2 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you are not using Firefox now is a good time to start.

25 more...

People who get video game burnout or say gaming is dead or whatever are victims of AAA marketing.

Most of the time I see posts like this they complain that they bought all the newest games with great reviews and aren't having any fun. Normally it's Sony games and other cinematic experience kind of games. Or they are games that they put 100's of hours into. They are doing the same stuff over and over and getting bored.

Unfortunately critics care more about production values and polish than novel game mechanics. Plenty of interesting games get overlooked due to being a little weird or not fitting in modern game conventions. If you only play the big budget AAA stuff you are going to get burnt out because they all copy each other trying to be the next "big game". If you play games that get bad reviews, have weird mechanics, or do something different you won't get burnt out. I like to recommend the Gravity Rush games to people who have a playstation and are burnt out on the "cinematic" games. They typically have never heard of it and end up having a blast with them. Makes me sad when I see people still buying games based on metacrtic scores. They miss out on so much.

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I know there is some controversy with the ads and that it's closed source but wow this app is really nice. I never used it for reddit I used rif so I didn't understand the hype but I get it now. I'm holding out for an app with multireddit though. That's the one feature I really want.

Getting closer to "you die in game you die in real life".

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People have been saying this game is exciting because of the lack of mtx, but it seems to me that any big rpg gets a lot of attention. Eldan Ring got similar praise last year. Bioware was making these kinds of games fairly consistently about a decade ago and then stopped to make shit like Anthem. It's a design decision not a budget problem.

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Lemmy feels like the first real alternative to reddit. Everything else was a ghost town or had no moderation so only banned subs would move. This recent exodus won't kill reddit but it created a viable reddit alternative for when they inevitably do something worse. Reddit ran as a number 2 to digg for years before digg screwed up. I can see the same happening here.

Flatpacks give me the least trouble so I guess those. All though appimages seem alright too. Snaps however seem to never want to install. I like the idea of easy one click installs for every distro but I think we are a few years away from that.

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More tech to change things in post. I feel like Hollywood is relying too much of this kind of technology to fix poor planning and writing. Look at all reports about marvel films being radically changed in post. You can tell when a film is a patch job.

That's why I use matrix. No phone number.

I definitely agree it applies to all media. There's always something good to find but you need to dig sometimes. A great AAA game is normally well made and can be a lot of fun but rarely are they unique or surprising.

2.9 miles isn't even far. You could just walk.

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I can't remember the worst movie I've seen at home. I've seen so many lol. The worst theater movie had to be the one missed call remake. I watched the original Japanese film later and realized the missed important plot points that were vital to the story. Also it was neutered from a R rated Takashi Miike film to a boring pg-13 horror film. On the bright side it introduced me to Takashi Miike and I've been a fan ever since.

NASA has a mastadon account on and post pretty frequently.

Well that explains the lack of custom games at least. Sad it's a fun game it just needs more content.

I think element is pretty easy to use honestly.

World is one of the big ones you can see them listed here The instances are just servers running lemmy. The servers can communicate with each other with the activitypub protocol if the admins allow it.

What's cool about this is nobody can ever "shutdown" lemmy as there are multiple servers. Also it won't turn into a cesspit like voat because each admin can make there own rules and defederate from nastier instances. So you can have an anything goes lemmy instance or a curated instance. I really hope lemmy comes out the victor of reddit alternatives because I love the idea of it.

This is why Jet Li turned down the Matrix. He didn't want his Kung Fu skills to be scanned and preserved in the WB archive.

I'd say the solution is no drm. Piracy is a workaround.

If google gets their way websites will be able to block OS's and browsers. But if enough people switch to Firefox they won't be able to push this change as easily. Google Chrome has about an 80% marketshare in the browser market and most of the alternatives are forks of Chromium which google controls. If this doesn't change Google will be able to do anything they want.

Speaking of which whatever happened to FuchsiaOS? Did they kill it? It would be a shame if they did. I was interested in it because it was an open source OS that wasn't Linux or bsd based.

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Well from my perspective it's not that people hate California it's that they hate the influx of Californians in their state. Tons of tech people moved from San Francisco to Austin and now it's near unrecognizable. Austin a long time ago used to be a small city with a lot of charm now it's the tenth largest city in the US. It's not just Californians moving their but they are the biggest group and they are pretty loud about where they come from.

Everything gets more expensive, they bring some of their failed policies with them, and there are a lot of weird ideas that come out of California. I don't mean your generic lefty policies that may upset some old timers in Texas but like the weird transhumanism shit that tech people are obsessed with. It feels like a cult, another thing California is known for, and it's basically the opposite vibe of what Austin used to be. I personally have met a lot of Californians I really like but it's not hard to see the culture clash. Also when I say California I really mean San Francisco and LA, not like Sacramento or the other parts of California. It's the tech people, the Hollywood people, and the groupies they aquire. They leave California due to costs and it's somewhat chaotic nature but then start to transform their new home into California.

If you've ever met old timers in Texas you know great don't like change. They talk about building an overpass as a sign of the apocalypse. So that's where I assume most of the hate comes from.

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Yeah well great as long as the nuke hits you and not me I think I'm fine with it.

WW3 will involve nuclear bombs and weapons beyond that. Why the fuck would you want to risk that? There are better outcomes to this.

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4chan is funny but no way am I browsing it at work.

Kojima got away with his product placement in mgs3 because nobody in the west knew calorie mate was a real product lol.

Well you can start by not threatening Russia with invasion. Russia is propagandizing this as a fight for their survival don't add fuel to the flame by saying your going to invade them. The US has invade and left a few countries over the years and it didn't take threats to make us leave. We left after the public turned on it and it became politically unpopular. The same will happen in Russia but not if you threaten them.

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What you don't want to escalate a war and get millions of people killed? YIKESARINO.

You can prevent WW3 by de-escalating right now. It would help if we worked on diplomacy rather than sending a bunch of bombs to Ukraine and hoping it all works out. You realize that it's not the 40's anymore and WW3 could mean nuclear armageddon right?

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Doesn't matter what is fair. Russia has nukes and will use them if they feel threatened. If Russia ends up getting hit by a Ukrainian bomb then they might retaliate by hitting the ones who gave it to them. Best way forward is to make a truce that pleases no one but keeps the peace.

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denazify Russia

Before or after we win the war on terror?

16 more...

Ghoulish lol. What exactly is wrong with adoption?

If I had to guess the Zuck to him with their powers combined they could kill Twitter. I can see the concern after what happened with XMPP but a social media site like mastadon doesn't need to communicate with other sites. Mastadon can just defedirate with threads if they don't like something that they do. I mean lemmy and mastadon don't really communicate together very often and exist on their own.

True. Dallas and Houston have a lot of tech too, but Austin has become San Francisco 2 fairly recently. Dell was the big home grown tech company a lot of these other companies and start ups are from California. Nobody would accuse Dallas of being like San Francisco because it's more traditional corporate tech. I think sxsw attracted a lot of people from California.

It's hard to find something unique but I've found some of my favorite games by taking a gamble and playing a game I don't know much about. If the box art looks cool or I like the trailer I give it a try. Game critics don't help much as they only like specific kinds of games so I can't rely on them too much.

Meta makes a lot of contributions to open source. Jest and pytorch are two tools they have made open source. They have their eyes on killing Twitter and connecting to one of the biggest alternatives is a smart move, but eventually if all goes well they won't need mastadon anymore. That's the concern I think. Once threads is big enough they will quietly remove activitypub support and screw up mastadon in the process.

Yeah your a mean fascist if you don't like Instagram. Lmao.

FDR got us into WW2 you want this to escalte into WW3? Be careful what you wish for. What exactly does your "denazify" Russia entail? Removing Putin? Because that could require invasion and if you think Iraq had blowback try that shit with Russia.

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