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Joined 11 months ago

Unlimited Fork Works

The good old days when i played 2017 / 3 and later 2025 / 4. Both on Xbox 360 and again when they became backwards compatible for Xbox One. This time around i'll be waiting for the PC release (and maybe look at 5 during that time)

Maybe yes, Maybe not.

Most of the youtubers I used to watch years ago have become full-time Twitch streamers and their channels now only serve for highlights. My currently watched content revolves mostly around memes of specific games (most of which may also be available in other platforms at the expense of subtitles).

At least for now I can say that I could live without Youtube as ~90% of my entertainment on the web currently comes from outside the platform.

Not me per se but rather my father. For our third (and up to this day latest) roadtrip to Las Vegas in 2014. My parents were still not very smartphone-savy and I wouldn't have my first until a year later. That time we really did a lot of roaming around the city beyond just the Boulevard and surroundings.

I remember the days of the OG MW3, some people mockingly calling it Modern Warfare 2.5

I guess it will be a similar situation, or the same, all over again, maybe it already is

First OS: I think it was Windows 98. I have then gone through XP, Vista, 7 and staying at 10 for as long as i can.

First Linux distro: Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 don't remember clearly but it certainly was before GNOME 3 and in a VM. From then i have also run Fedora, Debian and most recently Linux Mint and Pop! OS in VMs as well. Maybe one day i finally set up a dual boot...