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"Studies show productivity increases with 4-day/32h work week"

"Ok but we'll only pay for 32 hours."

"I literally just said it makes us more productive. Maybe you should pay us for 48 hours"

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Gun owners: if police can murder you for having a gun, you don't have the right to have a gun.

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Homeschoolers: the silent welfare queens

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Far be it from me to defend YouTube "prank" creators, but for all people talk about "responsible gun ownership", this person was clearly not responsible and should be forever prohibited from owning a gun. If you were in no way touched or threatened, how the fuck can you justify discharging your firearm in a public place?

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Read the three lines right above that quote. Those are the experts.

Adrienne McCarthy, a researcher at Kansas State University, told the Guardian why this is particularly troubling.

“It’s propaganda 101,” she said. “Equating people concerned about climate change with Nazis can have long-term impacts on young, impressionable people. The beliefs PragerU are pushing forward overlap with far-right extremist beliefs. The fear is that they will bring this sort of extremist beliefs into mainstream society.”

In a piece for Mother Jones, principal climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists Kristina Dahl annotated the transcript of one of these videos, demonstrating how the visuals and script are trying to convince the viewer to ignore the findings of scientific research.

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What insane lawyers are working for those grifters and not getting paid in advance?

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I'm so happy to see actual consequences for these terrorists.

The .gov page has a pretty extensive FAQ.

image showing a chart of payment examples based on income and family size

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I never believed it would happen. I'm assuming one of Nays will be coming for his throat now and calling for removal. Maybe he just gave up trying to delay the inevitable.

This isn't a service for someone who has the knowhow to get their own VPN. It's so grandmas don't get their bank accounts hacked while on hotel wifi.

I see this commented a lot, and I don't get what the idea is. Are the expected outcomes:

  • They will get Gotcha'd so hard they see the error of their ways?
  • They will get the Bible removed from schools and lead a consistent crusade against anything sexual?
  • They will just keep the Bible and ignore the hypocrisy?

Never underestimate the capacity for Republicans to remain willfully hypocritical. It's literally the foundation of today's Supreme Court.

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What color are mermaids in real life?

I think they were afraid of discovery revealing even more malicious information than what's being assumed.

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Right. Just because we're seeing it on video, doesn't mean it's new, increasing, or worth more and more and more funding for cops.

This is a non-automated TL;DR summary of the article:

Justice Dept.: "Bruh"

They're not saying it equates. They're saying the same protein was found in people with those three issues. They're not saying they're in any other way related, equated, or causal.

Yeah there's something about the ratio of posts to active users. If it gets too high, there's just a sea of posts with comments too diluted. A lot of subs just don't have the users to support the same level of posts that equivalent reddit subs have.

If you want to complain about the toxicity of sensational headlines, I don't think many people would disagree. But it's two posts in a row you've claimed untrue things about the article without having clearly read and digested it. Maybe you should consider why you're so quick to assume it's "propaganda" and rush to prove yourself correct.

I wish we could pin it to some objective measure and stop dealing with this set of decisions. Same with other forms of support.

Right, these people are so quick to "well akshually" they completely ignore the inflated house costs since which layers more unaffordability on top of already unaffordability.

For the layperson, what does arraignment consist of?

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Disingenuous framing by Jacobin? Never 💅

There was never any evidence of this. The best explanation I heard is that Magnus' company was merging with right before a tournament, and with that the information of cheating bans were made available to him. He found out that Hans had been banned for cheating a couple years prior on Speculation is that this put Magnus on tilt during his match with Hans, and losing just confirmed Magnus' suspicion that Hans is a cheater IRL as well as online.

Why let facts get in the way of a good outrage?

I hadn't seen the original post, so thanks for this one

"Recall: Indictment. Please delete. 😰"

I guess we have different definitions of "advance payment". When the retainer runs out, work should stop.

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Because no defense lawyer would ever advise that

If your client is actually innocent, there's a place for getting on the stand with righteous indignance. But... That was clearly not the case here.

Honestly I don't see a difference in 4k/1080p with streamed media. Physical media on the other hand is night and day.

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Care to elaborate? It's the first I've heard of it.

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What's your point in linking to that opinion piece?

You remembered

Did they learn it? A Republican would eat their own shit if it meant a Democrat had to smell it on their breath.

This is not leading to better policies. Just expanded bannings. The physical Bible doesn't play a role in day to day schooling. But some of the banned books would make real differences to people. Republicans lose nothing here, in fact they're getting vocal support for more bannings from people on the left.

Is there any statement as to why it was vetoed?

This is exactly my point. They don't care about being hypocritical, they'll update laws to be explicitly and overtly hypocritical to get their way. This gotcha means nothing to them.


Yeah, like all store brands, there can be some good finds. And I think TJ has a higher hit ratio than most stores, but it's still far from most of them.


Completely baffling why you're being downvoted. This is a perfect application of chatgpt.

So you agree he shouldn't ever have a gun again, and probably shouldn't have had one to begin with. Glad we got to the same result through a different path.

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