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Joined 3 months ago

Exactly. What's the point? Steam Deck exists and is a more reasonable option for gaming than laptops. Get a Chromebook or MacBook Air and a Deck and save yourself a bunch of cash.

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I played some last night going in completely blind. I enjoyed it, but there isn't really a tutorial, just tooltips that come up periodically. Unfortunately my town died after a few hours because I didn't understand I was supposed to be preparing food for as soon as possible (crops grow on a year cycle, so you need the seeds in ASAP). Makes logical sense, but the game doesn't tell you and then I was stuffed.

I think it's totally fun as a sandbox/run-based game, but if you're looking for something more you'll need to wait.

Bazzite will install it for you as part of the setup if you ask for it.

Try Bazzite

I guess one would have to define "nice", usually it's power:price:weight pick 2. I am assuming that weight is important, otherwise it's just a portable desktop.

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People literally committed suicide over the hounding by the Post Office. People have gone to jail for encouraging suicide. People go to jail for false statements to the police and the court.

Executives get golden parachutes and incompetent contractors keep getting contracts.

My guess is it’s much simpler: some genius at Fujitsu thought it would be helpful if they could remotely log in to machines for support reasons. They (unreasonably) didn’t want to send people onsite and they (reasonably) didn’t think Post Office workers would be able to resolve issues over the phone.

What's the name of this feature for GrapheneOS? I'm not finding it.

Yes, I turned off network access and it works identically. This is a good path. Lawn chair was ok.

You sound like the target audience for Bluefin. I'm running it and it's excellent.

Would love to know how you're dealing with Gnome and HiDPI. I found it really wacky, massive title bars and such. Went to KDE Plasma 6 and it all looks right, but agree it seems a little wonky sometimes. I'm hoping the bugs get ironed out.

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Id like to move to Proton, but goodness are there no good usernames left. I'd have to go the custom domain route which isn't awful but it's just more effort