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Joined 1 years ago

Hi, it me.

You're using Linux. It took me about an hour to create a script that will upgrade all packages, Snaps, and flatpaks, complete with flavor text. The fact that I could do that, with total control over how and when to run those updates, is still a killer feature to me.

Don't know about you all, but I will continue to check reddit until Sync for reddit stops working. On July 1st, if it's no longer working, reddit is gone.

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That last part is important, because our emergency responders have gotten very good at saving lives (sadly, they've had to). People will point to deaths as the only relevant stat--and it's amazing that isn't enough for some people--but it's a huge burden and cost for healthcare.

I’m assuming one would still be able to switch to a local account after installation, but you really shouldn’t need to. What a shit show.

I didn't realize how uncomfortable my gums were until I started flossing. Now, if I don't floss for a couple days, it feels straght-up gross.

Man, 5 years. I know nothing about building a browser, but that seems… Long.

May be poor translation, but when using a free app for a free service, you probably should not "expect" anything. You can submit a feature request, but unless you are ready to contribute to the code, expect exactly what you already have.

I have to imagine many of these investors also have money in areas whose prices have skyrocketed due to "inflation." They've seen the profits other industries are getting away with and now big tech feels the need to do the same. These companies are supposed to be the future, after all... How will it look if big oil is more profitable than mainstream digital platforms? To investors, it looks bad.

Sadly, when your ability to generate profit relies on using your users (or the developers and mods that run your platform cough Reddit) like cheap labor, rather than providing better product at reasonable prices, digital platforms suffer in usability or features. It's kind of a lose lose for anyone that actually cares, because so far the market hasn't self-corrected.

Which... Why? There's no karma to farm here, just post it once and let the conversation happen there.

No offense to anyone, but I'm down voting duplicates to try to stop this shit.

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I didn't, but a classmate shoved a piece of pizza in the CD drive.

That setting is now only available to accounts that meet certain criteria (subscribers, views, whatever), or so I’ve heard. Depending on the videos you frequent, they may or may not meet those criteria.

And yes, this means that if you’re a small channel Google can force you to show ads without giving you any of the revenue.

Quite frankly, fuck Branch. I use the DDG app on my phone to block app tracking, and Branch is regularly at the top of the list. If they made a search engine it would likely be tracking as much or more than Google is.

Tbh if I'm making a quick purchase that doesn't matter much to me, I just get the one with the highest purchase number or whatever is cheapest. If I'm purchasing something pricey or that I care about... I'm looking for actual reviews elsewhere before buying anyways.

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And you can just… Turn them off. No questions asked. DuckDuckGo is a great example of how an advertising company can be both financially viable and respecting of user-choice.

Google could let users choose to opt out of seeing any ads across their network for free today and still be one of the most profitable companies in existence. A huge percentage of users wouldn’t know or care to turn ads off, another percentage actually wants them, and for advanced users they could offer more advanced, useful features for money.

But try pitching that to stakeholders and upper-management lol


Underuse IMO. We’ve grown complacent in so many regards.

And why wouldn't they? 90% of the software people use daily is free (as in beer), so of course being told that's going to change is going to cause upset. It takes a lot for people to want to pay money for something that, to those who don't value free (as in freedom) software, is no different than the costless alternative.

Yep. If this lets users:

  • use their existing account
  • follow people they already follow
  • do everything Twitter did for free...

This thing is gonna take off.

What? I use a three gen old iPhone and the Apple Watch I bought this year works just fine.

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Would they? I'd assume they're getting most of their info from spaz, who will just point to the dip and then "see, number go up."

I genuinely spend too much time on that site, but I haven’t seen an ad in years. If that changes, then I guess I’ll have to change, too.

Even the memes here, which accounts for like 90% of the everything feed, are the same 3-5 ideas recycled in different formats. I agree with most of the people here, but I miss that I didn't on Reddit.

I would agree way this, with one caveat: Does OP plan to game on Linux?

Gaming on Linux has come very far, but it’s not perfect and not something you can really get a feel for in a USB live environment. At that point rather to dual boot and try sticking with Linux for a while.

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It's a newish thing on The Verge. It's really just to introduce the topic, and then related articles are listed below it. Just their new way of trying to drive traffice between stories.

On the other hand, I didn’t sign up for Prime but have had it for 2 months now. Have yet to be charged and I can’t access the page to cancel it.

I think this is it. Google has done an incredible job of making sure you can accomplish a huge amount with very little friction… so long as you do it with their products and give them your data. If that fits your goal, there’s no denying that going all-in on Google is going to work well for you.

If all you want is a place to enter text and get a page of links, not so much.

Getting passkey support soon, too. I switched just last month and it's been a great experience.

Same here, but that doesn't stop me from trying where I have the time and energy. One of those ways is voting. So far the government has let these companies wipe their shit onto every corner of the internet, and the 5-10% of us switching apps or emails or... Whatever, aren't going to change that. It's not a short-term solution, but I'm starting to think it's really the only way.

On the one hand, great, I don't want Meta anywhere near something I like. On the other hand, my friends are going to be on Threads, not Mastodon, so it'd be nice to follow them without having to go there.

  • Music: Spotify
  • Podcasts: Pocket Casts

Podcasts in the car to and from work, and while at work (WordPress Developer) with wireless earbuds. I listen to music when I've gotten through my feed of podcasts or when reading a book. Lofi and classical are both great for listening while reading, but while coding I prefer high energy music like math rock or metalcore/mathcore.

Some of my top recommended podcasts:

  • The Last Podcast on the Left
  • My Favorite Murder
  • Dungeons & Daddies
  • Buried Bones
  • Hardcore History
  • My Brother My Brother and Me
  • Oh No Ross & Carrie
  • Ologies
  • Sawbones
  • Search Engine
  • Spooked
  • The Wild

Looks like Cyberpunk meets Arkham Asylum, which is fine by me

Apart from what you mentioned:

  • Steam
  • Darktable
  • cmatrix (very important)
  • pfetch
  • vim
  • Hugo
  • clipboard manager

I think that’s about it!

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You pay for these things with your data. If the government is paying for privacy-respecting storage or safe internet access, then so are you with your taxes. I'd vote for that, but I'd guess the majority of people would not.

Yeah… unless they’re doing some serious optimization for that particular laptop, 14-hours seems like a best-case-scenario kind of thing.

I think something with this, too (and that you sorta hinted at), is that it doesn’t seem to provide any additional benefit to what we already get with the iPhone, iPad, Mac ecosystem. That’s an ecosystem with a huge and established user base. Obviously this could change as developers step in to do the heavy lifting, but… Will they want to? Is it a good investment to spend thousands of hours on an app that a fraction of users of an already niche product will use? I think it’s very telling that some of the biggest developers (like Spotify and Netflix) opted out of Vision Pro.

It’s going to take some very talented, very risk-tolerant developers to make a $3,500+ headset go anywhere. And as of now, Apple is providing very little incentive.

I’m just trying to get out before using an LLM-based OS is no longer optional with Microsoft. No game or software is worth dealing with that.

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I actually prefer Chrome’s tab groups, preferring to have groups visible and one click away. Ideally the user would be able to choose whether to show or hide inactive groups.

Just curious, the 72WH battery? What’s a “long time?” I use the standard slim battery on my T480 and was only getting 3-4 hours on Pop (both brand new batteries). And forget about standby. It would regularly lose 20-30% overnight if not completely shut down. Wanted to make it work, but that alone made me boot back into Windows for the laptop.

Exactly how I feel. Just keep it in my browser or maybe my IDEs. I don’t need my desktop pinging a corporation with all my data to occasionally use a chatbot.

Imagine spending hours writing and editing something with care only for an LLM to “summarize“ it, completely missing any nuance or sarcasm, removing any creative bits or humor, while also making the wrong point altogether. To top it off anyone unwilling to read your story, their time is valuable after all (but not yours, apparently), will now repeat the LLM’s interpretation to anyone they’d like, whether it’s accurate or not.

It’s an abysmal direction to go for misinformation and even more abysmal for writers. Good content becomes irrelevant and people become less and less willing to pay for a writer’s time and expertise. Why not write with an LLM if a large percentage of your readers summarize the piece with an LLM anyways? Just need more eyeballs to justify our Google Ads spending.

Built into a “private” browser or not, it’s just another nail in the coffin of a web built by and for humans.