2 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am turkish and i can say due go how fucking Technologically illiterate our goverment is, Distro watch is probably got banned automatically because Free Software -> Piracy. Most tech related at goverment jobs have people over 50+ That does not know how nodern technology works. I am suprised that they know what free means

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ı dont understand why people host things thats not aligned with corporate interests into GIthub, gitlab while Codeberg, GItea etc exits

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170 MEGABYTES. Excusez moi?

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Step 1. Make it federative Step 2. Stop fucking hosting your shit on Amazon servers. Step 3. Profit

ı fElT cUte tOdAY. Pm mE fOr mY n*DeS. bots

Rare Poland W

Neovim of Helix whenever i feel like it. They are just lightweight and i love it

Dementia is hard

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XSS, Seriously?

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Basically dealing with abandoned-by-god syntax and limitations of bash. You can abstract them away!

I dont want a platform that owned by a Genocide helper corporation. Also threads will bring a moderation nightmare just like said. they explained it well

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NewPipe for Sure. Normal YouTube apps is bloated as hell + NewPipe is very nice to listen music

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There is no Way this is going to improve anything Red Hat's side

Many people dont realize you dont need growth be successful. Hot take but Fediverse will never be popular as FAANG social media and i am cool with it. We have this nice and cozy enviroment with like minded people instead of soulles normie culture at threads. Why we are working on constantly trying to bring this shitty culture to our small cozy enviroment. One of the reasons i started to use reddit originally (Then fediverse) is that i hate the culture platforms like Instagram has. Its full of crap and it has everything wrong with 21st century culture packed in a ready to consume package

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Coal plants gives more radiation through radioactive mercury as a left over from processign

Compatible with node

We shouldnt let them touch Fediverse.

It takes like 10 seconds to install a package. Get benefits of Source based distros while still being fast af + No dependency hell

Manjaro Zorin Garuda Nobara. Any Gaming Oriented distro except SteamOS. These 3 especially feel overbloated

Instagram culture is probaly the one of the most toxic, brain rotting cultures i ever seen. Get that thing away from me


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Liftoff and Connect mostly. Connect is a bit more mature but keep an eye liftoff

alhamdulillah brother

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I cant believe they gave the cool name of Radon to the shittiest font of the group


Bit of an unrelated but as you know there is a quite bit LGBT invidiuasl in fediverse. and i think you know HOW MUCH HOMOPHOBIA is in Instagram and Threads aswell. by day one i saw countless anti-lgbt posts on threads. and i dont think its a good idea to bring those people to fediverse.

Differsnt departments with no knowledge transfer

Its sad to see how my country is going shittier every fucking day

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Amen 🤲🤲🤲

Man of culture

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space engine? Still looking for my cyberfarms personally.


Are there any more effective solution?

We solved that shit years ago

I tried to get into this language about 6 months ago and lets just say it was pure pain. Trying to make anything simple for learning was just a mess. Nearly no support from editors(Apart from VSCode but that does not count). And Documentation was overwhelming. It may be useful in some cases but due to its sheer complexity(I did not even managed to create a simple calculator) i dont think it would a big language.

Edit: typos

Nix was my stop

  • No Use in modern software development
  • Weird Ass Syntax
  • Script Kiddie language.
  • Abandoned by Microsoft


I agree

I think i was a bit aggresive there

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I am kinda of a hardcore FOSS fan so o hope you can excuse me.