1 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yup that's exactly correct. I will say one of the benefits of the AC finity is the alarm. If the temp gets too high it beeps to let you know

They have a lot of products, including other fans and thermostats. I've had their media cabinet fans running 24/7 for 4-5 years now with no problems. Highly recommend it.

Otherwise you could use something like this and a standard 12v power adapter

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This isn't a joke. Often times rewriting features like this will allow the code to be more streamlined and use the latest KDE library features. This is brining new features using modern and more maintable code that solves long standing issues. Fixing the old code sometimes isn't worth the effort for a variety of reasons (based on unmaintained libraries, the original code might have been written a while ago so it's had many revisions of fixes that necessarily complicated the code, etc.)

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When my pixel 5a decided to stop using the screen, I was able to do a full phone backup using the OTG to plug in a keyboard. Ridiculous but was a fun troubleshooting moment

You've gotten a lot of good answers, so I'm going to do some out of the box thinking - maybe it will spark a few ideas.


  • self hosted server on boat


  • size
  • power
  • corrosion

So if I were going to do this myself, I'd start with a pelican or other similar watertight container. We don't want the equipment getting wet, and we don't want it exposed to the salty air.

I'd probably pick a usff computer, like a dell 9020 or maybe a framework motherboard. To get the storage, I'd get one of these to add multiple sata ports to the computer. Then its a matter of getting a bunch of ssds and powering them. I think the 12v goal is going to be too restrictive, most laptops need 19v to charge, so I'd just bite the bullet and get an inverter. If you're really tight on power you could go with a pi, but the framework motherboard/usff both use mobile processors, and shouldn't draw too much while idle.

Any wires that pass though to the case should be made through waterproof bulkheads.

Personally I'd nix the HDMI out requirement. One more port to keep track of and it complicates the self hosting. If you want it for media streaming to a TV then I'd recommend a roku and just run a jellyfin server on the computer. If you want it for server debugging I wouldn't bother running it out of the case.

The last thing I'd do is figure out cooling. For this I'd probably create some sort of closed loop heat exchanger from the case to either the outside air or the lake/ocean itself. This could be as simple as a pump running water through two radiators, one in the case and the other outside or just dumped overboard. If you know your power usage ahead of time you might be able to get away with a peltier element, dumping the heat outside the case.

I'd probably put this all on its own power system, get a solar panel, battery, inverter, etc. It could even get topped off by the boat's system if it needs extra juice.

Also whatever you do, I'd figure out a way to ensure you're giving your system a clean and steady 12v.

Did you expose your router login page to the open internet? How'd they get access? Why are you chmoding anything to be 777?

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The "real" way needs the corresponding Wayland protocol in order to work. The protocol is under development/review, but involves a lot more moving parts that requires coordination and approval from multiple people. This "fake" way was able to be implemented faster and by fewer people as a stop-gap measure

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It's disappointing to see so many commentors arguing against you wanting to do this. Windows has it through bitlocker which is secured via the TPM as you know. Yes it can be bypassed, but it's all about your threat level and effort into mitigating it.

I am currently using a TPM on my opensuse tumbleweed machine to auto unencrypt my drive during boot. What you want to do is possible, but not widely supported (yet). Unfortunately, the best I can do is point you to the section in the opensuse wiki that worked for me.

If you scroll down on that page you'll see the section about TPM support. I don't know how well it will play with your OS. As always, back up all your files before messing with hard drive encryption. Best of luck!

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The command was rm -rf $pathvariable

Bug in the code caused the path to be root. Wasn't explicitly malicious

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With temps that high in Linux and Windows, it almost sounds like the AIO water block is falling off the CPU.

Plasma 6 is built using QT 6, currently plasma 5 is using QT5. This is a huge effort to move the code to the new version of QT but it brings many improvements behind the scenes. Once this is done a lot of the code is going to be cleaner and more maintainable, which should translate to a smoother user experience.

Here's the plasma 6 wiki:'s_been_decided_on_but_not_implemented_yet

Theres no such thing as "real stainless". Stainless steel 304 is corrosion resistant, it's the cheapest and most common. 316 is better at corrosion resistance and is "marine grade" since it will hold up better to salt water. 316L is some of the best at resisting corrosion, it's more expensive than 304 and is used in lab and surgical equipment. There are a lot of other types, like 309 for higher heat applications, etc.

Cybertruck is probably made from 304.

Definately not supprised that cybertrucks are having this issue. Especially with road salt in the winter. I'm sure the engineers at Tesla saw this coming too.

For context:

Snaps are a way to build applications so that they can run on any platform with one build method. It makes it easier for developers to publish their apps across multiple different Linux distro without having to worry about dependency issues.

Snaps have been very poorly received by the community, one of the largest complaints is that a snap program with take 5-10 seconds to start, where as the same program without snap will start instantly.

Ubuntu devs have been working for years to optimize them, but it's a complex problem and while they've made some improvements, it's slow going. While this has been going on, Ubuntu is slowly doubling down more and more on snaps, such as replacing default apps with their snap counterparts.

On the other hand, other methods like flatpak exist, and are generally more liked by the community.

This has led to a lot of Ubuntu users feeling unheard as their feedback is ignored.

You're comparing a microcontroller to a purpose built device. Its apples and oranges.

There are add ons to the flipper that incoporate an esp running maurader firmware for wifi tools

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I'll start this by saying I'm not familiar with either model, but as a general rule, always go x86 when you can. The Intel processor is going to be much better supported. You might get the snapdragon version to run, but it likely isn't supported by mainline Linux.

That being said, touch screen support on Linux is improving rapidly, but still isn't quite there. Make sure you're aware of the user experience before buying so you won't be disappointed.

Also, my unsolicited 2 cents, I would try to avoid buying lenovo. I've had the unfortunate responsibility of fixing a few of their products (an all-in-one and a few laptops, including a new thinkpad) and can confidently say their reliability, and repairability have greatly diminished. They use cheap parts and are in general, poorly designed.

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Pine64's pinetab 2 also looks pretty good

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Using the HDMI out on the phone is the best option. If your phone doesn't support video out, this is the best way I found to do it.

I recently had to do this with my pixel when the screen died. I couldn't find this advice anywhere so I'm super proud of this work around. Unfortunately it's not easy. You'll need a OTG adapter, a wired keyboard, a Bluetooth keyboard, and a crap ton of patience.

Step one: enable android talk back/screen reader. This can be done using the volume keys or Google assistant.

Step two: connect the wired keyboard using the OTG adapter. Use the keyboard's keys to unlock the phone and use the arrow keys to navigate to the Bluetooth settings.

Step three: connect the Bluetooth keyboard to free up the USB port on the phone.

Step 4: use the Bluetooth keyboard to enable the backup method of your choice.

Bonus advice: Use Google play store on a computer to remote install a screen cast app

Use the wired keyboard and screen reader to open the app and start the screen cast. That makes things much easier.

SUSE plans to contribute this project to an open source foundation, which will provide ongoing free access to alternative source code.

Sounds like they're spinning this off to a separate legal entity which won't be profit driven. I'm not saying don't be cautious, but it looks like they're taking appropriate steps to work with the community.

Migadu micro tier is $19/year. Great service and has a great privacy policy. Basically unlimited domains. Ive been very happy with them.

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In terms of slim netbooks that are Linux first?

Starbook from Star Labs

Framework 13 from Framework

Slimbook from Slimbook

Onshape hands down. Browser based so there's no compatibility issues. It's super easy to use and pretty powerful. Its free for hobbiests (the caveat being your models will be publically accessible). We use it exclusively at work and it's been awesome.

I'd love a good Foss CAD package but there are too many issues with the current ones for me to make the jump.

Ubuntu isn't really on the cutting edge, so I'm not sure how well its going to work. Opensuse tumbleweed is running pretty much the latest everything, so its possible youll need to wait until the next Ubuntu lts

Really a terrible interview. Bobby Allyn needed to have some pushback or followup questions, instead of just publishing a statement with little to no context.

I've been to their website and GitHub and I still don't understand what the app does. Could you give a quick eli5?

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It's complicated. I'm no lawyer so take this with a grain of salt, but LLCs don't offer blanket protection.

It is possible to go after people directly, and side step the LLC protection in certain cases. Depends how much Nintendo wants to screw these guys.

Have you tried using a partition manager like gparted to wipe the windows partions?

Another thing is Dell has been doing an awesome (/s) thing lately where they have their disks configured as raid by default on their laptops. Try going into the bios and make sure raid is disabled and the SSD is set to AHCI

Have you considered making your own firewall running opnsense? You could toss in a 10g nic or two

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What no one else has touched on is the protocol used for network drives interferes with databases. Protocols like SMB lock files during read/write so other clients on the network can't corrupt the file by interacting with it at the same time.

It is bad practice to put the docker files on a NAS because it's slower, and the protocol used can and will lead to docker issues.

That's not to say that no files can be remote, jellyfin's media library obviously supports connecting to network drives, but the docker volume and other config files need to be on the local machine.

Data centers get around this by:

  • running actual separate databases with load balancing
  • using cluster storage like ceph and VMs that can be moved across hypervisors
  • a lot more stuff that's very complicated

My advice is to buy a new SSD and clone the existing one over. They're dirt cheap and you're going to save yourself a lot of headache.

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Completely agree. Had to fix a coworkers year old thinkpad. Had motherboard, then bios, then graphics issues. It's been a complete nightmare

Don't underestimate the relief of a clean ending. The author isn't in a good place, it won't do him any favors to leave it up. He clearly wants to put this chapter of his life behind him.

Have you considered replacing the OS with proxmox and running everything in virtual machines?

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Love my 11th gen framework, but there is an issue with the 11th gens where the CMOS battery will die rather quickly. If it does die then the laptop needs to be plugged in to turn on, even if it is fully charged. Framework is aware of the issue and will send a free replacement battery or, if you can solder, a mod that will eliminate the issue for good.

Still love framework and would definitely recommend them - but the 11th gen line (their first product) has a few gotchas

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OP is looking to move away from Google. Immediately getting locked into a different, arguably more restrictive, platform isn't a solution.

Now in general:


  • free (paid plan only?)
  • company will stay in business for a while


  • subject to Apple's privacy policy
  • US based company, not great for privacy
  • locked into a different platform
  • Apple's walled garden ecosystem means long term use is questionable. Will Apple keep supporting 3rd party email clients in 1,3,5 years? Do they even support it now? Who knows?
  • Apple has control over your account. If they screw you over on an iPhone purchase and you do a credit card charge back on them (for any reason really) do they let you keep your account? Google doesn't
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Downloaded from the KDE store

It sounds like talking to a therapist about this would help you out. I hope you find closure.

I figured, just wanted to let others know to manage expectations

Also thanks for your work on this, its a great app

I'd really like wikijs 3.0 to release. The current version is almost good, but 20 minutes into using it I found it missing a lot of features I was hoping for.

Not sure your budget, but you might be interested in one of these

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I've always liked the ultrastar line. Used to be made by HGST and then WD bought them. I'm using specifically the HC530 14tb. The line has a long history of being very reliable enterprise drives.

I've bought mine from both goharddrive and serverpartsdeals. Both are reliable resellers of used storage. They'll warranty the drives for 2 or 5 years depending on which you to with. Prices are ~$130-$150.

Be aware you might need to do the electrical tape over some of the power pins hacks depending on your setup.

Ps. One of the listings for the HC530 on goharddrive or serverpartdeals is incorrectly labels as HC520. Just pay close attention.

As far as raid goes, Raid 10 is currently very popular for its speed and drive failure tolerance. Remember, raid is not a replacement for the 3-2-1 backup rule. Raid has some fault tolerances for bad hard drives, but doesn't protect against a failed raid card, fire, flood, robber, acts of god, etc.

You can also look into zfs and truenas if you feel inclined. Be aware that if you go with this setup, ecc ram is basically a requirement

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Man this looks like a great release. Can't wait to play around with it