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That how life works. You dont know their situation. You dont know if they can afford in increase. Where i live i have heat pumps and it costs me $300 a month to heat a two bedroom apartment. And thats with keeping it at 68f. If the cost of the electricty is outrageous, what are people supposed to do?

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Chatroulette was similar

I was gonna finally get around to buying this last night, and this stopped me.

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Thats absolutely outrageous. Thats a brand I'll never be purchasing.

Out of curiosity, how are things for you now?

Honestly, I kind of agree with this. The state was paying for these passes, not Disney. Thats an inscestuous relationship between the state and private enterprise. It should never have been that way in the firstplace.

The offset of 1400 in wage increases seems a bit low to compensate, but if its enough to buy a season pass then no harm no foul.

Disney can supply the free passes if they want to; let them foot the bill

Not everyone is old enough to know the difference. Imagine being 20. What frame of reference do you have?

If it helps any, this is a very common question in the states. Its rarely ever a malace thing, but a curiosity thing. Everyone has interest in people's lineage (regardless of color). Even if it goes back 300 years. Maybe it has a different implication in France though.

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Doesnt it also refine the content that gets recommended? Not nure if there is really any utility in seeing likes or dislikes of other people (maybe your own). One mans trash...

This is mostly a good thing. The one part of it thats not good is that there is no real replacement. Most of the apartments here are very small, so visiting guests usually need to stay elsewhere. Hotels are very expensive here, so there is a gap where a short term rental style hotel is really needed.

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Sometimes I use it for laughs. I usually use it as a search engine one steroids when I cant find the answer to a problem. Not having data past 2021 is a huge limiting factor for real producity though.

I know rejection is scary, but its not reallyna reflection of you rather then a reflection of someones preference. You could be a greek god and still get rejected.

Keep trying, but in the meantime also focus on you. Do what you need to do to love yourself, and then the rest will follow

Things are much simpler now. Even little things. For instance error messages. They used to be cryptic as hell, but these days there is more of an emphasis on communication.

The only thing more complex is the volume of choice. There are just soooo many ways to do something that picking a way can be daunting. Its led to a situation where you have to hire based on ability to learn rather than ability with a specific toolchain.

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Being right feels good no? Imagine being told your wrong all the time by the same person. Thats how they feel. Unless its a matter of life or limb, just let people be wrong sometimes.

It wasnt even as bad at that point.

Its the only version of windows i ever had where the start menu of all thing stopped functioning. I had to restart. Wtf?

Thats the reality. Government should be acting as the counterbalance. Unfortunately while the goverment remains dysfunctional, corps are getting to do whatever they want. Its bad because once its done, its very hard to unroll it without affecting innocent people.

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It started just text

California is so big that often, when they make a law, companies follow it nationally. It can be cheaper than having to maintain different rules for sifferent states

Digg was reddit, and reddit was lemmy. This is back in like 08 or 09 i think. Reddit is only big because digg fucked up and everyone went there as the alternative

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The only thing google search is good for anynore is recipies. Thebonly good product they make anymore is maps.

Duckduckgo isnt much better.

How do you do that? I cant figure it out. If i see one nore fuck cars post in gonna lose my shit

Thats never been true. You bought the paper for a small fee, and it still had ads.

Google photo sucks

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Its also people who dont know how to cross the street or anyone who disobeys traffic laws. Ive seen bikes just run red lights, dart through stop signs, people just cross against the light without even looking.

Its general carelessness with regards to the roads

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The tutorial thing is huge. What a fucking slog getting through the tutorial. I hate witcher, 2077, etc for this reason.

Its not moral or ethical. Stop. If you think it had to be done thats your opinon and you are entitled to it. Don't pretend it was moral though. That's absurd

Honestly I agree. If you are building a game with the same mechanics of other games that already exist its fine. Once you reach a point where to need access to the engine code itself to make something a reality, you are fucked.

I used to like it too until I realized how restricrive it is. The fact that it couples projects and teams is super inflexible. Maybe its just how my company uses it, but its garbage these days, and kind of stuck in the past.

We just migrated to github, and its like night and day. Soooooo much better.

Part of that might be you though. Things that gave us thrills in our youth become bland when you get older. I could say the same thing about ICQ and AIM vs reddit, twitter, etc.

The employee's job is to deliver value to the business. The business's job is to enable the employee to deliver that value. Mentorship, fair wages, career growth oppurtunities, etc. Many businesses fail on their end of the bargain. Its no wonder the employees are repaying the effort in kind.

I am that guy. I thought that for a 20 years

A little off topic, but whats the estimates starting cost to using Synology? Ive been looking for a good syncing solution for media between my partner and I. Any good resources anyone has to share for getting started?

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Why is level cap hard to expand?

I'm a software engineer working with cloud hosting by profession, so I really dont mind training wheels for my home needs. In fact it is preferred because I want to spend the smallest amount of time possible just solving my problem (easily sharing photos between ios and Android without relying icloud or google). I do enough hard stuff at work haha.

14TB is perfect. I could probably get away with a four bay setup with a RAID config for redundancy.

They have something called advanced security that can scan for things like secrets. It works on PRs though, so not very helpful if you have a public repo.

This is also true if you use something like sensodine for sensitivity. If you let it sit on your teeth a bit it works better

Isn't it hard to get to because of it being closer to the Sun and requiring more deltaV?

You are just getting older. You cant expect to keep doing the same thing over and over and get the same high from it. Chasing the dragon. You need to include fresh, new experiences to liven things up. You'll always ennoy games to some degree, but you will never get the aame satisfaction from it that you did when you were tounger and it was fresher.