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Joined 1 years ago

Jaded. Please, fuck off.

Who do I crowdfund to DDoS the DDoS'ers?

The Internet Archive, and by extension the Wayback Machine, are integral to Internet democracy and accountability. We can't lose that.

This issue extends to politicians as well. If you replace "Ancien Régime" with "Oligarchy-flavored Republic" it's almost like we're living the beginning script of the French Revolution here in America. That should induce quite the pandemic of sweaty palms in D.C. If that Oaf gets reelected, we're gonna have a Louis XVI on our hands... and we all know how that went down...

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This is almost word-for-word an interaction I had with a coworker yesterday. Said she voted Orange this primary because "he's the only one to fix this damn gender issue", so I asked her what she thought of his policies on foreign affairs and the domestic wage gap.

I got a double-chinned shrug and an "idunno". Lmfao our country is going to burn because a vast swath of people would rather see hundreds of thousands prosecuted for socially-engineered offenses instead of nurturing the human condition.

On a solemn note, our country's governance has become a joke. A circus of clowns too busy honking horns and throwing pies at each other to notice the tent around them is ablaze. To everyone, please, do not take our country's governance as a joke. Serious, irreversible consequences oft come from impotent or non-existent legislative power.

We stand at a precipice, so please vote. Vote. VOTE. VOTE.

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You know this... I know this... Literates know this...

His cultists on the other hand? That shit was rolled up, fried, and gobbled down like an Independence Day barbecue. The entitled ape is actively trying to spearhead the start of an American Civil War II because he didn't win.

But who will be our representative for Jewish Space Lasers?? Imagine the atrocities of such an unchecked system!!

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If I had to deal with the same smooth-brain at work every day while they insist to make my job more difficult for no other reason than they can, I'd lose a fuck or two along the line as well.

Honestly, it's partly on the fans. Not enough people understand to be angry at the investors instead of the developers, who are essentially just scapegoats. Everyone gets fucked in the end except for the CEO and their Board of Directors. The frustration lies in how we remediate this as consumers who don't want to boycott our favorite AAA-title games that get churned out yearly.

And don't even get me started on...


Early Access

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The execution took about 22 minutes from the time between the opening and closing of curtains to the viewing room. Smith seemed to remain conscious for several minutes. For at least two minutes, he appeared to shake and writhe on the gurney, sometimes pulling against the restraints

The execution could hardly be considered a success. The mask wasn't sealed properly to his face and allowed oxygen to be inhaled as well. Nitrogen-execution requires a complete lack of other trace gasses to effectively asphyxiate without pain. This man suffered the equivalent of drowning for 22 minutes.

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I would expect no less from an active website with such a domain name.

Say it louder for the people in the back

“Our view is that one of the most gamechanging moves available to us at this time to support Ukraine is to persuade the PRC [People’s Republic of China] to stop helping Russia reconstitute its military industrial base,” the official said.

Nooo... I think sending the weapons to Ukraine instead of Israel is one of, if not the, most gamechanging moves available. What the fuck do I know, though.

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These people embody the worst of American voters.

Miss "Middle America" has a hard time coming to grips that correlation does not imply causation. Any public school teacher should know that and it scares me that people like her are in charge of our country's youth and their ability to think.

Our business friend is just a straight-up smooth-brain. Debt rises during times of war as strategic services and trade routes get bungled, as well as the marked increase of weapon-related transactions. We saw it with Vietnam, Afghanistan, and now to a smaller degree in Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian war. Biden is dealing with (albeit poorly, imo) the ramifications of two wars he did not start, so it should be obvious businesses are not getting hand-outs like Trump offered (i.e. PPP loans).

Saving the best for last, Colonel Asshat shows remarkable sociopathic qualities. He only cares for himself, and fucking says as much.

The first two people could be educated on their poor political foundations and presumably become effective voters in a proper democratic system. The older gentleman on the other hand is a lost cause, and simply speaks volumes that socioeconomic issues in America will not change for the better until the older generation of politicians are removed from their positions of power.

As an unfortunate citizen of of that part of the Midwest, I can attest that alt-right propaganda is beginning to flourish with the upcoming election. Historically blue states within our region are no exception; many of the youth within the rural town I live in have unfortunately fallen trap to misinformation. I see more MAGA flags/hats, "fuck Biden" stickers on gas pumps, and hear more slavering bullshit spill from their mouths. There is still much more work to be done in repairing our democracy from fascist agendas.

PLEASE: Remember to vote for every election you can. It only takes one afternoon of one day to cast your ballot, but it means e v e r y t h I n g in how our country is delegated. It doesn't matter what color tie they wear, but it is crucial they care for the health of our globe and people as much as they do their country.

This is our home. Let's show it we care.

Nothing will change until organization takes place. Assuming you're in the USA, join your local climate activist group. Nearly any group will do, or if you're inclined you could start your own. You will meet like-minded people in a driven atmosphere. Can't make meetings regularly? Go when you can, even if it's just once every other month. Like a true democracy, collective thought and action is the only true way to stomp out fascism. We need to band together beyond our devices for our voices to be heard.

In preface, I think everyone can believe in whatever they want. Religion is simply a habit of congregational reverence over some kind of object. There is nothing inherently wrong with this fact. However, being a staunch atheist myself, the continued antonymic assimilation of church-and-state within government is proliferating regressive politics. Personally stated, any Nat-C in government (i.e. MTG, Flynn) is a drivelling baboon that should be put on trial for willful ignorance. Unfounded opinion will continue to rend apart any pragmatic governance until all that's left is Their One God. This dangerous downward slope needs to end for the benefit of humanity as a whole, as well as our planet.

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I feel the vibe as well, little dude.

Mine is hiding behind a submission form requiring a permanent address in their district in order to contact them.

Looks like I'll just have to show up at their office to ask why they sent bombs to kill thousands of innocent women and children.

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So what if our little brother was more than just a prick? A stray punch thrown during a fight knocks some innocent kids' teeth out? What if he killed someone one day by pushing them around too hard? How do you deal with that when the cops are too busy and your parents aren't home?

I wish we, as College-Bro, would quit blindly defending our "family" and start thinking about the recipients. Our little bully brother needs to be grounded for a while like our Russian cousin.

My real question: how would you ground a child holding a loaded gun?

This is why education, thusly critical thinking, is so important in a digital and globalized world. These unfortunate people who lack the skills to understand these obvious lies for what they are become the ramifications of voting corruption into power, who then go on to limit school funding in favor of personal gain. It's a vicious circle we are in, but I think if we keep voting for pro-education, pro-social-welfare politicians then the cycle can be broken. The most important thing to do is to never give up a steadfast defence against facism, bigotry, and corruption. Our very existence as a democracy could depend quite a bit on these next few rounds of voting.

This dude, in the same breath as claiming to be a dictator "on day one", said his main priority is to drill, baby, drill. He, along with all of his voters, have openly opted to make the climate crisis worse. Simply put, republicans are Eco-terrorists. The world, not just the US, cannot afford to have Republicans in charge anymore.

Cool, can't wait to get shot by one of these assholes next year.

Boof bro chugs beer out of a bong shoved up Thomas' ass

I want to will this prediction into existence.

AMD with 3d v-cache


It's the same pearl-clutching isolationism that the GOP, Tory, AfD, Likud and many other political entities of many other countries have. It's a popular outlook on life for ignorant, gullible people. Fascism will never die, that's why we as a species should never stop fighting against it.

I think it's fair to say that modern politic in general is worth the hatred. It's not a bipartisan issue as there are bad actors across the board; red tie, blue tie, green tie... it doesn't matter. Most people don't feel represented by our modern democratic republic.

Sorry, being chronically late is sort of my character flaw.

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Green Fluff is just a derivative of Ambrosia, which is very much a Southern-States creation. We Midwesterners simply made it better. /j

Jokes aside, my grandmother used to make her own homemade cherry ambrosia. That recipe is lost with Dementia (she never wrote it down either, heh) so I'll probably never have Pink Fluff that good again. Don't knock it 'til you try it.

To defeat the Narcissist, you must BE the Narcissist.

I don't think they have a backup plan, everything is going according to their active plan. You could almost consider this like micro-colonization: the wealthy step on the toes of the working folk, lie to the workers into thinking colonization is good, drain resources and human willpower, then throw them in a ditch after they realize their home was stolen from them. Ask the Native Americans, Aboriginals of Australia, or almost every single African country to ever have existed.

TL;DR - We'll probably be displaced to neat little patches of land where were are out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

It's not so much about paying more, but rather directing where my taxes go. I already pay out the ass in taxes where I live, I'd just rather see my hard-earned income spent on public comprehensive healthcare... primary and undergrad education... automating as much production as possible... universal basic income.

Not blowing people up. Not digging for oil. Not bailing out corporations. And CERTAINLY not funding police with military surplus used to oppress and murder our very own citizens.

The people using my money for those purposes, and more, can go Fuck themselves to death. Preferably in the least enjoyable way possible.

I'll just leave this here.

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This is something me and my brother always did whenever we collectively bought a new game for our N64/GameCube. I'll never forget snapping that shrink wrap off, popping open the case, and whiffing in the wood-pulpy smell of a freshly-printed, made-with-love Wind Waker manual. It was all ogre when we bought the walkthrough manual; not even my wife smells that good.

Or should I have mentioned Pokemon Stadium...?

I could see them innovating with electromagnetic suspension, like with predictive magnetic suspensions in supercars. General Atomics has also been developing a rarely green-lit, high-speed maglev train for freight in California, so we may see proliferation of that tech if the project shows success.

the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games

First off, I hope you have been able to find your solace. Losing family sucks, but when it's someone that close to you it frankly changes you. This internet stranger's heart is with you, FWIW.

My brother and I bonded over the Zelda franchise (specifically the OoT/MM era, plus WW). We grew up rough, weren't sure if we would even make it to our thirties, and those adventure games helped us escape from some pretty crappy experiences. To us, it's more than a franchise: it's a culture.

Link is (usually) never the same character in the games; they're like reincarnations. Being a Link doesn't mean being one singular person. To me, being a Link means being steadfast, flexible, compassionate and, above all, adventurous. Things anyone can do/be, and that's why I think the Zelda franchise fosters some truly amazing gamers when they play those games. Although I do find myself regularly curbing the invasive thoughts to break people's pots... small price to pay!

I digress, the explosive prevalence of the Internet has led to printed walkthrough manuals being a thing of the Early Aughts. Ahh, it's great getting older!

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I'd hope no one would agree with my linked article, it was included specifically for it's absurdity.

What is going on today isn't about secularism vs Christianity. This is about group hate [...]

While I don't disagree with your sentiment, Christian denominations have played a historically definitive role in shaping the US's government. Furthermore, a significant portion of US citizens want Christianity to influence government. A nice little cherry on top is that, since the Second Continental Congress in 1776, nearly every US president has opted to include the Christian bible and the phrase "so help me God" (both entirely optional) while being sworn into office.

I need some of this in my life, it sounds like some genuine spiritual cultivation. Thank you for adding an item to my bucket list.

I guess when you suck so bad at the Game, the only way to win is to cheat. Fuck these mouth breathers.

The money comes from Vanguard, BlackRock, and Fidelity Investments.

TL;DR: Facebook is owned and funded by a conglomerate of shadow banking systems that allow the ultra-rich to influence global social strata.

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Barbed wire-wrapped, splintering baseball bat?

It sounds like she was a great person, and I'm happy you've found peace. I'm sure she'll rest well knowing that.

I know all too well that time holds no prejudice to anyone. Take care, friend.