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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, the early primaries really do benefit establishment democrats, and it seemingly painted a damning picture for Bernie. I think if we had synchronized primaries, this benefit would be much smaller and Bernie would've had a significant shot.

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Nah, he's always been a piece of shit.

thank mr skeltal

"Border being overrun" isn't a thing, just like we don't have a higher crime rate. Media just loves their stories, regardless of the truth.

I have no problem if games reached this via a similar model that Larian used here (lots of experienced staff, pre-built systems, 6 years of development, 3 years of expertly done early-access with a highly engaged player base) but they're not going to. They're going to implement more crunch, more abuse, more destruction of the few people who want to work in games in order to get there. And that's where I have the issue.

I want shorter games, with worse graphics, made by people who get paid more to do less. Because that's what's needed to make truly great games. People who are passionate, not burning themselves out just to barely make deadlines, make great games.

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It's a brake, you fucking idiot

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Democrats fear fascists, Republicans think fascism is necessary.

Listen. You being mad is fine. You taking it out on someone who isn't even expected to do their own laundry is something else entirely.

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Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in retaliation for US's oil embargo. The Oil Embargo was due to Japan invading mainland Asia. Japan invaded mainland Asia due to... fascism. Imported from Germany.

But let's clear something up. Pearl Harbor was an attack on military assets, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes meant to crush opposition.

US dropped the a-bomb on Japan to crush any remaining resistance from Japan, and as a threat to the wider world (namely the USSR). There was no prior warning given so no civilians were able to evacuate. Between 110,000‐210,000 civilians were murdered by the dropping of those two bombs.

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Treat the destruction of evidence as proof of guilt and assume the worst case scenario. Ya know, the thing we do with criminals.

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Far and away the greatest wealth transfer was between the poorest half of the world to the wealthiest 1%. This is just noise caused by that statistic. That's the culprit of that, not some boomer with a vacation home that they're struggling to manage the payments on.

No war but class war.

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Literally anyone before pigs.

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Some are trying to paint him as suicidal rather than this being the act of protest that it is.

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Jesus has chosen the moon men. Weep, oh children of earth, as your god prefers the feel of rare hydrogen isotopes and mostly grey sand over your stupid ass shenanigans.

Sure, but you won't be able to buy any. Hedge funds will hoover up all of the freed inventory faster than retail buyers can.

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This is a plot point in the movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs."

I'm so tired of being a part of the murder of innocents on a systemic level.

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Miyazaki is trying to recreate the spontaneous cooperation he experienced with cars pushing cars up a snow covered hill. Honestly, their system is really cool if you treat it like a side thing, adding people when you really need help. Playing with friends, though, it's kind of shit.

Those math questions that rely on purposeful ambiguity in order to drive engagement are annoying as fuck. It's like "congratulations, you just proved that in math (and questions in general) if you're not clear with what you're asking, people will get different answers". What fantastic value! What a novel hypothesis! Now fucking knock it off. I'm tired of literally everyone screaming about how their way is right when it doesn't fucking matter, the question was asked in a bullshit way in order to piss everyone off.

Bonus, PEMDAS, BEMDAS, PE-MD-AS. It's a goddamn terrible mnemonic that twists itself in knots to make the acronym work, rather than to make the order of operations clear. Screaming it doesn't make your shit any clearer anyways.

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Sorry, I'm neurodivergent. Can't tell if this is sarcasm.

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Can we edit titles to better reflect the info or is it strictly to match the article? 5.25% raises per year is definitely different than a "21% pay hike".

I ain't gonna give any weight to a freaking anecdote from any one, let alone a manager. Show me the proof or sit down.

That's patently untrue. They threatened to give him a slap on the wrist. After he only broke the gag order three times!


I accidently humar mipş in cons cunt. What do?

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Transwomen are women. Just because you're closed minded doesn't make you right or anyone else of your anecdotal "majority". If you're a man and you're attracted to women, that makes you straight. Full stop.

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The 5th member was only just appointed earlier this month. So, they only just now have a majority. At least, that's my understanding.

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IMO nothing, it's pure speculation powered by nothing but blind greed. If it isn't a bubble, then nothing is.

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On the whole, the American public is shifting left (view how polls reflect generally more progressive positions compared to elected officials). The vocal minority are shifting right.

Janeway, her coffee empty

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Yeah, there the FTC was with a clear market that Microsoft would have a monopoly over should the merger go through. They had Microsoft on the ropes, but, before they could finish them, Microsoft pinky promised prices wouldn't go up. And that was that, no threat of a monopoly and the merger could go through.

... the current antitrust ruling guidelines make enforcement basically impossible.

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I can assure you the very left leaning ones don't. If they did, they wouldn't be left leaning.

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Health insurance is the system we use to pay for healthcare. Insurance is made available by your employer, you then pay premiums in order to buy and keep your insurance, and once you actually need healthcare, your insurance helps cover some of the costs of receiving care.

Everyone in the states needs health insurance, not because of how affordable it makes taking care of emergencies, but because, if you don't have insurance, you have to pay the prices that the medical provider and insurance companies made up on how much procedures cost, so they can give each other a discount on those insane prices.

For instance, if you have insurance in the states and you go to the hospital for a nasty fall that maybe broke something. Nothing was broken, but they had to take x-rays. Well, you have to pay for the x-rays, and the time that the staff was needed for you. We're going to pretend, for this case, that your insurance won't deny coverage since it "wasn't medically necessary". So you'd get a bill between $200-$300.

But if you didn't have insurance, or were denied coverage, you have to pay full price. But that price isn't the price that anyone actually pays unless they're in your predicament. You see, the provider and insurance had gotten together to determine how much would be paid for any given procedure, but they make the deal seem much better to their respective bosses by inflating the price of the procedure before negotiations, so that the insurance pays a "discount" that's similar to the actual cost of the procedure. Which is great for them, but if you get treatment without insurance (or your insurance denies coverage) you have to pay the fake, inflated price that the provider said it cost before they negotiated the price back down to something reasonable with the insurance companies. So, to go back to my example above, those x-rays and some time with staff that didn't lead anywhere will probably cost you more in the neighborhood of $2000-$3000 if you aren't covered.

This has a double cooling effect. One, it forces more people to have health insurance out of fear of paying those stupidly insane prices. And two, it makes people avoid going to the doctor for minor issues for fear of being denied coverage since "it wasn't medically necessary". Great for profitability, terrible for humans.

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Of course they feel the allure... of those unstoppable ratings. Do you know how many people were glued to the news when Trump was president? By the gods, the getting was good.

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Alternative title: American Corporations rail that they can't rampage, unchecked, across the entire globe like they can in America. They whine about this publicly to their paid lackeys the government.

IP has value, we amass value. Are we missing a step? -stockholders

Is record breaking oil extraction actually news? Isn't that a record we've been consistently breaking since fraking was discovered? I feel like it's more "Oh shit, the money machine might be turned off soon, best run that shit as fast as we can until then" from oil execs rather than "I, as Supreme Commander of the United States, demand more oil be extracted"

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It's not in an orbit. Well, it technically is, but it moved far enough away that that orbit no longer intersects with the solar system's SOI. That was the whole point of the voyager probes, to go out into deep space. That's why we sent them out with our mix tapes

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