4 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

HR person here that sometimes has helpdesk positions to fill as well. Absolutely appropriate. Like others already said, you are better dressed than most people we interview for such positions.

Piece of advice if you don't usually dress like that: Wear those clothes for a half a day going grocery shopping and doing regular daily shit. Helps make you feel more comfortable in them. Just give them a check up to see if they got dirty afterwards.

On a personal note, great choice of colours too. Best of luck to you!

I hate Republicans for all they do and stand for, but nobody kills themselves just for fun. This guy was mentally ill (aside from being in the GOP) and got pushed over the brink by an asshole.

You don't have to be sad about his death, but suicide is not normal and should never be encouraged like some here basically do.

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Just wanted to say that I appreciate you trying to give credit in the best way you can think of.

You can't hold a firm grasp on reality if it is distorted by your massive narcissism already. He thinks anyone but the bags of shit still on his platform care.

Twitter never actually mattered and nothing of value will be lost. He can pound sand.

They care about one thing only: Money.

Obviously this is more of a strategic retreat and nothing else. It's also a very common tactic to push for something crass, pull back, wait a bit and repeat. Most commonly resistance gets weaker each time, because people are people.

Now if anyone thinks they made money with a retreat and won't try again, because it's obviously much more lucrative, which stone exactly are you living under?

You are 100% correct. Nothing is won till you make it impossible for Google to push forward or destroy their motivation for trying again later.

I appreciat you calling out shit as it is.

I am not sure if you are actually drinking the Kool-Aid or if this is some top tier shit posting. If it's the latter, kudos to you!

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And jail time as well as taking their personal wealth. Or throw them in the middle of the Atlantic, both options are valid.

Best friends forever

There is no system of precedence for rulings of lower courts in Germany, technically not even for higher courts (albeit there de facto is). That's something you could find in the U.S. though.

The lower court fucked up and it got overruled. The only thing Sony could have done would have been to bring similar cases to the same lower level court again and again and hope they make the same wrong decision over and over. That's about the closest thing to precedence they could have relied on. It probably would have worked for Sony though.

I'd like to thank you for providing context to reactivism based solely on an emotional reaction without doing any research first.

I am guilty of that as well, but you put effort in, explained things and that takes time. Thanks.

I am not asking for much. Just break up Google and throw both the big shareholders as well as the executives in jail for the rest of their lifes. If you go as far and decide to take all their money and spend it on social services, healthcare and education for the general public, I wouldn't be mad.

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Don't you dare say something informed while the circle-jerk is going on.

The art is nice, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you are spot on and some numbnuts vote you down. Story of the internet.

And because you gotta bring receipts:

It is a legit question. Usually you don't have to pro-actively inform anyone that you disagree with anything, TOS included. That's just what companies want you to believe since it benefits them greatly.

No idea though how things in the U.S. are handled and if there are differences in certain states. It would surprise me though if that was actually an enforcable legal principle.

*You are the content they are trying to sell.

Yes. Either that or everyone involved from shareholders to board is dumb as a rock. Knowing rich people are not special, but just got lucky, I am not ruling out either option.

This is so much negativity just within the first paragraphs--and being presented as objective fact to boot

It is my personal opinion. As stated. Personal opinions are - by their nature - not facts and generally not worth much.

My opinion of Reddit has declined a lot over the years. That is absolutely valid and okay. Nobody has to like it.

I assume your opinion about the service is different and that's why you feel the need to defend it. That's also valid and I can acknowledge it, even if I don't share these feelings.

Regardless of my negative opinion on Reddit and their management, I'd appreciate if other people could share what they think. I really don't get why a good number of people push for mass adoption of lemmy/kbin. If I am too negative for their taste and they don't feel like sharing, then that's fine too. It would be nice to hear their viewpoints, but replying to my question is not mandatory.

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I am sorry to hear that. My cat got diagnosed with a heart condition too recently. It just sucks. I recommend taking a few days off if you can and spending some quality time with your doggo.

That's a good point I can relate with. I didn't think about it like that. Thanks for both your replies.

Those are Gamers™.

They aren't exactly people known for their critical thinking. They are however known for eating a whole bunch of shit from game publishers and devs, even going as far as thanking them for being able to buy said crap-sandwich.

This is a weird take and not the "gotcha" you might think it is.

Cryptos are a scam where nobody but very few at the top of the fraud actually win. While some crypto bros might be beyond help, they are actively endangering other people by trying to sell them their snake oil and drag them down with them. And the most tragic thing is, they stop applying any form of reason before making dangerous monetary decisions. People have and will continue to lose all their savings, so I would definitely agree with you that this shit is disgusting.

Decentralised social media on the other hand does not and can not endanger people's lifes like that. Yes, social media has dangers in itself. But I'd wager those dangers are far less pronounced, despite having a share of wackos.

If you are into cryptos and don't realise it is among the worst forms of gambling on it's best days, maybe you should take a couple of steps back and reevaluate if you actually understand everything that's going on, including the umcanny risks: Do you actually, for real, understand how it all works on the technological side or do you just pretend to or take someone's word for it? Do you actually make your own decisions or are those influenced by forces outside of your control (e.g. "diamond hands", "hodl" etc.)? Do you have a concrete and detailed financial plan that incorporates the worst scenarios as well ad exit strategies or is your "investment strategy" mostly determined by chance? How is your investment secured? Could you actually and factually sue in court and win in case bad actors try to prevent you from cashing out? How exactly is anything supposed to turn a profit and who's pocket is that magical profit supposed to come out of? Is anyone standing to make a profit from you and can you guarantee it won't happen? How?

Those are just a few (but not even all) considerations where cryptos usually should ring enormous alarm bells for anyone with a modicum of financial education. But not to crypto bros. To them all of this is weirdly enough just dandy and questioning anything is greatly discouraged. At some point they stop all critical thinking and just throw money into the fire, so some grifters can grift.

I'd personally rather use the money in cash to light a real fire. At least that will provide some warmth for a hot second.

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You should do stand-up!

I am looking forward to when they will finally ad some ads or other monetization. It really doesn't feel like an app in 2023 without anyone trying to fleece me for all I am worth.

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That's irregular. Have it checked by a medical professional and get a second or third opinion if you already were at the doctor.

There is cases where the underlying reason can not be discovered. Those are usually harmless. Pretty much all cases where an underlying reason can be determined can be tested for and for almost all of them should get you medical treatment. They reach from not good to serious danger to your health.

This game was it's year's sleeper hit for me. It really is good, despite the story being a bit cheesy at times.


Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.

I can understand that. It takes some time getting used to and neither the services nor apps are nowhere near as streamlined as they were for Reddit.

Do you think that is the main reason? I don't know, but it doesn't feel like it is enough to motivate someone to spend so much time convincing people here that they need to act now, get new people now, improve things now. Whatever these services here will look like in a year or two, maybe they will be like Reddit. Or maybe they will be different.

Your comment is the most interesting one in this whole thread, in a positive way.

I didn't write my reply for you, but for the people not yet aware of the inherent dangers of an unregulated financial market such as cryptos.

You can continue LARPing on the internet that you are some sort of mastermind investor. If that makes you happy, it is your money. I am just asking you politely to not try and sell your financial and tech illiteracy to your friends and family, only for them to inevitably lose all the money they invested trusting you.

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You are getting mad at an internet post by a random person who has exactly zero credibility to begin with. I sourced nothing, I claimed nothing, I didn't even pretend that any opinion I hold is of value. As much as I am for calling out shit and as much as I applaud you doing that if for no other reason than out of principle, why? Why don't you use your brain against someone actually doing harm and argue with a shitpost done by a shitposter on a platform that is mostly about shitposting instead?

All of that pointless stuff aside: Legal ≠ Right I hope you will agree with me on that. We'd like to pretend the rules we make up are just. We'd especially like to believe that if they are democratically legitimated someway or another, they must be morally okay. That is not the case. It never was and never will be. If you base your whole stance on something being legal, then that's a huge issue in and of itself.

At this point in history money is power is law. If you are rich enough, you have to be the utmost incompetent idiot around to do something blatantly illegal and get in trouble for it. I for one don't think this is the way. So maybe a bit more anarchy from time to time would serve us all well to balance out rich people's crap.

Also: It's a shitpost. A freaking shitpost. Vote it down and move on. I'd do the same if I didn't think it would be worth engaging with you.

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You seem like good people. I hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend.

That's how I see it as well and why I was wondering about the kinds of posts and topics I have been seeing pop up a lot the last week.

To me it doesn't make much sense to necessarily create a carbon copy of Reddit nor to attract the same audience. But as someone else stated, maybe my opinion of Reddit is just particularly negative.

No need to apologize. I assumed it was unintentionally. I sincerely hope things improve in general when it comes to mental health in society and in your life if things are not great.

Okay, I see that as valuable context to what you wrote before and mostly agree. Thanks for adding that.

Though I also want to protect children from sexual abuse by adults, which is about the worst thing one can do, I do believe nevertheless it is still the right thing to try and help even the worst among us after they served their time, need rehabilitation more than ever and if they want and can be helped of course.

That's a whole different topic to what happened to the man in thr article and I don't want to go down this specific rabbithole any further. I hope that's okay with you.

That is a fair point, thanks.

I am very much against scams, yes. They target vunerable people. How is that a bad thing?

Contrary to what you keep claiming like a broken record, I am very much in favour of decentralisation. I am however against the enourmous amount of shitfuckery going on in the crypto space. And all I care about is warning people.

If you are of the opinion that cryptos - despite all rational - somehow have a future outside of a very few fringe use cases (e.g. black market transactions), then be my guest. You are mistaken, but I am also aware that there is no convincing crypto bros.

In well over a decade the crypto space has caused multiple economical desasters that left a lot of people destitute. It's kinda weird to ignore this fact, but you do you. Maybe believing harder in cryptos and doubling down will help this time. Best of luck, you will need it!

Or... A iKeyboard

I will see myself out

Facebook infamously played a role in the genocide of the Rohingya. Please elaborate what the systematic persecution and murder of a group of people has to do with cryptos and this whole topic about their decline?

Since we clearly reached the "no, you!" stage of this argument and there is evidently no point in going forward, let me wish you a great day and you take care of yourself.