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As a mom of a special needs daughter, I fear for what he and the GOP have planned for my child's and my basic human rights. I know they think I'm vermin. I cannot fathom what future they think my child should have.

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I would vote for any female that met him on a debate stage and dropped references to 1) his mushroom dick 2) his tiny hands and 3) the fact that he had to pay hookers to touch his mushroom dick and keep quiet about it.

He would call her any sort of horrible names names on stage and her comeback would be 'don't you pay $200,000 extra for that?'

The meltdown would be glorious.

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I'm sure he can still get a discount at the Four Seasons....

My fear is that 'my friend, the author' won't be describing me in friendly terms, but in a horribly honest way, detailing bad habits I was previously oblivious to.

An even BETTER comeback! 'Does your wife charge you extra for that sort of thing? Or was that what was renegotiated in the last prenup?'

It's just a platypus....

Platypus put on fedora

PERRY the Platypus!!

Oh I know this one! Francis Scott Key was the badass sitting in jail watching the battle from his cell window and wrote it as the world exploded around him.

(Thank you Jimmy Williams of the 4th grade who got me into detention - teacher made me write an essay on Francis Scott Key. Jimmy thought it was funny, little did he know of the 2 Lemmy points I would eventually get for my endeavors 30 years later - oh ho ho - who is laughing now, Jimmy!?!)

Pretty sure those old timer GOPers are just afraid of people who read and understand art because they are barely literate and slightly insane from lead poisoning. That 5G and it's Wuhan Virus...... (angrily shakes arthritic fist).. will get you every time.

Takes one to know one, I guess

'Keep 'em dumb and they'll continue to vote for us!' - GOP, probably.

Add some mustard and hard boiled egg... I'd shank a bitch and lick my fingers after. Tangy AND delicious.

I have no love for Taylor Swift. I understand she has a cult following and has recently become star of the NFL. Her name is Swift, she must be fast. I will admit to getting caught up in a personal car singalong of 'Shake it Off' on a bad day. Haters are gonna hate, just like haters hate her private plane travels.

But! If I had a ton of rabid fans and right wing haters, and the ability to pay extra to travel SAFELY, I would probably pay extra to travel safely.

Here me out: Whereever she goes requires a SHITTON of public funds to police and security. Rabid fans watch where she goes and follow her everywhere. I understand her new boyfriend had to actually move to a new home because her fans camped out around his house and tapped on his windows in hopes to just SEE her. And this doesn't even include right wing nuts who think she is a witch for believing vaccines work.

I am not saying she is a saint, but holy hell, I do not blame her for sticking to airports to ensure her own safety and to avoid being a drain on public funds that require extra police presence against a rabid media following her escorts thru cities.

I have never had a reason to visit Arkansas. The list of reasons to avoid it is growing, though.

When the GOP is being blackmailed into submission by an orange flaming dotard, their only option is to submit or quit.