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Joined 1 years ago

Yikes dude...

Party approved!

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Nice whataboutism! Of course he should have stopped but that's not even close to the point and fuck you for trying to make it the point when a man was murdered. You're a bad person

Get over yourself

Says the guy who thinks someone could dox him if they knew he lived in Michigan years ago lol.

Thousands of accidents a year from human drivers. I sleep

90 accidents a year from autonomous vehicles. Lazer eyes

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Is that because he said that's exactly what he'll do?

This is the coolest summer you'll have for the rest of your life

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What's really important is that it's impossible not to be a bad person and a billionaire. I like her music but being a billionaire means that she is an enemy of society. Period

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I think you're looking at it wrong. The prompt is to make an image of someone who is recognizable as Indian. The turban is indicative clothing of that heritage and therefore will cause the subject to be more recognizable as Indian to someone else. The current rate at which Indian people wear turbans isn't necessarily the correct statistic to look at.

What do you picture when you think, a guy from Texas? Are they wearing a hat? What kind? What percentage of Texans actually wear that specific hat that you might be thinking of?

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That's not a counterpoint. The EU is not a country. The EU is an economic and financial understanding between many different countries in order to collaborate on things like currency, trade, tariffs etc. Even if the EU was a country which, I can't stress this enough, it isn't, the EU agreement has clear rules for leaving it. Unlike the US Constitution, which isn't like the EU agreement in very many ways at all.

How will she round up all the minorities if they're anonymous online?

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Will voters finally realize that this isn't about "the children" and is all about controlling women?

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Every billionaire's priority should be to not be a billionaire anymore. She's doing a great job so far both trying to get to that goal and being an example of what we should expect from these people.

As a side note it should not even be up to them. Billionaires should be taxed enough that it's not possible to be a billionaire but in the absence of an effective government I'm glad she's doing this instead.

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Hmmm. The people who are called in to bust unions have the strongest union. There's got to be a lesson here somewhere

This is for the "vaccines cause autism" crowd

That was a typo by OP. The temp in Italy is 48C/118F

The company is based in Los Angeles you knob

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This is the one for cops. The civilian one just says DIE.

Christians are so virtuous that a very small minority is finally upset about this after the last 8 years of supporting a man and a party that is quite literally the antithesis of what the Bible says that Jesus taught. Yeah I'm sure they'll all turn over a new leaf now lol. Religion is a mental disorder and it's time to start treating it like what it is.

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Yeah but if someone thinks a different god than mine made the universe then they deserve to die so I can prove it was actually my god. Religious people for the last 50,000+ years

That's the difference. Religion has caused more pain and suffering than anything else ever, period, and I'm tired of pretending it hasn't. More than the Holocaust, more than any non religious war, more than any government. Humanity simply can't survive unless we leave religion behind.

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Stocks aren't going to inside trade themselves! Get out of the way you old cunt. Hopefully someone primaries her and the people in SF vote her out. Still worse to have a Republican in the seat but jfc this is infuriating.

Nice job Vanity Fair. There are some racists who are whining about interracial Romeo and Juliet. Fuck them for sure. But not only is this rag trying to turn it into a scandal that it's not, they can't even get Francesca's acting credit right. Sex Education and Bad Education are incredibly different shows. There are black female actors in Sex Education but Vanity Fair sure can't tell the difference between them and her.

Nikki Haley is a fascist. Don't act like you're better than Trump, Nikki.

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This is very confusing but if there's one thing I know it's that if Republicans ever mention protecting children it is never about protecting children and only about causing fake outrage so they can push oppressive policies and stoke culture wars

Oh I can explain it easily! One of them tastes good and the other one tastes bad. That's pretty much it... Not sure how it's so confusing though

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This is a funny take and yes we should vote for Biden if the alternative is an authoritarian. BUT, Biden still is old as fuck and the DNC is once again pushing a candidate that no one wants. Fuck the DNC and the Democrat institution that forced Hilary down our throats and started this mess in the first place. Biden should not be the candidate and will most likely be dead before the next four years are over. Fuck this

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What's great is that they can't fight back because they are kids and there are so few of them.

How's that 3 day special military operation going?

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This is a readiness issue and has everyone to do with Republican culture war politics in the state. Alabama is trying to make it difficult for certain people to exist there. That means the military cannot move certain people in and out and cannot recruit to that state as well.

This has nothing to do with how butt hurt you are about women's rights or trans rights. The military needs bodies and they won't put bases in states that make that more difficult. GOP politics are actively removing jobs from these states, period. Not just jobs in the military either. The amount of economic activity around military bases is staggering. Alabama just lost tens of thousands of civilian jobs as well.

Congratulations to Colorado for keeping your economy running by simply not being hateful pricks and trying to take away freedom from a very small percentage of Americans!

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This feels.... Desperate

Dang you are super unlikeable

You are completely wrong. Why focus on idiots who won't change their mind no matter what? The important voter base are moderates and independents. If you are staunchly Democrat your vote does not matter. If you're Republican no matter what your vote does not matter. Sad but true. The people you're so worried about simply don't matter. If televising the trial convinces people who are on the fence then it's the right choice. They're just a small number of people.

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This is a real actual headline. Get me the fuck out of this reality

They're winding the game down and trying to milk the whales as much as possible before they stop supporting it

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Let's say you walk 10,000 steps a day. That's $2500 per day. Sounds like a lot right? How long would it take you to become a billionaire? 400,000 days or just under 1100 years. That's for 1 billion dollars. Bezos is worth 192.4 billion... Billionaires should not exist and the world would be better off if we ate them.

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There's no moral reason to have that much money. If you earned $2500 a day (about a million dollars a year) it would take you just under 1200 years to earn a billion dollars. I personally believe you should earn more if you work harder than others but there's simply no way anyone could work hard enough to deserve more than anyone should make in 15 lifetimes. If you are lucky enough to get that amount of money there's no moral reason to keep it all.

Now think about how Bezos is worth 192.4 billion dollars. Hopefully that helps folks understand the problem. And by problem, I mean the largest threat we are facing to human existence. Every other issue we're having stems from the fact that billionaires exist.

Won't someone think of the oppressed white, male, middle class, Christians?!

Wait till you visit

Your can't come back from that

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