concept!

Why Gen Alpha is Obsessed With Eating Their Roommates’ Remains

New Study Finds that Gen Alpha’s Favorite Emotion is 'Unfathomable Despair'!

comic drawing of Batman breaking a soyjack in two, while saying: "This is the weapon of the enemy. We do not need it. We will not use it."

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This is why the Switch is superior.

It has bad games 😎

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heck, most dialects have different internal dialects too!

the diversity is what makes languages so cool

yes it’s mandatory. if you don’t put "rule" in the title we’ll boil you alive.

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according to the same thread, Madeline is 2,13 meters tall holy shit

(that’s 6'12" in freedom units)

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nonono you see, it was fine because uuh homophobia was the norm back then so we can’t blame them! simple!

I think tipping landlords is fine, in some contexts. For example, if your landlord is walking on a thin plank above void, you should tip them over.

metal pipe with handles 👍

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ew fetishization

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The best one has to be Suyu

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


A lot of African nations use red, green and yellow in their flags


A lot of them got these colors from the flag of Ethiopia 🇪🇹, which was the only African nation to resist European colonialism, and so was a big source of inspiration for people who fought for African liberation

how about embracing their existence on the fediverse by defederating their ass into oblivion?

There’s an ability like that in Pokémon Showdown’s Super Staff Bros mode. It makes you immune to any attacks with complicated names.

very annoying to play against but also very funny concept

Four panel image sourced from the intro to the Powerpuff Girls cartoon. In Panel 1, which is mainly colored blue, the silhouette of a man pours sugar into a bowl. In Panel 2, colored green, the silhouette is adding what can be assumed to be salt. In Panel 3, colored pink, he is pouring flowers, hearts and sparkles into the bowl. He has a happy smile. Finally, in Panel 4, colored bright red, black goo from a broken jar is flowing into the bowl, as if an accident happened that broke the jar. For the first time, we can see the face of the man. He looks clearly distressed, and is backing down from the scene.

to be faiiiiiiiir, the way they’re going about it is very reasonable. i’d rather have no AI but, if i had to have it, i’d rather have that than anything else.

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Im neurodivergent (at least i think) and all of these points are hard to meet lol

Frankly it would be ridiculous to expect even the most neurotypical person to be able to do all of this at all times.

If we were to pit every single Pokémon against this thing, would they win?

did you post this 3 times so we wouldn’t forget


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Picture of the Pokémon Abomasnow edited to have Barack Obama’s head



similar boat here: what I’ve noticed is that, on your instance, 'foreign' toots will only show the favourites coming from your instance. So, if 3 people from your instance favourited a toot that has 1500 favs total, you will only see 3 next to the star

this isn’t true for boosts, and I don’t know what causes the difference there. Its probably something to do with an incomplete federation (either because of blocks or simply because your server isn’t aware of all the others; I’ve noticed that the difference is much larger now that I’m on a smaller instance with less connections), but I’m not sure

for toots coming from other people on your instance, you will see the full count on both favs and boosts

Is Firefox’s user share even big enough to have an impact on that?

still think this is a good move tho

I can make him worse 😈


This is false. The singularity owns us. We are the same. We are the same. We are the same.

the thing can read fucking SNES soundtrack files out of the box. i’m sure it could run a marathon if you asked it to

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you’ll have a different tone of voice when the world gets hit with the Cauliflower Flu /s


It wouldn’t be called the CyberBus, it would be the Ultra Cyber MultiPod or some shit

voyager is the least worst

smh can’t believe the avgn is a gamergater 😔

Yes, there’s even people who believe sex exists 🙄

I swear, people these days…