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Joined 9 months ago

Pffff that’s poor people. What about the rich people on vacation for a week?? When will we learn to think about the rich people?

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It would be nice if the article at least mentioned what the grounds for arrest were. I’ve never been arrested for a speeding infraction, especially not one that is 20 over on the highway. Drive for five minutes in any direction and you’ll see that

“Generous” is the noteworthy takeaway. Either ‘currency’ belongs to society and some people hoard it instead of circulating it, or ‘the world’ ‘belongs’ to a very select few people.

Editing to add: I was angered by what I saw. PFAs are dangerous and I’m not trying to detract from that point.

I grew up in PA and have seen numerous cattle farms, dairy etc.

This one in the video is heinous. Those cows are walking in their own shit. They are sickly. The humans that run that farm are detestable.

Cows deserve to graze on grass and wildflower. This featured ‘farm’ is disgusting. PFAs might have gotten them shut down, but whoever reviewed them isn’t exactly giving bonus points for standard of living.

Look at the way the cows react to him! They don’t want to be touched by him but the non-energetic movement must give a clue that they are not healthy and okay

I was obviously being facetious. Poking at the fact that rich vacationers visit the Virgin Islands while endorsing the above commenters opinion. Yes they (virgin islanders) need infrastructure as do many places.

Did you really read that as if I’m worried about one needing community and not about another, or were you being a dick?

Totally unrelated, but have you ever seen the movie Fargo?

Enlighten me

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I watched the first five minutes. It would take a moron to not notice that those cows are sickly. They don’t care and have been feeding them to countless families. Therefore I don’t feel any sympathy towards them

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They are confirming that, yes, it is an option to have a partition dedicated to just the user’s (your) home environment and folders


asking if that is an option that appeals to you or you have already considered.

It is what I prefer, but there are people who have good reason to not like that. It’s worth trying out imo, and later if you find that it doesn’t suit you, that’s okay, you’ll just need to find another solution

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I like the tool and am going to keep playing with it, but in my first run I’ve found that it seems to have an issue with the “App Store” vs “terminal command” installation question. My final results, having chosen “terminal commands,” listed some distros as not recommended because of manual install, including arch, gentoo, void, etc. Otherwise big thumbs up

Edited to add: my results

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Edit: I was corrected below, I had it wrong. But I’ll leave my original post unaltered, just know to read further

You’ve got some replies already, but I (not a lawyer) feel like you don’t quite have “entrapment” right.

Entrapment is when an average person might be duped into doing something unlawful in a circumstance where it might appear lawful or at least appear moral to the average person.

I don’t trust this example to hold up entirely, but here is a go at it: hitchhiking is illegal most places in the US, but should an officer pose as a hitchhiker that appears mortally wounded beg for a ride, you pick them up to take to the hospital, then they fine you for picking up a hitchhiker, would constitute as entrapment

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Oops, thank you. I appreciate the reply. First time linking something here

Yes, sorry, I made a mistake when linking. The commenter PoolloverNathan left the correct link

You are definitely right. I’m a little tipsy but would like to convince myself that I did already know that. I’ll add an edit to my fist comment to alert readers I had it wrong

I don’t know?