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Galiza state of mind

I love the sentiment: "just don't die because it's awkward AF". If "joie de vivre" doesn't make you cling to life, there's always social anxiety even after death 🤣

Yeah, they would be making decisions under too much pressure.

Or maybe, hear me out, he has enough time and money to dedicate to taking care of his body. This article is a super petty attack.

Nice misogyny you got there

I agree with your last point so much. I also used the official app and had a 12 year account, but fuck if I am going to just stand by and watch another corporate board make our world a bit more miserable for the sake of their profit. Let them have dust.

Don't forget the bad jokes

Jokes aside, what was the motive here? She was pretty young for a VP, so it sounds like she was well liked/connected. In other cases of "mysterious window affliction" the victims were known critics of the regime.
Maybe it was an accident, she could be very drunk. Or a crime -- she had a friend over, maybe there was a fight?
One thing is clear, Russian windows should come with a warning label ☠️

Kant versus Hume, fight!

"Whole Man Disposal Services, this is Greta speaking, how may I help?" 🚮

It would be beneficial for all here if you could learn to not take things so personally, and take in some fair criticism about this particular post. But please stick around, the topic of the article is definitely interesting, thanks for that!

I would love to ditch WhatsApp, but then I wouldn't be in touch with my family half as much, and it would be a lot more difficult to get anything done.
I am in Spain where people simply assume you have WA, and the majority of small business use it extensively.

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Pff, weak.


I look the hotel up in Booking, and then call it directly. I am usually offered better rates for the same room over the phone.

Pure evil

Cool article, I feel like I learned more about linked lists in a 5 minute read than over a few classes in college.

Plus, I love that it references Vera Molnar - hand executed algorithm art is not that widely known, and people always look at me as if I have two heads the first time I bring up the topic.

This is so alien to me, do other Europeans struggle with cursive? Is it a geography or an age thing?
Personally, it feels like a natural way to write and link letters quickly. I think it's taught in a backwards way, and a lot of people never develop their calligraphy skills because of that, but once you understand the point of cursive, it makes sense. And it's one more way to express yourself. It can be as legible/ambiguous as you want to make it. You can add fancy ligatures, or keep it clean.

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Damn, that's a terrible experience, I am truly sorry you went through all that. Those teachers are the dregs, fuck them.

😮 I want to believe your explanation, but it sounds too good to be true.

That's a common misconception about mindfulness that I fell - and sometimes still fall - for. It's not about knowing a tool or framework, and using it when you think you need it. It is not debugging a one off. It is a practice. You do it as a routine, and it slowly shifts how you face the world and yourself. It's not the answer we are looking for, especially in a crisis, it's not a fix. It's a change, it takes the rest of your life, and it's not a linear system of inputs and outputs.

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I don't know you or your mind, but from that, it sounds busy AF.
That's not what a mindfulness practice is like at all. To be clear, I wasn't referring to a dictionary definition of mindfulness, but to the Buddhist meditation kind. In mindfulness meditation you would be working to get to a completely different state, where you simply observe, instead of analyzing.
I could be projecting, and I apologize for that, but I see myself a little in what you described: I used to scan myself all the time, and think of things to fix and improve, dwell on what I did wrong and what I am going to do better tomorrow, think through many moral scenarios and arguments so I would act in a sound and correct way. That's fine and very valuable.
It is also why mindfulness was hard for me to get into - because I couldn't be inside my head like that all the time. It is almost the opposite of that. It's hard to step aside from that torrent of thoughts, especially if you are an introvert and used to tapping into that rich inner world. Mindfulness meditation is training your mind to reach a sort of silent tranquility, a blank slate where you can draw your true intentions on and then maybe reach deeper insights. It helped a lot when I accepted that we are not entirely rational, even when we think we are acting purely on logical thoughts. We need to connect somehow to that latent emotional side, to recognize it more often. And this only clicked on my late twenties, until then I thought I could just think myself into any desired outcome (spoiler alert: it didn't work).
I am sure there are many resources out there that explain this better than I can. My point is introspection != mindfulness.

Looking forward to the follow-up posts with technical details, if you do find the time to write them up ofc! As a new kbin user, my thanks for all the hard work and for welcoming us here <3

That's so nice, hope they were full of love and peace in the end 💟

That is not the point, geez.
The point is that seems like a really far-fetched thing to even be on the radar of someone growing up. It's like Quality Assurance Engineer or Health and Safety Inspector, 99.99% of kids/teens never even heard of it, let alone aspire to become one.

Although if she grew up in a staunchly communist household, labour relations were possibly a common topic. But it's still amusing, to me at least, that she grew up wanting to do that, because it is highly unusual.

Thanks for the explanation! That's exactly what I was wondering about, especially after reading some more comments in this thread. Sounds like it is an unfortunate consequence of how cursive is taught :(

The minister, who was raised in a staunchly communist household, said she had been unable to follow her own dreams of becoming an employment inspector

Excuse me, wtf, who dreams of growing up to be a labour inspector!?

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