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Joined 11 months ago

Yep. The business model has always been "Lure them in and stifle competition with a low initial cost. Then when we have the market we can jack up the price." Enshitification at its best.

21 more...

If you charge me for service, I’m not paying extra for service.

Call it what it is - a junk fee so they can make their prices look lower than they are. I wouldn’t go to this restaurant a second time.

11 more...

What people don’t seem to understand is that he sincerely believes that every other politician is as corrupt as he is, and is genuinely confused why the DOJ can’t find any evidence to indict Hillary or Biden.

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“Hey dad, the WiFi in my dorm room keeps cutting out”

“Have you gotten your Ethernet hooked up yet?”

“Hey dad, when I try to stream TV, it keeps buffering”

“Have you gotten your Ethernet hooked up yet?”

Someday they’ll get it.

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(Unless you’re elected President, in which case, bully for you!)

That’s my point. This restaurant is try to bait and switch their customers by giving a misleading food price and adding a service charge. It is like a cell phone company adding garbage fees.

As for my initial comment - if you add a percentage for service, that ends my obligation to tip.

They are probably talking about using it to share CSAM or other illegal content. They need one person to login to be not anonymous so they can give it to the authorities if necessary.

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“Slams” == “Whines ineffectively about”

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This is clearly the trend for Reddit- posts in general interest subs are frequently reposts by bots and commented on by bots that are karma farming so that they can post and upvote these scams.

The scary thing is that this would be easier to accomplish on Lemmy, we just aren’t big enough to be worth their time yet.

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I keep seeing this, so I wanted to clear up some details:

  • Bail isn’t a penalty, it is an incentive to return for trial (to get your money back). Bail was waived for Trump in previous cases because not only is he constantly followed by Secret Service, he is a high profile person who won’t be able to hide for long anywhere in the world.
  • Bail is typically a tenth (or less) of what Trump was given for even some violent felonies.
  • You must pay the entire amount to be released on bail, unless you get a bail bond.
  • A bail bond is when a third party agrees to pay the bail amount if you do not show up for trial. The 10% frequently cited is a fee to the bail bondsman for taking this risk. You still have to provide some kind of collateral to the bondsman to cover the remainder of the bail amount.
  • You don’t get the 10% back. If you have the cash to cover bail, it makes sense to use it because then you can get it all back.

Trump getting a bail bond would be a public admission that he doesn’t have the cash. He’ll find the cash.

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So what you are saying is that Donald J Trump is going to come to the rescue of the oppressed Muslim people of Palestine? The same Trump whose Middle East peace plan was formulated by his Jewish son-in-law and basically said “give Israel what they want, and everything will be fine”?


Republicans: see? Now we have evidence that the liberal biased mainstream media take their marching orders from the Democrats.

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Aside from the “well duh” factor, and the fact that this wasn’t even a secret, The demo had to happen long before it was ready to ship because the FCC filings were slated to go public and they didn’t want the world to find out about the phone from that source.

This wasn’t the demo of a defective unit shipped to customers, it was the demo of incomplete software and hardware. The reception of the first iPhone was overwhelmingly positive. So much so that Google abandoned their plans for Android being a BlackBerry knockoff.

Here's his quote:

The black is a better athlete to begin with, because he's been bred to be that way. Because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back. And they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. And he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War, when, during the slave trading, the big, the owner, the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have uh big black kid, see. That's where it all started!

Racist. Definitely racist.

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Sigh. Time for another round of patents that all say the same thing, except instead of “…but using the internet” they will be “…but using AI”.

Say you don’t understand the fediverse without saying you don’t understand the fediverse.

By these standards:

  • The web is unsafe by default
  • Email is unsafe by default

In all three cases, your safety is determined by the home you choose, and who/what you choose to interact with.

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Aside from inflation and limited benefit of upgrading, subscriptions for every little thing are depleting discretionary income.

This is what is going to drive federated social media. Once marketing types can figure out that they won’t need to maintain 12 different social media presences and can host it on their own domain, they’ll gladly subsidize general purpose instances to make it easier for people to access their content.

Along with the rest of crypto, but don’t tell them…

16 more...

Look at their outfits and try to tell me any of them would look out of place in a pride parade.

No one is leading or trailing, because no one has voted.

Polls are not even a little bit predictive this far out.

Polls contain no actionable data for voters unless they are looking days before the election and want to strategically vote in a race with more than 2 candidates.

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He’s a Senator - his district is the whole state.

Not that this negates anything you said, just clarifying.

I foresee one or both platforms implementing a bridge api, if they don’t outright switch to the other’s protocol.

The important part is normalizing federated social networks.

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I really like photon. It is very multi-alt friendly, and I can run my own instance of it locally.

So you are saying that the independent, well respected journalist who wrote the Biography is lying, while the demonstrably unethical billionaire is telling the truth?

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I don’t think Apple feels compelled to grace “the rest of your subscription” when you are on a free trial.

But he says big words about rockets on Twitter. That means he's an engineer, right?

Acropolis: 12,500 m^2

EPCOT: 1.2 million m^2

Go into embedded software. You can’t do ads if there is no UI taps head.

There are plenty of people who get paid to write open source software. The internet simply wouldn’t exist without OSS:

  • Linux/Android
  • Apache/Nginx
  • MySQL/Postgres
  • gcc/llvm

And that’s just scratching the surface.

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So you are saying that he made up the part about the sub drones washing ashore. Got it.

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I’ll just add that BBY and Michael’s business mode is to use the Anchoring effect year round, so they can constantly offer 40-60% “discounts”. If you paid full price for anything at those stores (BBY is out of business, but still) you got ripped off.

Yeah, great. Give me my damn home office deduction back.

That’s why they believe there was fraud - they have first-hand knowledge.

Seems to me that your mistake is that you believe the purpose of polls is to predict an outcome, and/or tell you who is “winning” or “losing” at a given point in time. That is not their purpose.

Their purpose is to gauge the relative effectiveness of different campaign messaging strategies, and to give a rough order of magnitude of a campaign’s trajectory.

Here’s the most important part: polls contain no actionable data for voters. They shouldn’t influence whether or how much you volunteer or donate, and they absolutely must not influence how you vote.

They already are, by monetizing the content they didn’t create, and paying creators just a fraction of the revenue generated.

The problem is the perception that having a college education automatically means that you get a high paying job, when the reason that college educated people got paid more was that there were fewer of them. As college education becomes the norm rather than the exception, it just means that more jobs require degrees.

Because these three provide federated login most email providers do not.

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I have to disagree - this is more like the gate that blocks the sidewalk that you can get around by walking on the grass. The mechanical locks that these come with are significantly weaker, more common and better understood by thieves, that they wouldn't bother even trying to figure out how to hack the smart lock.

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This is my personal grudge against Newsom: he said the same thing when he vetoed ranked choice in CA. This is an establishment move, and about as racist as any Republican move.