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Joined 9 months ago

Bots building post history in an abandoned looking sub. Usually done to get access to some other sub.

With the right looking post history you can scam your way onto a surprising large number of moderation teams.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Did you know that Nelson Mandela was the leader of a literal terrorist organization?

He ordered attacks that killed people. That's why he was in prison.

And every one forgave him, and even voted him into power.

All because South African Apartheid was fundamentally evil.

Israeli Apartheid is orders of magnitude worse than the South African version.

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And he likely also has a certain idea of who the criminals are.

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The conspiracy might focus on the "donated to Biden" thing. Ignoring that there's a guy with the same name who is a left leaning organizer a few counties over, and the donation was in 2021, when the shooter was 17 and not legally able to donate to a candidate.

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He hired Joel Kaplan over ten years ago.

Kaplan was a Bush toadie who participated in the Brooks Brothers Riot that stopped the recount in Florida in 2000 letting the corrupt jackasses on the Supreme Court to steal the election for Bush.

Kaplan has personally exempted right wing "news" sources from Facebook's truthfulness standards.

There's a political organizer with the same name a few counties over. In 2021 the shooter was 17, and not legally able to donate in PA.

Ukraine was a massive fuck up for Putin. He believes in the bullshit known as color revolution.

So he thought he'd pull one in Ukraine. A few years of some soldiers fucking around in the East, then he'd walk in and be welcomed.

Which is fucking stupid.

But Putin has long since killed anyone who would tell him that an idea is stupid, or that people don't work the way a paranoid, backstabbing KGB trained psychopath thinks they do.

No, Putin fucked up hard due to the dictator trap.

Now he's scrambling. He's been killing off rivals and opponents at a breakneck pace the last few years, all because his position has never been weaker.

And he barely managed to diffuse a coup attempt.

He had to use treachery to do it, so the next time, the coup leader will not back down.

No, Putin is desperate to pull out some sort of win in Ukraine, because anything else is the end of his rule, and likely his life.

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Did you know that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist? Seriously. He was a terrorist leader. He co-founded uMkhonto weSizwe. A anti-apartheid terrorist organization.

And the IRA. Terrorists that lived their car bombs.

The US military has explicitly used terrorist tactics in war.

As for Hezbollah... They were founded when Israel invaded Lebanon to act as a resistance force. Since Israel still holds Lebanese territory Hezbollah still has a reason to exist.

It also doesn't help that the IDF has been launching air strikes and assassinations in neighboring countries since the 50s...

Which really makes the IDF the true terrorist organization here.

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You may not, but the company that packaged the rice did. The cooking instructions on the side of the bag are straight from the FDA. Follow that recipe and you will have rice that is perfectly safe to eat, if slightly over cooked.

One of ten producers. And the one who was mostly in charge fundraising.

The people who were actually in charge of safety and the guns told Baldwin it was safe.

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We don't need an amendment. We just need to get rid of a few openly corrupt supreme court justices.

Because as has been shown, precedent can be ignored.

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It depends heavily on what sub you're in for the mods and users,

But yes, the admin team is very right leaning.

The war in Afghanistan was lost the moment Bush switched gears to invade Iraq.

He pulled resources out that never went back, and then Obama did the same to fight ISIL. And then Trump pulled even more out just because.

As the years went on, more of the security was offloaded to a corrupt interm government that never quite managed to become self sufficient.

When Trump did his pull out, he got Congress to pull funding. That funding was all that wa keeping the Afghani military going.

Then Biden had to finish the pull out, and he did not stick the landing.

Also bonus fun fact. The Taliban is very likely going to start the world's first Water War. They've been damming and diverting rivers that their neighbors rely on.

Tried a bunch, but tried wrong.

The Lenin model of communism is inherently flawed for one simple reason. An Authoritarian Communism is an Impossibility. It cannot exist by pure definition.

The true ideal communism is a stateless utopia.

So yeah, the Lenin model is flawed to the point of uselessness. Or worse because any authoritarian government is going to kill its own citizens, while also being a low grade threat to neighboring countries.

No. The only path to true communism is via democracy. And there are countries that are moving in that direction.

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Being dominated in a consensual way, takes a sort of self awareness and acceptance of your own weaknesses.

Trump lacks any self awareness, and has likely never been part of consensual domination.

Unless she's your slave concubine, then you're fine. But you should free your own children.

Also, Sally Hemings was very likely the daughter of John Wayles, Jefferson's father-in-law. Which makes Sally Hemings the half-sister of Jefferson's, by then, dead wife.

She was also between 14 and 16 when Jefferson took her as a concubine.

There's actually some merit to this statement.

In the late 1940s, the philosophical arm of the Lehi terrorist organization literally plagiarized Nazi race science with Aryan scratched out and "God's chosen people" subbed in.

Lithium fires need to be doused in salt to put out. Or, technically you can put out a metal fire with gasoline.

You go from a class D fire to a class B fire, and then you can put that out as normal. But yeah, salt is better.

Water is the last thing you want to use on class D fires, followed by CO2. Both have the oxygen ripped off by the burning metal, making the fire burn hotter.

There were actually several zionist military groups. The Irgun, the Haganah, and the worst of the bunch, the Lehi.

And they did more than bomb a single hotel. They were a bunch of evil assholes who massacred villages, which is what started the first Arab-Israeli war.

The Lehi hated the British so much that they repeatedly tried to join the Nazis in WW2. The death camps were common knowledge among Jews who escaped Germany, and yet, the leaders of Lehi still wanted to join Hitler in fighting the British. They also really liked the Nazi writings about wiping out "inferior races" but decided that since they were "god's chosen" they swap the races around a bit and put Arabs at the bottom.

And in 1980, the surviving members all got medals issued to them by the IDF for their role in helping to found Israel. Issued by the surviving (second) leader, who was the Israeli Prime Minister at the time, and was Netanyahu's political mentor.

Except the cameras didn't malfunction. There's video of the cell block that shows an empty hallway. Now, there's no video of inside the cells due to privacy concerns. There's never cameras that show the inside of cells. This privacy feature has been turned into a "There's no video from the cell because of broken cameras" by conspiracy nutjobs who don't actually know anything.

As to the guards sleeping or playing on their phones... There were only two for that section of the prison, and they had been sleeping or otherwise faking their rounds for weeks, if not months. The video evidence from the cell block is how they were caught.

Epstein had been specifically pulled off suicide watch, even after attempting suicide previously. That's the part that's sketchy. He also had a visit from his lawyer a few days before where he changed his will to fuck over his victims.

But no, idiot meme lords think some shadowy government figures came in and killed him without leaving any evidence of existing.

I've read actual accounts of things the CIA does, and they wish they were even half as competent as the nutjobs make them out to be. Remember, these are the same people who used "pizza" as a code word in Lebanon to mean, "go to the Pizza Hut for more orders", and then let Hezbollah sit and watch about a dozen agents and informants meeting at Pizza Hut.

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The updates are key;

Update, Aug. 19: The New York City Chief Medical Examiner’s Office on Aug. 16 publicly reported that, after a “careful review of all investigative information, including complete autopsy findings,” the determined cause of death for Epstein was “hanging” and the manner of death was “suicide.”

Update, Aug. 30: More than two weeks after Epstein’s death and this story’s publication date, news outlets, citing unnamed law enforcement sources, reported that two cameras outside of Epstein’s cell malfunctioned and were being analyzed by FBI experts. The Washington Post reported that footage from “at least one camera in the hallway outside [Epstein’s] cell” was “unusable,” but “other, clearer footage was captured in the area.” These reports have not been publicly confirmed by federal officials.

Update, Dec. 2: Federal prosecutors in Manhattan on Nov. 19 announced an indictment against two correctional officers working at the MCC on the night of Epstein’s death – charging them with falsifying records because they did not conduct mandatory checks on inmates. The indictment revealed that there was video footage captured in the Special Housing Unit, located on the prison’s ninth floor, where Epstein’s cell was located.

Specifically, the indictment said that “aside from those two officers, as confirmed by video surveillance, no one else entered the SHU, no one conducted any counts or rounds throughout the night, and no one entered the tier in which Epstein was housed.” Epstein was “assigned to the cell closest to the correctional officers’ desk in the common area of the SHU, which was approximately fifteen feet from the cell.”

So, at least some cameras in the prison properly recorded footage the night of Epstein’s death — showing, for example, that no one entered the tier where Epstein’s cell was located. The indictment does not shed light on other cameras in the prison or reports of a “camera malfunction.” We’ll update this story again if more information becomes available.

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Changing the voting system so that third parties are actually possible.

You need a cardinal voting system, otherwise you'll fall prey to Durverger's Law and Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.

I favor STAR, it's the best system designed to date.

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Israelclaims that was Hezbollah's plan.

A claim used to launch a massive military strike on a neighboring county.

I'd call that an unprovoked act of war.

Israel calls it a normal day. Because they pull this shit all the time.

There's a reason Israel has no allies in the region.

Republicans cannot replace Trump. He's got the party by the balls. His daughter in law is the chair of the party.

He's also funneling all donations to the party into his own pocket.

When Trump loses, the Republican party will implode under all the fraud. I'm all for it.

Have you checked out Live from Emmett's Place?

Live jazz streamed every week.

Just after Elden Ring came out, Musk tweeted out his build. Internet sleuths figured out he would have needed to play about 12 hours a day to have that build, and that it was kind of shit.

Malfunctioned in this case means that the system wasn't configured to record properly. You could watch it live on the monitor, but couldn't pull up the recordings. This was for two cameras, one of which the recordings were recoverable.

As to forcing his hand, probably. It's a hell of a lot easier to do, and the prime suspect for passing the message along would have been Epstein's own lawyer. All he would have to say is something along the lines of "you kill yourself, or they're going to pull strings and get you put in General Population again."

But notice that "again". See, he was in general population and had been attacked already. Then they put him on suicide watch, which is hellish on its own.

My theory is that Epstein killed himself while Trump and company were still scrambling to figure out what they were going to do, because they had no plans at all for that sort of situation. Because my real theory is that no one is actually good at what they do, they're all lying to themselves and each other about it, but that everyone, literally everyone on earth is generally some sort of fuckup, especially when shit comes out of nowhere. Like a powerful pedo who had fallen out of favor, showing that he was still a pedo and getting arrested for it.

I doubt anyone planned for that, they had mostly forgotten Epstein after getting him that sweetheart plea deal a decade or so earlier. A lot of rich and powerful people had quietly cut ties at that point.

They then wake up one day and hear that their old pal is in jail for more pedo shit, and they collectively shit themselves, but can't do anything overt because then they would be seen doing overt shit to cover their own asses, and that's almost as bad as Epstein talking.

I'm sure there were a bunch of hushed conversations in secluded rooms about doing something to make it go away, and then realizing that they didn't actually have any way to do so. And then Epstein killed himself anyway and saved them the trouble.

After all, he was extremely rich, and had been accustomed to being extremely rich. He went from silk sheets to sheets made by the lowest bidder. He went from palatial living, to living in a cell, with the rest of his life being in a cell, with beatings thrown in for measure. All because he was guilty as sin, and had a prior conviction. Even if he never talked, he was getting life imprisonment. And I'm betting he was selfish enough to take the easy way out, all on his own.

As a teen, the main question I had was, "can I make a pipe out of this?".

Now that I'm old, the question is mostly "why the hell is this still illegal on a federal level?"

Fighting against slavers is something that should be celebrated. It's like punching a Nazi, there's just no situation where it isn't the right thing to do.

Trump is arguing that his twitter was "official communications", and thus can't be used in court. This means that the 34 felony convictions might go away now.

But the truth is that the Supreme Court didn't say that every "official act" was immune from consequences. The more nuanced reading is that any act that the Court declares official is immune from consequences.

The Conservatives on the Court declared the president King, but only when they feel like it.

A big part of it was scientific illiteracy. There was talk at the time about "protecting the prison officers from exposure to the gas".

They were treating it like a poison.

Which adds stupidity to the malice.

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Both Trump and the Shooter surviving would have been best. If the kid was able to say exactly why he did it, then all the conspiracy would die. An Trump would have some uncomfortable questions about his involvement with Epstein. That second part might still happen. But likely won't.

It actually is thanks to the permanent apportionment act of 1929.

The size of Congress needs to increase with the increase in population. But it's been fixed at 435 for over 100 years even as the population has more than tripled and we've added two states.

Are those houses then listed as corporate rentals? Because that's super common.

I wish I lived in your world where people were actually competent.

But in the real world, the CIA, working in Lebanon, used a code word "Pizza" to literally mean, go to the local Pizza Hut for more orders. Hezbollah used their amazing deductive reasoning skills to crack the code, and then just had people watch that particular Pizza Hut. They ended up outing about a dozen highly trained CIA agents and the informants they were meeting with.

In the 60s, these chuckle fucks were too busy secretly dosing each other with LSD to actually get anything done.

Every revolution or regime change that the CIA was involved in ended up a complete clusterfuck. Look at the Bay of Pigs as an example.

The only thing they've ever been good at is smuggling drugs, and they only reason they were good at that is that they could tell the DEA to look the other way.

And there are stories of fuckups from CIA drug smuggling. Like Iran-Contra. The Contra were trading drugs for guns so they could literally run around as right-wing death squads.

Anyway, this is a long rant to say that the CIA wishes they were competent enough to have been behind Oswald. They were not then, and are not now. But they love the PR, and some of them might even believe the bullshit. Doesn't make it true.

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Here's a slightly better version that's just things spelled out in the actual project2025.

Carter was pre-Reagan. This was before the neoliberals took over the Democratic Party.

Clinton mostly accepted Republican framing of the economy, that taxes on the rich need to be low for... Reasons.

The main argument of the neoliberals is that while conservatives are "right" about a bunch of their policies and shit, they're just bad at running everything.

Carter was before that shit. Back when we said that conservative policy was heartless and evil.

Some in the Democratic Party are coming back to this simple idea.

For this year at least, it's too late to replace Trump on the ticket. Unless they replace Trump with Vance. That would comply with the rules. Sort of. Trump's name would still be on the ticket. But Vance would take lead, and would pick a running mate.

There are two major factors that would keep this from becoming a reality. First is Trump will never step aside in favor of someone else.

Second is that Vance has negative charisma.

There was a write up from one of the writers who worked on the series.

This was written after he and most of the team left Valve.

That makes it worse, not better.