
3 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My main is @cendawanita. this account is all about sharing and boosting stuff from Malaysia and SEA. I started @magASEAN to share all that stuff. Come join. Have a personal one too: @myMOAC - mainly to announce my website updates and also any quick and dirty linking

@readbeanicecream I've started @magASEAN (direct link: https://kbin.social/m/magASEAN/) for Southeast Asian stuff across the fediverse (especially) - there's still stuff the tag-scanning doesn't pick up well. But it's also shaping up to a more general interest magazine with a regional bent.

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@LollerCorleone it's not online yet, but Chris Trottier is developing spacehost with that purpose iirc.

@haubles @vvuksan @renchap @piotrsikora @ernest @Nougat @bourbonmakesitbetter

@Tigrezno on your last point, you've hit on something fundamental about federated platforms which may be a deal breaker for you: that's a feature not a bug (the same named community existing across multiple instances). The federation is then you can access them all from where you are.

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@be_excellent_to_each_other in principle as that's the point of federation, it's value-neutral to participate in such comms.

But say you're concerned about downtimes or culture or you're anticipating that instance will not be reachable or even it increases traffic load, then maybe you'll find it sensible to support a local community or magazine

@Otome-chan@kbin.social yeah, that's what needs to be tested:

  1. Is the originating instance the true copy? Or is every copy of equal status? Kbin's handling of having local copies is probably the issue here because other fedi protocols don't choose to do it this way (and it's probably because this reduces the load from all the fetching; big fedi accounts have been known to induce DDOS-like results when a post gets popular)

  2. If that can be confirmed/clarified, is the mod log a universal log only but specific instance changes not propagating? I think Q1 is going to be the pickle here - because it implies a lot in terms of coordinating copies across the kbin infra at least (not sure with Lemmy I've not poked around at all). Copy conflict is going to be inevitable at this point....

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Absolutely. If this is true then for the other small to mid-size instances it's not just an existential threat philosophically but technically. They're expecting Threads onboarding might just knock out instances because of the traffic. Might as well limit or block just for your own performance metrics.

And just to provide an example, copying straight from my comment here https://mefi.social/@cendawanita/110585975153683699:

Yup that's happening rn. It really got driven home for me when my kbin account gave me a comment alert... For this account. It went to the correct person because the usernick is the same. Also the comment is to a post that is uh untagged 🙃 https://kbin.social/m/random/p/498351/I-m-thinking-once-there-s-a-protocol-i-really-like-just

@macallik and if you scroll down the comments, Byron from Universeodon, who did take the earlier meeting, did provide some vague points from the meeting. Relating to your point about big instances, it seems likely that FB wants to throw money at them so that they won't become overwhelmed by the ensuing traffic (unlike the rest of us, I guess...) so they can demonstrate that the Instagram bridge (it's an IG product) works.

@giallo @madjo @nameless_prole @stevecrox

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@CynAq you don't have to defed entire instances, if the instance themselves are willing to keep to their own principles. If that's not kept or they've changed their position, it is actually Fedi culture to date, to defed (this is on instance to instance basis). Federation isn't being connected to everyone, it's practicing the right to associate. That's why if you don't agree with your instance, unlike closed systems, you have the right/freedom to move.

(The problem is the moving so far only carries your social graph not post history. So yes there is a penalty - but this also incentivize users to also push their admins to act more representatively. Assuming that's what the majority wants)

Thank you so much Ernest! I've bought you some coffee as well!

@asjmcguire the user-level block means you the user can't see the post. It's still being fetched at instance level. So in terms of avoiding hate speech (political problem), good and quick step to do. In terms of overwhelming an instance with traffic (the technical problem), not so much.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social oh yeah, definitely some kind of copy primacy/conflict issue for sure. I have no idea how to describe it well enough for the codeberg ticket tho - definitely worth raising.

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@neonfire scheduled posting would also be good, to stagger the cross-posting imo

@Tigrezno yes you've misunderstood - what i mean to say is that what you're noticing is absolutely a feature of multiple instances/servers being able to speak to each other. You can access their posts, and they can come in their own communities of the same interest. If you mean to say local content as in (for example) gaming @ kbin dot social and you're on that instance but you'd like also read gaming @ lemmy dot ml, then yes. In that case, gaming @ kbin is the local content, and the Lemmy one can be accessed on federated basis. But you can post comments to both. The key thing to understand is in a decentralized system, there's no 'global' version or hub. You're basically visiting branches or chapters of say, the same set of hobbyists.

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@AngrilyEatingMuffins lmao i was about to ask you to spell it out to me, because that's not my culture so it's not at the forefront of my mind, but i think I see it?? Lolllll rip to all Seans but we're southeast asians 😂

@readbeanicecream @magASEAN

@CarlsIII try click on More at the original post and select Copy to Fediverse. That'll get you the originating url. This works for every type of post and comment.


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@crossmr can you confirm that he's posting direct to microblog or is the microblog slurping his content because it matches a tracked tag? If the first it's a bug, if the second it's a built-in flaw.


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@xtremeownage Downvotes do nothing here to trigger deletion or admin action.

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@NotTheOnlyGamer ah okay, i see where you're coming from. I'm still quite strident about it only because AP being open source, the current Fedi discourse is as much political as well as technical - and you're right, the era of corporate internet is not winding down just yet. But it's also not a given i can't advocate for better controls especially because fediverse means i have more control than a user of corporate socmed over which server to go and what software to use. It's slightly easier to feel that there is something that i can do because i think there is. We wouldn't be here otherwise (instead we'll tolerate what Twitter has become, what reddit continues to become). I come from the livejournal era, and that code was forked many which ways and the various journal clones became where the migration headed to when sixapart bought it (then later Russia via corporate proxy). But it was slightly too early in tech and user quality - but I feel like I'm reliving the days I'm on dreamwidth, still in touch with ppl who moved to insanejournal etc.

Because it's possible, I'm still motivated enough to talk about it. And you know, thank you. Despite posting it in the meta community for this instance, barely anyone engaged in these concerns, not even those otherwise active. Ernest I'm sure is busy, but now I'm concerned not even those who'd sum up what's going on here would talk about this. So I really appreciate the exchange.

@CarlsIII aye no worries - fair ask


How do I do that? Under the federation tab and add the instance?

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@aetris thank you! Good enough for me, and it works!


@polygon I'll be interested to see this happen in the threadiverse side of things (all these link aggregation protocols like L/k right now). In the larger fediverse, this (tracking hashtags) is basically the number one way to do discoverability (i won't get into why but suffice to say straight search isn't fully supported technically and normatively). All the microblogging protocols (masto is one) allows you to follow hashtags (and the contents will show up on your timeline without having to follow accounts), though how it's done is different based on protocol. I'm curious to see why L/k doesn't automatically allow user accounts to do this, perhaps that was the whole point of the comms/mags.

@TerryMathews @Stardust

@Tigrezno one way what you might be looking for exists is on the microblogging side of the fediverse: over there discoverability is strictly on hashtags only and most protocols (or clients) enables you to track hashtags only and it shows up on your timeline. That's closest to what you're looking for, though dependent on ppl using hashtags.

@testing and I'm really happy that you did! Just in time for all of this to happen too, lol

@readbeanicecream @magASEAN

@Otome-chan@kbin.social what's probably happening is that the mod action, like edits to a post do get federated along as well. The only time you won't see the changes propagate is if a federated mag is on an instance that gets defed, then no future changes will occur. Not sure if you've had a fedi account before this but if you do, it's like when you boost a post and the post owner edited it and you get a notification that your boosted post has been edited and you see the new text. So the kbin copy (this is where the threadiverse differ, in having local copies. One reason why 'copy url' has two versions, the instance copy and the original copy) may have the instance owner as the delegated owner of the mag but the original mod actions can still travel. So the mod is still the mod of the magazine in all federated copies of their community/mag.

ETA: I'm letting my comment stand but just noting, i didn't answer your question at all, i think. OTL


@LegendofDragoon do you mean to ask how to follow a whole instance or specific accounts in that instance? For the second, you just search the same way (@ user @ instance) or click their names from the posts that end up on your microblog and add from their profile. For the whole instance, the kbin functionality doesn't have it yet (and the typical fediverse clients i know are optimized for pure microblogging protocols for now, or else I'd recommend client-side solutions)

@asjmcguire i was talking about kbin. The AP programming language (eta: yes it's called protocol or standard as well iirc) is definitely old :)

The fact that kbin does fetch posts from originating instances without instances having the setting to allow or disallow is a problem once something with the computing power of meta and its userbase comes on board. Because mastodon for example doesn't have whitelists, only blocklists.

@NotTheOnlyGamer it's still worth worrying. Like, in the examples i gave in the comments, i can't login to kbin.social with my other account, and i can't delete my posts. (ETA: but the larger problem is the flood of traffic and kbin hasn't had time to sort out proper instance blocks yet. Spam is already an issue)

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@NotTheOnlyGamer ah ok, you haven't seen either the posts here, or on the fediverse magazine, or just the fact the fedidb (who tracks usage stats) had to pause on their count for threadiverse accounts because spam accounts inflated the count, or lemmy.blahaj.zone having to take a minute to delete all the spam accounts...

But fundamentally you're still not wrapping your head around what federation means. Just before Reddit Migration, the biggest and flagship instance mastodon.social, were put on silence or defed a few times this year because their open signups caused spam being sent across the fediverse.

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@crossmr I've never had to try this to a blocked account but... For your microblog, do you have posts that're posted directly there. Like you know it's posted there. You can even do a test one (Add new post - that type will always go to blog).

Then, click on More of the test post and select copy to Fediverse. That URL takes you to the original version of the post. If the test post confirms the magazine as it's original URL, now do the More+copy to Fediverse to that post and see what's the URL. If it exists back on his home account, then yes, might as well ping Ernest or add an issue ticket. That's a critical flaw for mods.


@furrowsofar very much this point. There's an additional issue related to (kbin) infra as well, it does fetch content and present it as tho that person posted on the microblog here and short of contacting an admin, no user-level way to delete it (since they can't actually login)

@Kierunkowy74 yup that's a good move. But overwhelming traffic from legit users is still however an issue.

One rl illustration: https://ar.al/2022/11/09/is-the-fediverse-about-to-get-fryed-or-why-every-toot-is-also-a-potential-denial-of-service-attack/


I'm very sorry, atm it does sound the only thing left you can do is deleting his posts as it shows up on the blog

@NOOBMASTER @cutitdown @crossmr

@crossmr the way it's set up (partly because the instance is meant to be proof of concept) is that every mag's name becomes a hashtag that will be slurped. Try looking at your magazine panel... Hold on... Once you're there then the tags tab should be to the right.

:( But I think this is definitely a flaw/worthy to raise a ticket because double-checking with mine, my magazine's name is not one of the tags i can delete.

@NOOBMASTER @cutitdown

@NotTheOnlyGamer that is definitely a good practice as an individual user. At instance-level, do you share my concerns tho?

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