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Joined 1 years ago

After leaving Windows I actually still get stressed just reading about stuff like this.

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This seems incompatible with a pretty high proportion of Americans.

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This one is tricky, because Lemmy hates both Musk and AI.

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Never mind that 'infusing' can mean basically anything - I still think it reflects an off-putting attitude towards our bodies. The concept itself seems immature and gross. If it makes people donate blood, it's hard to actually oppose it though.

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I can't imagine you've seen the numbers. Currently the number of fide grand masters totals 1772 men and 41 women. At the rank below, international masters, the numbers are 3893 men and 134 women.

If you were to simply remove titles exclusive to women tomorrow, you would be barring many more women from ever being able to call themselves 'champion'. How do you imagine that would impact young girls' willingness to dedicate themselves to the game?

Remember that even if men are at an advantage for strictly cultural reasons (being more encouraged to play the game) that still means they have an advantage.

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Not trying to defend the ruling, but it's not eggs, it's embryos

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The word 'monosyllabic' isn't monosyllabic.

The word 'alphabetic' isn't alphabetic.

The word 'palindrome' isn't a palindrome.

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This seems like a dystopic tool for exerting social control. Better not step outside the lines, or the algorithm will make you the wrong color. Will this comment itself turn me red?

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Given that iPhones have had at least IP67 rating since 2016, you probably just want to dry it off and move on.

If only computers could automate repetitive tasks. Oh, well.

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I thought Gnome was all rounded by default. Anyway, there's a functioning rounded corners KDE extension, if you're so inclined. I'm using it and it works really well.

To me it looks like rage bait.

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"Testing" in case they decide they don't like money after all.

but the OS remains hostile against user choice.

That's just it. Most of us probably work on our computers – imagine if you were a carpenter and your tools actively fought you. It's about literal quality of life for me at this point.

Is that a default-ish tray these days? It looks like a complete mess.

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Do bubbles burst?

Is that Dave2D out of focus?

I have never seen ChatGPT produce images. Is this a feature of 4.0?

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Share the load

You can buy lots of variants of this idea already. Magic mouse base search on Amazon.

I'm not talking about your intentions. I'm doubting the authenticity of those clips. The clips look produced to induce rage in people, because rage drives up engagement, and engagement drives up exposure.

Oh, is that what those multiples meant? I never realized.

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Strange calling thoughts 'external stimuli' for being unrelated.

Isn't this more of a consequence of reddit's user count? How is Lemmy less vulnerable to bots?

An embryo results from the fusion of an egg and a sperm (both are called 'gametes'), and although the embryo is initially more reminiscent of an egg than a sperm, it is not itself an egg (or a sperm). The person I replied to is conflating eggs and embryos.

There's this worry that high intelligence itself drives you to be more dismissive of other people. I don't really think that's the case. I think intelligence can help you understand and sympathize better with other people.

Anyway, if you go by IQ, the upper one percentile score about 135 or higher, so that's where your dividing line would be in raw numbers.

But since intelligence is distributed in a continuum, it wouldn't make sense for everyone at or above 135 to consider everyone else equally 'dumb' - even if they did choose to use the IQ-scale to gauge everyone's 'stupidity'.

To do so would be like you getting first place in a spelling contest by a single point and then concluding that the person in second place (and everyone following) must be completely illiterate.

All that being said, the one percent really are very far from average. One way of putting it is that these people are further from the average than average people are from the 'extremely low' range (>69).

Poor Datatilsynet, becoming a "sysnet" all through the article.

It's one of the Gnome default wallpapers

Buy him out, boys!

It's about making you click

the Competition and Markets Authority in the UK wants a market investigation to determine if Apple’s policy against allowing cloud gaming services on the App Store is anticompetitive.

What is disallowed exactly? GeForce Now has an app store app, and I've used it for cloud gaming.

edit: oh, probably if the apps have their own stores or included games and Apple can't take a percentage of those sales. GeForce Now doesn't sell games.

What does 'user device access' mean?

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I haven't done the math, but I'm actually not sure what's more expensive: Maintaining a performant desktop PC, including paying power bills, or subscribing to GeForce Now. PC parts and electricity are both pretty expensive in my country.

I'm pretty happy with the service. Can play Cyberpunk at 4k, 120 fps on a Mac Mini without noticeable lag. Only major problem is the limited amount of games supported.

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Does the 'original speed' mean what the natural playback would have been? So 60 minutes of audio burned by a x60 drive would take one minute?

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Because of the fedora-wearing neckbeard stereotype.

I dislike feeding an algorithm, knowing my interaction will be monetized in all sorts of ways and helping companies profile me. This is less of a concern here.

Ugh. Who’s the teen writing for Scientific American?

Note that it's an opinion piece. It simply expresses the opinion of the author.

Plasma has been more efficient than XFCE for over three years now.

I don't know which is technically snappier, but ram not being used does not equal snappier performance.

I am fine with anyone blocking me. I absolutely agree that doesn't somehow 'infringe on my free speech' or whatever. My concern was about self censorship, social pressures, enforcing taboo within communities that would use tools such as this. I think the real victims of labelling 'good' and 'bad' people by color will end up being the members of the very communities that embrace this kind of idea. It does absolutely remind me of an episode of Black Mirror. I think it's a very 'dark path' kind of thing, whether people might find that dramatic or not.

"go meet your neighbors and make some connections that matter" - is pretty condescending. My neighbours are nice. Danish woman and a Polish guy. But then again, I can't see their 'color', so who really knows.

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