1 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Your friendly Tea Drinker

Wild. I wonder how bad reddit will be in a few years. If you think it's bad now, It's not even publicly traded yet, and we've all seen how money grubbing being a publicly traded company can become. "Make line go up no matter what" 👀

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This may seem like a joke, but it won't be next dev conference 😂

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As cool as this is, Im not quite sure I want my monitor to also watch my porn with me.

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The amount of murder I have done in gaming. I'm going away for a long time boys💀

Because they are terrible people that need to hold someone hostage in order not to be single? Probably something along those lines...

They had the one ability not to harm anyone with CSAM and they try to generate real people... Truly vile

Who would've thought, believing in democracy and law to be the bare minimum for being a president.

Subscriptions are there for those who can afford it. If you literally cannot, I don't see the problem with sailing the seven seas until you can.

As far as I was aware, he is technically over leveraged as he used telsa stock loan to buy it. He is probably facing a really tough condondrum rn.

Good luck solving the fertility problem. I don't think any country has managed to figure it out yet.

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As someone who makes videos I can give an example of how poor Xs view count is.

On the same video: YouTube - 3k views 143 likes Tiktok - 249 views 21 likes and 6 saves Twitter/X - 26 impressions - 4 views

Fr I it's almost not worth posting there

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Inside? Are you gaping? 😂

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Skill issue

Wasn't there a post showing how bad defederation is as a defence when other instances were doing so? Why don't we just have a bot that removes comments from META and messages the user, that in order to comment they must use another instance? This way we can use METAs own tactics against them. Drive users to our instances, regulate communities automatically and still increase overall content generated rather than styfile.

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On this note. It has happened to me, I still tell people to take it. Just not astrazenica one (I have a support group and it seems to be 90% Astrazenica) Take pfizer pls. My case is extremely extremity rare, and I was paid out by the government for it so it could be worse.

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Nooooo, not small edd! My day is ruined and I need bleach.

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Your guess is as good as mine on that.

What a terrible debt to accrew. Dont get me wrong I believe everyone deserves a holiday. But man you're just blowing borrowed money at this point.

I mean you're worried about something you don't even use yet showing you ads... Your android/iPhone has a front facing camera and doesn't force you to watch the advert via eye tracking. No ones does, because you would just buy something else

If it makes you feel any better, I thought it was porn.

I've owned the Samsung fold2 & 3. Personally to me they are cool phones. However they just aren't made to last, and that's not the only problem. Realistically they are heavier, bulkier and have less specs than the top end smartphones. I found that each time I was holding it, I would rather be holding a normal phone just because my arms would get tired, it felt finicky to be holding such a large screen in public situations. It has its perks when sitting down in a plane, shopping mall, train. But again you could have an even larger screen and more power of you just brought a laptop. What makes me enjoy these products is the fact I've been dreaming about foldables since I was a kid, and that never disappears.

Rip liftoff

Haha! It's all good. I won't be normaI, but like you adjust and it becomes normal. just wish it wasn't so controversial these days.😉


Hey its not all bad, ChatGPT and midjourney have been really entertaining. We now also run on decentralised media.

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I am also confused. Why was this down voted? According to the dictionary several means more than 2 or 3, however still a low figure number. It was reported to be only 3 years last I saw; meaning to be incorrect? Edit: I'm noticing a plural in "trumps" so assumably they are including his sons as well?

As its a geothermal powerplant, I think the volcanos are already paying for it 🤣

Op is that one kid in Chinese whispers that purposefully changed the sentance. I know it was u

I remember seeing a comparison between defenders and windows defender was on top. I see no reason to pay because of this. Either way I clean boot my pc every 4 months to keep it running very smooth.

Sure! I got the Astrazenica jab in my mid 20's. Even though I had previously been infected with covid; this is because I was a care worker at the time so I wanted to keep the community safe.

I started getting issues over the next week with my eyes and legs, I was having a weird pain in my eye when I moved it to the side and my legs where also painful. My GP recommended to get some blood tests done.

Before I was able to complete the blood tests I woke up one morning and was unable to pee. I spoke to my GP and they told me to go to the hospital, I was admitted and cathaterised. Over the next week and a half my condition got worse and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

I was losing my ability to move the lower half of my body and eventually lost all feeling in it during this time, my eyesight also started going blurry.

Finally they moved me to a neurology hospital in the centre of London and figured out my condition, it was called nuromeyeltis optica. This condition is where my immune system attacked my nerves in my spinal cord and also my optic nerve.

They put me on a huge dose of steroids to stop my immune system, and used a plasma transfusion to try and flush my system of the anti bodies.

It took me months to learn to walk again, as I spent a total of 2 months in hospital and then rehabilitation.

I'm mostly normal now, you wouldn't know I was different if you saw me, other than I still have to use Cathaters to pee, suppositories to poop and my nerves still cause me great pain. So I'm really very uncomfortable tbh.

Fortunetly my eyes fixed themselves very fast, but I have a very small blind spot that honestly I don't notice.

The government paid me out via the Vaccine Damage Scheme after 2 years worth £120,000, in which they sent me a 50 page report. Stating that it was due to the vaccine and what % of disability they thought I had. It was actually between 50-80% as they weighted in mental strain very highly and my age was considered young (although a dinusour on the Internet I'm sure lmao)

Anyway that's what happened to me. It still so weird to think it's such a rare case, I'm one out of I believe 100-200 people that had a successful vaccine damage payment scheme in the UK.

Been like this for a little while. If your vpn supports p2p just use that. Or use tor.

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Definitely the what-if machine. I could actually figure out if I'm going to use a product enough to buy it.

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Nice to see someone talking about this. I actually have been using bing for the last year because of this exact reason. Also when using a VPN, bing never gives me a captcha.

Ah it was so unbelievably difficult to try to remove from my language too. I was playing a game with a mtf, I asked tbh and she said she didn't mind. However I tried to stop doing it anyway. I failed misurably tbh. That being said I had no problem saying she so... I think it's the case of being in a strategic scenario and not knowing who I'm talking to.

Be edgy and random

This is getting so much larger! It's doubled again while active users aren't changing much. We may need to figure out this bot problem.

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Becareful with this. There's a clear trend of massive amount of bot accounts flooding lemmy as a whole

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