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I guess if this gets argued correctly it means Apple could technically get away with not opening up the iPad, Apple TV and Apple Watch to accept other stores (Mac already lets you install apps directly from developers). I can see this still letting Apple continue to have the stranglehold over their ecosystem.

I doubt this will change much though. We all know the EU were specifically thinking about the iPhone which needs opening up.

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It’ll be used by a lot of Linux distributions.

It’s a drop-in replacement to the Pulseaudio and JACK audio systems, with the hopes of making audio handling decent within Linux with as low latency as they can.

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I guess this game just doesn’t exist, but remember that tweet of the guy who had a dream about an open world pirate exploration game with Waluigi in it?

That game.

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I’ve come to realise at least half of the stuff posted on Reddit these days, especially more so on the popular subs, are all designed to make you angry.

It’s things like posting incorrect info in the title, posting a comic / image that’s been deliberately designed to get you angry, someone really wanting their 5 minutes of fame like this guy, or some post from some bigot.

It’s so tiring. Have started to notice it on Lemmy too.

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The one thing that feels off to me about Google’s implementation is that it’s not vendor agnostic and all comms would need to go through Google’s servers to work. The E2EE bit is an entirely Google specific extension to RCS, for example. The last thing we need is another chromium situation in a different area.

If it wasn’t a Google specific extension, phone networks around the world would need to pick up the pace and adopt RCS, but also they’d need to keep up to date with the latest version of the standard to ensure the functionality is supported. Now, looking at phone networks’ previous track record, they’re really not going to implement it unless they’re forced to and they’ll do so at a real snails pace.

At this point I’d agree that Apple not adopting RCS is really not helpful here.

I feel the EU’s Digital Market Act that’s forcing messenger applications to be interoperable with each other is going to be a much more viable option towards that perfect world scenario. The IETF is even fleshing out a common protocol for it, MIMI with MLS.

I get what you’re saying and I hate that I had to write it like that. Was saying it to point out that Mac’s just aren’t as locked down as other Apple devices so won’t be subject to the EU ruling anyway.

The entire argument is stupid anyway.

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The thing about Twitter/X is that the algorithm has always been tailored to get the most interactions, which very typically leads it to feed you things that get you angry. I can’t imagine what it’s like post-musk ownership.

Facebook & Reddit are the same. I’ve never really used Instagram or TikTok so can’t really vouch for either of those.

I’ve seen people I’ve known since childhood whom I always thought were really lovely post really xenophobic content. I’ve watched others fall into the traps of “real social dynamics” and the likes of whatever crap Jordan Peterson was spewing at the time. Heck, I’ve even seen people whom have always been quite chill “go with the flow” types try to start arguments on these platforms.

I realised that a lot of things are posted very deliberately to enrage you. Depending on who posted it, they could also be attempting to control the way you think, too. Getting people angry is the best way to coerce them into compliance.

If you find yourself getting angry at something you’ve seen on social media, think about why that might have posted in the first place. I generally find that the angrier people are in the comments the more likely it was posted to influence how you think about the subject.

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You’ll want to look into the *arr apps.

Specifically… sonarr, radarr and prowlarr.

Wiki is: https://wiki.servarr.com/

Also, jellyseerr looks like a nice requesting front end https://github.com/Fallenbagel/jellyseerr

I haven’t used jellyseerr as I use a VPS that only offers Ombi, but that’s pretty good too.

It’s most likely easiest to use docker to spin everything up.

I haven’t used it myself, but try boatswain? It looks a little more fully featured.

It’s on flathub, I know that much!

This is certainly one way to spin this.

It doesn’t touch on all the other donations signal receives, including the major loan from Brian Acton. The OTF isn’t the only source of funding that signal has.

Signal will be fine. In fact now that the OTF have withdrawn funding it’ll probably shake off the weird take that Signal is CIA tech.

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The dildo industry in general is gonna be filled with even more realism.

Eh, WSL is still enough like Linux that it could be the best option for a lot of people. No risk to the computer being unable to boot whilst still giving you the ability to play with Linux tooling.

And credit where credit’s due: Microsoft details how to do a bare metal install, which is the most likely option to wipe Windows from your machine in the first place.

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What was you doing?

Other than enabling proton for all games in the settings, you shouldn’t have to do anything else to get steam games working.

Well, unless the game itself uses anti-cheat and the developer hasn’t enabled support for Linux, anyway.

GB is metric and it’s easy for us to remember. E.g. 1000 bytes = 1 Kilobyte, 1000 kilobytes = megabyte and so on.

GiB is the binary value. In binary, you have to work in powers of 2. That is… the values double every time (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on…). 1024 bytes = 1 KiB, 1024 KiB = 1 MiB

Since computers work in binary, and 1000 isn’t a number that’s easy to deal with in binary, we use the closest value available to us, 1024. In fact, back in the days when people were only concerned about KBs, they would say that 1000 KB = 1024 KiB.

Of course, we’re now working with TBs rather than KBs. Everything ramps up including the amount of “missing” space an OS reports on a hard drive.

I know windows tries to be helpful and shows you the value of a drive in GB, rather than its GiB value. Ever wonder why a 1TB hard drive appears as ~931GBs? This is why. Other OSes tend to show you the GiB value since that’s generally a lot more accurate.

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This doesn’t affect valve at all though. It’s borrowing their tech that they’ve made open source, and figuring out how to use it elsewhere outside of steam.

Actually, it’ll benefit them. More eyes are on proton and any fix will benefit everyone, including games played via steam.

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Pulseaudio has been replaced by PipeWire for quite some time in fedora. Since Fedora 34, released in April 2021, apparently.

According to the wiki page, PipeWire originally came about trying to improve video handling on Linux, the same way that pulseaudio improved audio handling.

They then wanted to try and handle audio streams, with the idea of converging use cases for both consumer and professional audio users. Namely, they wanted a single audio system that supported both pulseaudio and JACK, whilst remaining as low latency as possible.

On top of this, because it was a modern reimplementation of audio and video handling in Linux, they designed it to work with Flatpak, and to provide secure methods for screenshotting and screencasting in wayland via the compositors.

(All my info here I just took from the wiki)

They haven’t dropped the requirement, but you have to manually go in and disable that check yourself on the windows 11 installer if you want to install it on a non-tpm 2.0 machine

Basically, it’s a faff that only the techie people will realistically do. Everyone else will just go out and buy new hardware.

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I caved and downloaded the Reddit app to get my fix for more niche communities that don’t have Lemmy equivalents yet (I don’t have the time nor the energy to stand up new Lemmy communities).

The app is just so infuriating and information dense. I struggle to figure out what’s actually content and what’s just an advert. Navigating doesn’t make much sense either.

Stay away from the app. Use the website if you absolutely have to.

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This would only be true in the US. What about the rest of the world?

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As others have mentioned, the main caveat here is that anti cheat games can work if the developers enable the support.

I’ve been playing dead by daylight very happily for a good few months now on Linux. Apex legends has also got official support for Linux as well.

From memory Apple rejected game pass on iOS because they wanted Microsoft to submit every game (even though they’re all streamed) as separate apps on the App Store to comply with the age rating systems.

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Cat? I’m a kitty cat. And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance. 🎶

Copying one of my favourite (and last saved) comments from Reddit:

The most precious commodity we have is our time on this planet, and we have far less of it than we realise. The time we choose to spend together is a gift we give to each other.

Appreciate the gift of their precious commodity that they give you, don’t expect more than they are willing to give, but don’t squander your precious resource with someone who doesn’t appreciate your gift.

This would be a lovely thing if signal also enables the interoperability.

I can’t remember where I’ve seen it, probably on the signal community forum, but I don’t believe signal have any plans to integrate the interoperability stuff; specifically because they can’t guarantee their users won’t have metadata collected by third parties like Meta.

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Facebook might know who you’re messaging but that’s also true for Signal.

Signal’s sealed sender does a good job at knowing you’re sending a message, but not who to. All it’ll know on the receiving end is that a message was sent to it.

Of course people have found other methods of identifying this but sealed sender does cover most of the low hanging fruit.

Signal does also purposefully attempt to find ways to not collect any metadata, whilst also making it more difficult for anyone attacking to the servers to find anything. (e.g. ORAM for Secure Enclave operations)

My understanding is that meta used E2EE on your messages themselves, but everything else is up for grabs.

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I feel like Alan Wake 2 is a different scenario here. Remedy owns the Alan Wake IP and therefore can do what they please with it.

Konami own the Silent Hill IP but have contracted Bloober Team to develop this game. I’d imagine this tweet is them saying Konami needs to give permission before anything can be shared about it.

I tend to find that for every complaint there’s at least 10 more people out there using their Apple devices quite happily.

Use what you want or that works best for you at the end of the day.

I made the switch to iPhone after my nexus 5 had a system crash when I tried to toggle the WiFi off/on. Haven’t really looked back since.

I’m still getting over some heart break nearly two months on. It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, but there are still days where one reminder is enough to ruin me emotionally for the rest of the day.

Hanging in there though and surrounding myself with my friends who have been really awesome to me over these last few months.

Therapy also seems to be taking a turn, so hoping things are on the rise now.

No, I don’t think I will

I’ll trust what the cyber security and privacy experts say.

You can run Mac apps on Linux?

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I’ve just skimmed through the proton blog briefly and I couldn’t see anything referencing this. Do you have a link by chance?

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Would be awesome if they somehow ended up using signal as a means to facilitate remote learning. Mind you they’d have to be very careful and hide it from any potential snitches…

That’s a bold claim. Got a source for this move?

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Actually, it seems Apple are going in the opposite direction.

They redesigned the internals of the iPhone 14 which iFixit really liked and they’ve got their own self service repair program so you can buy legitimate Apple parts, although admittedly you could imagine the EU had a huge influence on this.

It’s taken them a few years to get these up and running, but seems like they’re slowly getting to the right point. Maybe this year the pro/pro max will use the redesigned internals architecture to make those more repairable but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


So they haven’t made an announcement about retiring the proton bridge app yet.

I think I’ll wait until I see them actually remove it before I believe they’re locking us in.

Supposedly so long as it’s the Epic Online (EOL) version of EAC, then it’s about as easy as checking a tick box in the settings.

Any developer who cares enough to enable it would most likely test that it works as expected and make a couple of tweaks before announcing the support. It’s usually not a good idea to take a vendor by their word that it “just works”.