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Joined 1 years ago

Holy fuck 200k workers!? I'm not familiar with lemmy internals but I've literally never seen any program run anything close to well at levels that high. Want some help from someone who is a DevOps engineer by day? I think I remember you said you were a psql dba professionally so maybe my experience could help out?

I look at you and see a person. A person who doesn't deserve the critical words that you're writing about yourself. I don't feel comfortable as a cis man coming into this space and telling someone whether they pass so I won't (that doesn't mean I don't think you do!). But the only person who defines who you are is you.

Are you transitioning so that the republicans might be right about something? Therapy, medications, all sorts of thoughts and emotions, changing your body... I didn't think so. Anyone who assumes as much by simply looking at you isn't worth my time, and I hope they're not worth yours either.

Remember, everyone only has so much control over their own appearance, it only represents what's inside as much as it will let us. The rest has to be made up for by acceptance. You're so not alone there.

Look around at these comments... You have people from all over the internet telling you directly or indirectly the same thing. Be who you are. For yourself. Or you'll never be happy.

Oh, fuck. This would have been nice to know sooner.

There's a bot here for that... I just don't remember how to use it.

2 more...

Thank you YudgeHolden

I read this in Arnold's voice

I read hippos as hippies and was thoroughly confused by the time I read the whole thing

It's very similar but it's not the exact same (not including the time release part). Vyvanse is 100% dextroamphetamine after time release; adderall is 3/4 dextro and 1/4 levoamphetamine. Different people feel that differently, for example with only dextro I feel much calmer/less prone to anxiety, but without the small amount of levo I have trouble motivating myself and can fall asleep easily. They also have 100% dextro in instant release format: dexedrine or zenzedi.

Yeah it was really weird earlier when I first found it and I saw detailed scientific discussion and then someone said they were "bullish". I imagine it would be like seeing a centaur in person for the first time.

Put it in a code block (it's in a quote block now, use ``` on both ends instead) to preserve newlines or add at least 4 spaces at the end of the line to force a newline.

Test to make
sure I'm correct

Test to make
sure I'm correct

This is something I just commented on somewhere else, I'll paste it here:

I don't believe they're really concerned with replacing the mods right now. I think what they care about is the number of times people are coming from search results and seeing that the subreddit is now private instead of what the search was for. They also probably want to get ahead of it fast because Google's gonna stop pointing to them for results that don't exist anymore. That's why getting the sub public but locked is what they're doing instead of replacing the mods with interim mods and keeping the content coming.

Money is #1 for them, spez has his investors breathing down his neck, and he's so burnt out on being involved that his PR is absolute crap but of course he won't leave without the payout he's worked so hard for. If you look at it from that perspective it all makes sense, at least for someone who only cares about money.

Sir, are you aware you're leaking coolant at an alarming rate?