8 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

It's not that simple. I don't like Facebook & I don't like Facebook. Still Facebook collects data about me. Tell me why shouldn't Facebook be stopped? Here data is new oil. Facebook is mining for that Oil on my land. You wouldn't allow oil company to mine oil on your land right.

adding license to comments is nice touch but i don't think scrapper is gonna care

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ya, that kinda sucks. for me it shows both and i directly sick to search results, but Google search has gotten worse

😂 but I think 🤔 they have some cleaning process, I don't know exactly what is called but they remove all anomalies like this 😔. 👍 If this works

🤬 these people will not let you record your own phone calls but they want to record & listen to those calls for their own profit.

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I still support buying a decent graphics card and a game rather than paying a subscription while also buying the game. Their basic plans costs 10 euro per month which is 240 euro for 2 years which is average cost for a decent gaming card. And best part is you own it. You can get NVIDIA 3060 for that amount. Which is amazing card.

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To put pressure on the countries and persuade them to vote 'yes', the European Commission placed these ads only in countries that did not want to vote for the law: Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands Ads Ads Pic

Respectfully, I have to correct you. This argument is not correct way to think about privacy.

For Example :- You don't care what I think about you but if I ask where do you live, what is your bank ac, what messages and email you send and to whom, etc. You will not provide me those details even though you don't care what I think about you. Similarly a player might not care what they think about them but the mere collection of user data is bad for the player.

Roku went to shit long back

What does even "homosexual dictatorship" means? Will they oppress straight people? 😂😂

Can we change our answers? Change your answers to garbage, don't delete them. Do it slowly.

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Or offer two variants of the app, one normal and one without. Or let people like F-Droid offer the latter.

I like the idea of providing two variant one normal & another without any analytics whatsoever on F-Droid. Users can create a issue/support ticket on GitHub providing logs themselves. Their app will not even ping back whatsoever.

I will create app with analytics with a compile switch so analytics part is not even compiled and completely stripped from the build

It's a shame, only corporate are going to be benefiting from hard work & labour of so many talented people.

That's why we all should rally behind web apps. Web apps & PWA are truly platform independent way of producing apps & games

Google asks for tax records, passport, id card for there developer account & adword. They can certainly ask for more info to verify the sender before sending the DMCA

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Can nextcloud notification be intercepted via these methods?

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Crash reports really helps developers. A app can crash for various reason sometimes it's the device itself(not the concern of developers) but mostly some type of bug. We use analytics to prioritise which bug to solve.

For Example:- There are 2 bugs one in share feature another in export. If lots of people use share feature, then we priorities share feature bug

Damn! That guy just down voted into oblivion 😅

I think competitor might be trying to out rank you

Clearly new agencies & laws are required, old laws are not effective they need more scrutiny.

You don't get the main point of gun control. Gun control means vetting out bad people from getting the guns. Like driver's license, if you don't know how drive or regularly violated traffic regulations your license is revoked. Similarly if you have gun license, good people with proper training can get the gun. But people who don't follow laws will be banned from getting guns.

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😂 true. VPN = Crime.

Only reason we collect IP address is to evaluate which country is most active & focus localisation(language etc)


You forgot Russia, india & china