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Joined 4 months ago

I'm not surprised to hear that the protests are being mischaracterized; every countering message helps. Glad this person spoke up

Well that's a happy note on which to end this day

(Well written though, thank you)

Interestingly, on Gaiman and attribution, he came out with a graphic novel, The Books of Magic, with a main character very similar to Harry Potter. This was 7 years prior to Rowlings publishing the first book. His response to that similarity was equally charitable, chalking it to creators tapping into the same unconscious material. Dude seems to have integrity. I could see another person grousing at the parallels between the two.

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It's really tough to push past and ignore that first part to get to answering your question. Like, that elephant taking up the whole room and trumpeting

Here it is: the start of another generational divide fabricated out of nothing

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As many others are commenting that's, unfortunately, not the concern here. It's theater, and he bombed and his lapses will be broadcast ad nauseum to drive that impression to the impressionable

That headline reads like it's telling us the results of a study

That's a nice looking cell. In the context of America, it might not be selling the point you wanted to make

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I'm trusting y'all to let me know if it's worth it

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Gotta agree. A good discussion will pull me in more than lots of posts

Okay maybe it's because it's late, but what is this four letter word for feminism?

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Going back far enough, scarcity is the answer. We technically live in a post-scarcity world now. But we are bound by the models we developed when it existed.

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As far as effort? You're right

It's an interesting, useful analogy. My concern is that, like with nature, many fear the wild. The moment a rewilding of the internet might lead to a negative event, people would run and beg for the reinstament of walled gardens

That was a cool read, thank you

ITT: a lot of us favoring exactly the weather that climate change is taking away

The issue is being used against Biden though, and not just by Trump pushers. So probably can't get around it being an election issue

Holy shit. So Not The Onion that my brain read it as homosexual not homophobe until I read the comments. I forget how fucked the public discourse is nowadays

I taste cocaine when I read that

Or he could step down with dignity and back his replacement candidate. Seems like that would help sway voters in the Democrats favor

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Add in the Before Sunrise trilogy, also by Linklater

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A montage of you running Hollywood just flashed before my eyes and it was glorious

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This is pretty cool. Rather comforting for the existential dread

I've never played this game. Is this stuff you're describing coming from mods or the original game??

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Fallen was the one I was going to add. Glad to see it here!

Never heard of this. Not with an intention to call you out but rather curiosity, is this substantiated?

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They keep referencing The Outer Worlds for comparison. Wasn't that game kinda panned?

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It's so lame that it just might work

I'm partial to the notion of memetic evolution, which is to say that humans have a concurrent driver of behavior besides our genes. Less so than capability or willingness, I tend to believe that some of the memes driving us are too successful, if that makes sense. They perfectly capitalize on the foibles of the human organism and I just don't believe we're able to surmount that. The only likely way out is running through the painful cycle described in another comment here. We need to suffer sufficiently to initiate a change in the ideas by which we operate

I would very much benefit from a place where I can ask where to ask!

Along the same lines, I've been reading short SF stories here to get away from social media:

Adding to Fallout New Vegas, which others have mentioned, Skyrim. I got into modding but then sold my Xbox and haven't yet gotten into the fuller glory of modding it on PC. And, anyhow, I don't really think of it as a game to finish, just a game to play.

Also haven't completed BG3 despite liking it. I suffer in games what I suffer in life: the desire to experience it all and not close any options. Which is to say, I struggle with the reality of consequences and so avoid choices and commitments

This is the heart of it: Pacing your downloads

In the sense that they make up the vast majority of what is disseminated in our primary digital social spaces, are often pandering to a small set of intellectual properties that people use to define themselves, and end up shaping the way we then respond to the world around us in derivative, abbreviated ways that doesn't foster deep interaction? Kinda, yeah. It gets repetitive.

Blocking certain users and magazines helps. Unfortunately, and moreso in the fediverse, it doesn't unearth much else, tbh. It's just what we be doing in this era. I think there are a lot of societal factors influencing that.

At the same time, the right meme still gives me that dopamine hit. Big fan of greentexts, for example. So I don't dislike memes, per se. Just the glut of them.

Where are real listings found, instead?

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Ditto with red pandas

What do you find is the advantage of these over a mouse?

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Dead Space (remastered, I guess?). Only played a demo version that had 5 minutes of play, way back in the aughts, and have been meaning to try it since.

That improves the painting quite a bit

I want to honor that "homework" is not the easiest undertaking for those with ADHD. The assignments should meet you where you are at. The intention is either (a) to help you rewire, (b) have experiences of successes somewhere that you usually don't or (c) teach externalization skills to compensate for your wiring. Overarching all this, a good therapist will be able to put words to your experience of ADHD. It's really helpful in and of itself to have someone grok you