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Joined 1 years ago

They've already lost their identity. The parties over, spez has turned it into corporate garbage no better than Instagram

Spez may still be a corporate sellout but at least in this instance he did the right thing, probably because he determined ratting out users who pirated wouldn't make him money

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It's been going on for nearly a year now, but the layoffs tend to happen in waves because the stock market and investors in general tend to be very reactionary. Also a lot of companies released their quarterly earnings recently

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I feel like a lot of people coming over here from reddit (granted I'm one of them) don't really understand what federation is. The admin (the peeps actually hosting and running the instance) can do whatever they want. And unlike reddit, if you disagree with them you can just move to another instance. As I understand it (and they posted a large thread explaining all this) Beehaw wants to keep their community small and regulated, and with the massive growth of other instances like ours coming in they felt overwhelmed. It's totally understandable and we shouldn't be dicks about it

1 more... is hosted by the developers of Lemmy; their political views are kinda irrelevant here, I don't think there's a single political party that wants MORE of Metas influence in anything

I've ditched both and have gone mostly back to physical media. Even standard 1080p Blu-ray from 2007 look better than any streaming app as the bitrate is significantly higher, and you can find used Blu Ray for super cheap right now. New releases are a little expensive but there are still rental options

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I had a job a few years ago where my account kept getting locked out (their IT security department was kinda paranoid and basically everything could get you locked out). I used this to crest a shortcut on my phone to call their automated help desk line and enter in my employee id / dob/ whatever else they needed to unlock my account, at one point it was happening several times a day. Left that job shortly after thankfully

OP said LA so while these numbers are a little high they're not out of the ordinary for a high CoL American city. I live near NYC and prices at fairly mainstream not particularly upscale restaurants and Manhattan are similar to this. As long as you're living within your means there's no reason to avoid doing things you enjoy

You can follow the issue directly on Github for updates; seems its being actively worked now right now

You can use something like to create a cached archive of the post and share that

The driver is responsible for this accident, Tesla still should be liable imo for all the shady and outright misleading advertising around their so called "self driving". Compare Tesla's marketing to like GMs of Hyundai's, both of which essentially have parity with Teslas system in terms of actual features, and you'll see a big difference

Says a lot about the different cultures too because here in the US a politician lying about having a party during lockdown would be praised by conservatives for sticking up for their "freedoms"

In theory, devs need to know what setting you chose so that, if you legitimately need presicse location, you can tell the user to enable it. In practice I'm sure plenty of apps that claim they need precise location don't really need it, but it's not a restricted permission either so Google doesn't do any validation during their review process

I believe they also said they spent a year on final gameplay tweaks alone before releasing; TotK is a great example of why we shouldn't be mad when a game is delayed again in again

lol, unreviewed by whom?

It's tough because the last few high profile cases to allow cameras in the courtroom have if anything shown that too much transparency can be a bad thing, especially when you make a spectacle out of a process that anyone who isn't a trial attorney isn't going to properly understand, but will certainly draw their own conclusions regardless

The Share menu on Android has always been terrible. Believe it or not it used to be way worse, i remember when it was freeze your phone for 5+ seconds while loading every single time

Do you know why the signatures would be different? At my company we release our app on Google play, galaxy and Amazon store and I'm pretty sure we use the same signing key for each

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Interesting, I was not aware of that. sounds like a security risk, as you don't know who actually published it, but I guess since its open source that doesn't really matter as much

I've tried Firefox several times but always end up back on chromium due to compatibility; a lot of sites don't play well with anything but chrome anymore and this is very much something intentionally caused by Google, who have basically taken a page out of Microsoft's playbook but with a much more mature product that is going to be substantially harder to replace then IE was