
0 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 2 months ago
  • make selling medication illegal because terf island
  • block website because selling medication

"well they had to block it it was illegal"

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did you put your head in a microwave

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Using sudo costs in game currency

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I'd be surprised if Windows 11 didn't still have bill's code in it

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Yay java I like Java

Not sure what the rest of your comment says

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Try re-reading the comment you just replied to and this time try to get all the words

How on earth are people responding to this as if it's a legitimate take

yes access to medical care in the us is never infringed upon

e.g. if you want a given medical procedure performed, there is no way for the state to stop you

Natural selection is an agent that runs contrary to the thing which is currently out-competing natural selection, that being big brain thinkering

E.g., if a cancer research scientist dies from a weak heart, that will reduce future life expectancy more than it will increase it

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Because they'll be shit?

Docstrings based on the method signature and literal contents of a method or class are completely pointless, and that's all copilot can do. It can't Intuit anything that docstrings are actually there for.

That's locked behind the battle pass

Dragging American troops into another war in the middle east is probably one of the few things Trump's base wouldn't accept from him

Clinton lost 2016 in part because people were unhappy with her over Sanders

Early access in a controlled environment is a really good way to make sure people don't fall down rabbit holes.

Obviously it depends how old, but if you block a specific website it's only a matter of time before they work out a way around the block

"culture friction" because people don't like it when the players of a game cheat?

a doctor is helping non-relatives far more than relatives, his contribution is not selected for.

Which is the whole point of my comment...


because Biden might actually listen,

Why would he listen if he knows he can have your vote regardless

Contrapoints didn't make that video in the context of a genocide.

In what world would any person make that argument ?

That was a lot of words to not even attempt to answer a very simple question

Bad-faith, accelerationist

I like the self awareness displayed by calling me bad faith and then immediately reiterating the thing you just made up about me and decided was true based on what seems to be a deliberately bad interpretation of my original comment.

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Alternative title:

U.K. makes Google remove search results going to illegal prescription drug website

is a comment that attempts to resolve the people in power of any wrongdoing over the situation

"enforcing the law" is not a justification when the people enforcing the law also happened to write it

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Why would the democratic party listen to anything you have to say if they know you'll vote for them regardless?

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Yes the point of my comment was that I want fascism faster well done

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That's not what not voting is, no

Do you acknowledge that voting for a candidate enacting bad policies is voting for those bad policies

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I'm not noticing any part of "I'll accept anything" that's particularly conducive to fixing things

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You acknowledge that you're voting for a slightly slower descent into fascism but that you'll continue to do so?

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