2 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


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I can't find it now, but there was that one text post that went something like "1. Copying a movie costs the studio money, 2. Download a movie, 3. Make 1000 copies, 4. Studio goes bankrupt"

One random thing that really annoys me is that the site does not properly forward http requests to https although they have an https version of the site.

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Does qbittorrent not have a ready-to-use web server? I don't recall setting mine up

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I live in Korea and I see the Samsung foldable phones in the hands of like every 5th person, so yeah I'd say they sell

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x = kiss

Koreans love foreign brands and consume the most luxury brands per capita in the world. These luxury brands are more important here as status symbols than anywhere else I've lived. I'm surprised by this stat because I work in a very wealthy part of Seoul and see many many teslas each day. It's honestly baffling how many teslas I see. But I'm with you: why not buy local? Why buy a Tesla at all?

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Also curious about this

What's complex about pacman? I've found pacman to be more reliable and easier to manage than apt, so I'm just curious about your experience

Read again

Ugh right?! Nothing at all like this Shakespeare guy from 16th century England!

When I was a kid and Facebook was new, I remember everyone wanting an account. The way I see it, Facebook just kept those users who wanted it when it was new. Who's to say that the same won't be true of TikTok later?

True, but as I understand it, this is sorta surprising because he has been more supportive of the LGBT community than his predecessors and subordinates

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Or even more convenient, the arr suite + Plex/jellyfish + Overseer. A docker compose is easy enough to write and get running in minutes

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Sonarr and Radarr are just some apps that handle the searching, download queueing, and organizing for movies and shows respectively.

You can tell them what media you want and in what quality/file size. They then use another app (Jackett, Prowlarr) to search a list of your preferred websites. They analyze the results and pick a download that best fits your quality specifications. They then send those results to your download client and move/copy/link the finished downloads to your specified media directory. They also rename your downloaded media files according to a scheme that you can define to your liking. In this way your media library stays clean and organized.

Basically you set them up once and then whenever you want something you just add it to your library on either Sonarr or Radarr depending on if you want a movie or a show. The apps handle the rest of the process for you. Additionally, they will periodically search your list of websites for media you already have and can replace what you have with versions that better align with your quality preferences.

To make things even simpler for the end user (presumably you), you can also set up apps like Jellyseerr or Overseerr that act as a front end to Sonarr and Radarr. You can search in a quick and convenient way for the media you want, and these front end apps will add them the appropriate Sonarr or Radarr library. Coupled with a media server like Jellyfin, the pirate's workflow essentially becomes this: 1) navigate to your request page, 2) select what you want to watch, 3) wait for it to appear on your media server, 4) watch it.

Edit: fixed a subject-verb agreement problem.

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I have some crazy news for you. Not everyone is 21. Believe it or not, but there are people who are older than that (I'm one of them! Boo!)

Probably fucked it up trying to use all the keyboard combinations.

Joking! I like emacs better than vim for coding, but does anyone have any good text editors for essay writing? I work in academia and need something like a word processor, not a text editor (I work in philosophy and latex isn't great for this. Maybe in a maths setting, but not for philosophy and not for me). So far onlyoffice is the best I've found, but I'd like something that fits in with my hyprland setup nicely, and only office doesn't.

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Booo. Orson Scott Card took that term from Ursula K. Le Guin.

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Wish he would just provide different mixes on the disk. You know, one mix for normal people, and one mix for Nolan's personal theater where he can benefit from a theater mix on a blu-ray.

Nvidia shield is what I got instead of Roku and holy shit it's so much better. It can be flashed with another OS as well.

But no p2p on free. Honestly, OP, for this one you may just have to drop some cash on a reputable VPN

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Personally I'm not opposed to standardization, but having alternatives would be nice in case something ever happened to the standard

In my experience there are some landlords who have people's best interests at heart. I do believe landlords are parasitic, but not everyone does, and out of those people there are some who become landlords because they think it will actually help people. And to be fair, when I was in undergrad, I rented a house with some guys and our landlord charged us $290/month/person and paid for all the utilities. I couldn't have saved any money from my part time job in any other situation. The house was nice, we each had our own room, and we shared 3 bathrooms. He was quick about repairs too. No lease agreement either, and when anybody moved out he didn't raise the rent. I stayed there for 3 years, others for longer.

He'd better watch out or that blood and tears bag will get significantly bigger.

Mon chat 😭

I think they were wondering what service you use

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Idk why you're downvoted for this. I'd also like to see split tabs in firefox. I do research/writing for a living and having both open in one window would be nice.

Doesn't it say the contrary? It says that the dunking on lib stuff should be kept to their own instance and that users should instead be informed and simply debate other users from other instances.

"Nobody's free until everybody's free"

This is like a main tenet of existentialisme, at least as it's described by Sartre and De Beauvoir. To anyone reading, check out the very easy reads of Ethics of Ambiguity by De Beauvoir and Existentialism is a Humanism by Sartre.

Jellyfin is also a fork of Emby so there's some continuity there for OP

Can't you download those pictures locally? It would be good practice anyway to not rely on Facebook of all places to host your beloved photos indefinitely

The comment has been removed now. What did it say?

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If you were 10 when it came out, it's time

Just peeking at the list and saw a QR code scanner with the note, "My personal QR code scanner because Android still don't do that in their native camera...."

Does it really not? I have a Google pixel 6 and the camera provides a clickable link when a QR code is in the frame. Is that maybe a firefox thing? Idk I thought it was the camera app

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This is why I like window transparency for certain apps. That way I can set the desktop background to something fairly neutral, then set window transparent and blur it so I can always sort of see what's behind. Idk, it makes everything feel a bit lighter

CUPS? Use the localhost webpage to configure

I haven't even touched MPVs config file because I just assumed it would be empty like so much other software I use. Looks like I know what I'm doing tonight.

I also don't see how the first statement is problematic. To me it reads like they are encouraging their users to act with civility on other instances and keep the regular Hexbear stuff "to Hexbear itself". The statement explicitly tells users to instead debate users in other instances using citations. To me this seems like the best way to go about ideological disagreements in the first place; it's certainly not a reason to defederate.

Made a new Lemmy account somewhere else and will stay there unless this decision is reversed and the policy regarding these kinds of decisions is changed.

Yup! The bar at the top is called waybar. With css you can make it look pretty much however you want. The kinds and number of modules is also dictated with another config file. There are tons of prebuilt configs out there, but making this one was quite fun

I did this or something close to it years ago when running windows server. Was a bit of a hassle, but I got things running ok. Now I'm on Linux server with the same machine and it's not a problem there.

Linux has been better for my server needs generally anyway, but I'm happy to be reminded of yet another reason to stay off windows