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Joined 1 years ago

I just use DeArrow so I don’t know what the original thumbnails are. Thank God.

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Exactly. archinstall is pretty nice, and if you want the frustration of dealing with random errors, it’s still there. But it’s straightforward (but keep the docs handy since you’ll likely need them).

I’ll try it (not OP), but I finally got Thunderbird to at least read, if not write, all my calendars (Exchange excluded). It’s surprising that Google seems the most open somehow. Crazy.

Ugh I can’t find the xkcd about this where the guy goes, “you know what we call precisely written requirements? Code” or something like that

As anti-Google as I am, this just looks like a bug, honestly.

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As always, Firefox steps up against stupid website behavior.

Apparently the dumbest one ever

Borked your bootloader already? You’re a true Linux user lol. You’ll eventually learn to not do that (and back up regularly).

Good choice with Fedora! I love dnf and the choices Fedora makes overall.

Let me offer a rebuttal. The fact that this playbook even exists and is well-known is a cause for concern. Yes, Microsoft’s campaign wasn’t very successful, but that doesn’t mean Meta won’t try or learn from Microsoft’s mistakes. I ask: is the probability of this happening non-zero, and if so, is it lower than you’re comfortable with? For me, and many others here, that answer is no.

Moreover, this is a greater problem: Meta is well-known and has practically infinite marketing budget. They can spin their app as the de facto, causing many people to lose control of their data. By association, some people will blame the Fediverse and not Meta. Defederating signals that we are not willing to participate with them and tells potential Fediverse users that they will not be able to engage with us—and whatever they decide, we cannot impact more.

The crux of my argument is risk management. Defederated is a conservative measure to prevent possible issues in the future.

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I’ll bite. Show us the evidence. Peer-reviewed, published studies in respectable journals.

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I’ve never understood why anyone uses Evernote. Just use a folder with Markdown files. Or Obsidian. Or VS Code with plugins. Or EMacs org mode. So many good FOSS options out there (yes, I know VS Code isn’t FOSS but VSCodium is) that don’t lock you in. Hypocritical of me to say as an Apple user, but I hate when companies’ business models are to lock in consumers. Just make a better product that’s worth paying for.

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I really wish they’d decouple it from YouTube Music. I don’t use it and if just Premium was about $10 or so I’d at least consider it.

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Yeah donating is a lot easier to understand when wages are (low) 6 figures instead of 8 or 9.

Same. That said, sometimes it’s a config error. I sent a very annoyed email to a website that didn’t work on Firefox, only for them to tell me that it was a bug and that they fixed it.

A good step, but seems like spilled milk after the previous news.

I remember a guy who tied his baby’s rocker to the drive and wrote code to open and close the CD drive repeatedly lol. Fun times.

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They’ll just lose my business and get a stern customer support email then. I don’t do business with companies that exclude Proton/Tutanota/Skiff emails.

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Does this include Apple Silicon Macs? That would be a bold move.

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No mention of Thunderbird yet??

Ember mug. I saw James Hoffmann’s review and went, “how good could it be?”

It’s the only mug I can drink from now.

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That bit made me cringe. You go to the file, and can download using the Raw button or using wget. It’s not hard, it’s ignorance.

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What’s wild to me is how Yann LeCun doesn’t seem to see this as an issue at all. Many other leading researchers (Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton, Frank Hutter, etc.) signed that letter on the threats of AI and LeCun just posts on Twitter and talks about how we’ll just “not build” potentially harmful AI. Really makes me lose trust in anything else he says.

Yeah there’s only so many actually open-ended questions you can ask without being repetitive, while also on relatively limited users.

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TIL I have little bugs on my skin :(

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It’s contextual. My understanding is that in British English, “going to uni” is equivalent to the American English “going to college”. At least in the US, the word college colloquially refers to undergrad, though a lot of colleges do offer postgraduate programs.

I’ll be getting my PhD in the Spring! Hopefully I’ll have a job lined up before graduating.

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I mean I was apolitical for most of my life, honestly. Barely followed news at all. It’s just depressing.

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These are good points. It sucks that as a PhD student in CS, I still don't understand the workings of federation and other important Internet concepts. I hope someone smarter will work on this stuff, though.

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Tell me you don’t understand how the industry works without telling me you don’t understand how the industry works. OP is learning another technology popular in demand. Like it or not, companies couldn’t care less about free software.

I just pasted all the countries and ditched the ones that were wrong.

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Can someone tell me the recent hype about immutable distros? What exactly is the immutable part, and why is it attractive?

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An absolute legend. I remember being taught his story in school and thinking how cool the whole thing (except the cancer) was. The Terry Fox Run is about celebrating him and overcoming major hurdles.

Really? Doesn't seem to work when I use bash:

bash-3.2$ cd a/b/c/d/e
bash-3.2$ ...
bash: ...: command not found
bash-3.2$ cd ...
bash: cd: ...: No such file or directory
  • Coffee grinder. Much better coffee at home
  • Nintendo Switch. Hundreds of hours of entertainment.
  • SwitchBot. $30 or so to remotely push a button for you. I use it to turn on my espresso machine remotely to let it heat up before I go use it.

Kind of. The app doesn’t in any way tell you that you can use the card balance to pay part of your bill and then use a credit card for the rest; I only found out when a barista told me

Also be wary about sharing confidential code. At work I don’t use ChatGPT unless it’s for extremely general questions.

It’s a good first step imo. It maintains compatibility with Google apps, which as the author notes, would be needed for it to not be a dead project. It’s a pretty good balance.

That said, I’m not familiar with Graphene, so I could just be wrong.

James Hoffmann - for anything about making great coffee at home

The Food Theorists - Interesting content about food, especially in their older videos

Doctor Mike - entertaining but useful medical information

Seriously that would be great lol. At least it would be a funny reference.

Linux Mint with Cinnamon. Easiest transition. If you want customization, use KDE. If you want your desktop environment to make choices for you, GNOME.