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Joined 10 months ago

Yeah, given how much Trump and Republicans lean on Heritage, and Trump has been talking about doing some "light" tyranny on day 1, it's ridiculous to attempt to write off the Heritage Foundations' plan to Christian Fascism.

Now tell us how many Heritage Foundations recommendations do the Republicans and Trump take on board! Distancing the Heritage Foundations from them rather undersells the position of one of the most influential public policy organizations particularly within conservative politics.

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Sounds like a reason for Biden to set a whole bunch of legal precedent while he's still president.

If you vote with the hope that it will fixes problem by itself, you won't get very far. Voting is sort of the end of a political process, the other end starting in people building political movements. For your vote to mean something, you have to be voting with a political project. So, focus on the political projects: start building the structures that protect people first, without relying on the government's approval. Support your communities of care and build your mutual aid networks. Don't wait for it to be delivered from on high, get with people who also care about the things you care about and start using what you have to build what you can.

Ah, yes, the perennial take of "only those I deem socially acceptable should be allowed at pride". Happy Pride Month, everybody! Remember to leave all the parts of you that make people uncomfortable in the closet!

First-Past-the-Post voting makes this shit suck so hard. Not only does voting third party reduce the threshold for the rest of the field and in particular the party I definitely don't want in power, that party is most incentivised to prop up my third party candidate. They get to count my vote as win, and with the stakes as high as they are even losing an election cycle means people I care about get seriously hurt.

The prices for fixed costs have gone up, too. People need a place to live, the health to keep living, and ways of ensuring access to both, and the costs of all of those have gone up as well. A not insignificant chuck of people don't have discretionary spending to cut (not to mention how stressful living paycheck-to-paycheck on the bare essentials can be). Yes, it is certainly worth reevaluating budgets and determining where expenses can be lowered, but those margins have been getting thinner for a long while.

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Vote in primaries, vote in off-year elections, vote in local races. We can't hinge our entire political strategy on who wins the biggest race every four years while ignoring the rest of the political system if we want any chance of having options besides what the two large parties present us.

Somehow, I get the impression that you aren't about to argue that what has happened to the Palestinians is sad and that they should be fighting against the people who did it to them.

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